OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Properties dialogs

Used to modify and review Energy Simulator project data from the project to individual room surfaces, sub–surfaces and components. The content displayed on the various Properties For: dialogs are determined by selected project element.

The "Properties For: Project" dialog contains properties pertaining to the active project.

Note: The "Properties For: [object]" dialog is a specialized instance of the Properties dialog which displays only project properties.
Tip: Units Display – Units are displayed using the default system of units that was defined for the project, but can be changed to display using alternative units.
Properties panel Lists all properties of the selected object in groups.
Notifications panel Used to validate project data and resolve issues with project data in real time (as it is being entered in the Properties For: dialogs) via errors, warnings and messages.
OK Closes the Properties dialog, and applies all current changes.
Cancel Closes the Properties dialog, without applying changes.
Apply Applies all current changes made, but does not close the Properties dialog.
Tip: The key-in BBSENERGYANALYSIS SHOW PROPERTIES opens the appropriate Properties For: dialog for the active project component if the Energy Simulator Project Tree dialog is active. For instance, if an exposed wall object is selected from the Energy Simulator Project Tree dialog, then the Properties For: Exposed wall dialog opens when the key-in is issued.
Note: The Properties For: dialogs are accessed from the Energy Simulator Project Tree right click option menus. Select Properties from the menus to view the active project components’ unique set of data properties.