TR.32.2.1 PMember Load Specification

This set of commands may be used to specify member loads on a physical member (pmember).

General Format

pmember-list { { UNI | UMOM } dir-spec f1 f2 f3 f4 | { CON | CMOM } dir-spec f5 f6 f4 | TRAP dir-spec f7 f8 f9 f10 }


dir-spec = { X | Y | Z | GX | GY | GZ | PX | PY | PZ }
  • X, Y, & Z specify the direction of the load in the local (member) x, y and z-axes.
  • GX, GY, & GZ specify the direction of the load in the global X, Y, and Z-axes.
  • PX, PY, & PZ may be used if the load is to be along the projected length of the member in the corresponding global direction.
f1 value of uniformly distributed load (UNI) or moment (UMOM).
f2, f3 distance of from the start of the member to the start of the load, and distance from the start of the member to the end of the load, respectively. The load is assumed to cover the full member length if f2 and f3 are omitted.
f4 Perpendicular distance from the member shear center to the local plane of loading. The value is positive in the general direction of the parallel (or close to parallel) local axis. If global or projected load is selected, then the local Y component of load is offset the f4 distance; the local Z component is offset the f4 distance; and the local X component is not offset.
f5 value of concentrated force (CON) or moment (CMOM)
f6 distance of from the start of the member to concentrated force or moment. f6 will default to half the member length if omitted.
f7, f8 The starting and ending load value for a trapezoidal linearly varying load (TRAP), respectively. The TRAP load may act over the full or partial length of a member and in a local, global or projected direction.
f9, f10 the loading starting point and stopping point, respectively. Both are measured from the start of the member. If f9 and f10 are not given, the load is assumed to cover the full member length.