AssetWise ALIM Linear Referencing Services Help

Creating/Updating Users

To create a new user:

Click the button in the User Details page. The Create User dialog is displayed. Mandatory fields are outlined in red:

Enter the required information for the new user as described below and click Save when finished.

Name (Required): Enter the name of the individual for whom you are creating a user. This must by unique within the system. A maximum of 30 Characters is allowed.

Initials (Required): Enter the initials of this user. This must be unique within the system. A maximum of 3 characters is allowed.

Job Title (Required)(List): Enter an existing Job Title Code. These codes are set up using Domains and updating the PEO_TITLE_CODE option. (Domains should be a hyperlink.)

Unrestricted (Yes/No switch): If a User is ‘Unrestricted’ they may place Asset Items on a Network irrespective of the Admin Unit of the Asset Item or the Network Element. An Unrestricted User has access to all Asset Types and Items and Merge Queries irrespective of the User Roles or Admin Units granted to them. Only unrestricted users may create new asset types in the Asset Types form (Asset Types should be a hyperlink).

Note: The following Network Operations may only be carried out by a User who is Unrestricted.
  • Close Element
  • Close Route
  • Reclassify

Start Date (Required): Enter the date from which the user is to be active.

End Date (Optional): Enter the date from which the user is to be end dated. This is done by pressing the Delete Record button, followed by the Save button.

Status (Display Only): The Status of the user is displayed.

Admin Unit (Optional)(List): Enter an existing Admin Unit Code. These codes are set up using Admin Units

Note: This Admin Unit is only used for administering admin unit security in Maintenance Manager and UKPMS. Network and Asset security is administered through the use of Admin Units entered in the Admin Units panel displayed be pressing the Admin Units tab.

Username (Required): Enter the username by which this user will be known. This is the name that the User will use to log onto the system. A maximum of 30 characters is allowed.

Password: Enter the password for this user. Note that this password will not be visible as you type. Required only for non-SSO users. See also Forms and SSO Authentication Users. To change your password see the Changing your Password topic.

Temp. Tablespace (Required)(Dropdown): Select a tablespace name from the List of Values. The Temp.Tablespace selected must have been created by the Exor owner during the installation process.

Default Tablespace (Required, Default)(Dropdown): The field will default to the value defined for Product Option USRTBLSPCE in Product Options.

Quota (Required, Default): This is the default quota for the User Table space. The field will default to the value defined for Product Option USRQUOTA in Product Options.

Profile (Required, Default): This is the Oracle User profile and the value will default to the value defined for product option USRPROFILE in Product Options.

Address (Optional): Enter the address of the user.

Postcode/Zip Code (Optional): Enter the postcode of the address for the user.

Telephone Fields and Types: The options for the telephone types are defined in Domains (should be a hyperlink) under the option USER_CONTACT_TYPES. The system values for these fields are:
  • WORK - work number
  • MOBILE – mobile number
  • HOME - home number
  • FAX - fax number

These can be added to as appropriate.

Primary Switches: Only one number can be selected as the primary contact number.

To update the properties of an existing user, access the Users Details page and press the button next to the User name. The Edit User Details dialog opens.

Enter or update the required values for the fields and click Save when finished.