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Building Economics Properties

The Properties for: Building dialog opens when the Building Project Tree object´s pop-up menu is activated in the Energy SimulatorProject Tree dialog box and the Properties menu item is selected. The Fuel factors and Cost tariff panels are located under the Economics heading at the bottom of the dialog box.

It contains controls used to define economic data related to power consumption and emissions attributed to the operation of the project building with respect to its energy design. Monthly utility bills are often directly related to monthly energy consumption and monthly peak demand, and due to the elaborate regulatory environment and the changing value of the energy based on load factor, the calculations involved are often very complicated. Energy Simulator allows you to model the individual component charges that make up the utility bill and report the results on a monthly basis.

Property heading Properties
Fuel factors Contains controls used to define environmental emissions coefficients used to measure the environmental impact the project building has with respect to the compounds listed here.
  • Toolbar — Contains controls used to navigate, create or delete Fuel factor objects. Buildings normally utilize multiple resources, e.g. consume both electricity and natural gas. The new button can add four such sets of fuel factors, one for each of these fuel resource types.

    • Navigate buttons – Located on the left side of the toolbar, the navigate buttons are used to scroll through the Fuel factor objects you have defined for those fuel resource.
    • New – Used to add a new Fuel factor object, for each fuel resource.
    • Delete – Used to delete current Fuel factor object.
  • Fuel resource — Sets the type of fuel used by the project building. The available fuel types are:
    • Electricity
    • Natural gas
    • Fuel oil
    • Propane
    Only one set of fuel factors is allowed for each Fuel Resource type.
  • Unit of measure — Sets the units used to measure the amount of fuel emissions per unit of energy. The choices are:
    • Mass – Default units are in pounds (lbs) for Imperial (IP) projects, and in kilograms (kg) for metric (SI) projects.
    • Volume – Default units are in cubic feet (ft3) for Imperial (IP) projects, and in cubic centimeters (cm3) for metric (SI) projects
  • Energy/Unit factor — Sets the higher heating value of the fuel type.
  • Source energy factor — Sets a factor that is multiplied by the fuel consumption to compute the source energy contribution for the fuel. If a Source energy schedule is also specified, the value Source energy factor specified here, the Source energy schedule value, and the fuel consumption are multiplied together for each timestep to determine the source energy contribution for the fuel.
  • Source energy schedule — Used to select an energy schedule containing the values that are multiplied by the fuel consumption to determine the source energy. Specifically, each value in the schedule are multiplied by the Source energy factor value and by the fuel consumption to determine the source energy consumption for the fuel.
  • CO2 emission factor — Sets the environmental impact coefficient for the Fuel resource for calculating the mass of carbon dioxide (CO2) released into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide gas is naturally produced by animals during respiration and through decay of biomass, and used by plants during photosynthesis. Although it only constitutes 0.04 percent of the atmosphere, it is one of the most important greenhouse gases. The combustion of fossil fuels is increasing carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere, which is believed to be contributing to global warming.
  • CO2 emission schedule — Used to select a CO2 emission schedule containing the values that are multiplied by the fuel consumption to determine the total emission values. Specifically, each value in the schedule are multiplied by the emission factor field value and by the fuel consumption to determine the overall emission factor for the fuel.
  • CO emission factor — Sets the environmental impact coefficient for the Fuel resource for calculating the mass of carbon monoxide (CO) released into the atmosphere. Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless and poisonous gas produced by incomplete fossil fuel combustion. Carbon monoxide combines with the hemoglobin of human beings, reducing its oxygen carrying capacity, with effects harmful to human beings.
  • CO emission schedule — Used to select a CO emission schedule containing the values that are multiplied by the fuel consumption to determine the total emission values. Specifically, each value in the schedule are multiplied by the emission factor field value and by the fuel consumption to determine the overall emission factor for the fuel.
  • CH4 emission factor — Sets the environmental impact coefficient for the Fuel for calculating the mass of methane (CH4) released into the atmosphere. Methane is a colorless, nonpoisonous, flammable gas created by anaerobic decomposition of organic compounds and is one of the more potent greenhouse gases. A major component of natural gas used in the home.
  • CH4 emission schedule — Used to select a CH4 emission schedule containing the values that are multiplied by the fuel consumption to determine the total emission values. Specifically, each value in the schedule are multiplied by the emission factor field value and by the fuel consumption to determine the overall emission factor for the fuel.
  • NOx emission factor — Sets the environmental impact coefficient for the Fuel for calculating the mass of nitrogen oxides (NOx) released into the atmosphere. Nitrogen oxides refers to nitric oxide gas (NO) and nitrogen dioxide gas (NO2) and many other gaseous oxides containing nitrogen. The main source of these gases in urban areas are motor vehicle exhaust and indoor gas stoves and kerosene heaters. The brown haze sometimes seen over cities is mainly nitrogen oxides. These gases are also partly responsible for the generation of ozone, which is produced when nitrogen oxides react with other chemicals in the presence of sunlight. Exposure to high levels of nitrogen dioxide can interfere with the ability of blood to carry oxygen, leading to dizziness and shortness of breath. Prolonged exposure can lead to respiratory failure.
  • NOx emission schedule — Used to select a NOx emission schedule containing the values that are multiplied by the fuel consumption to determine the total emission values. Specifically, each value in the schedule are multiplied by the emission factor field value and by the fuel consumption to determine the overall emission factor for the fuel.
  • N2O emission factor — Sets the environmental impact coefficient for the Fuel for calculating the mass of nitrous oxide(N2O) released into the atmosphere. Relatively inert oxide of nitrogen produced as a result of microbial action in the soil, use of fertilizers containing nitrogen, burning of timber and coil, chemical industry, and so forth. This nitrogen compound may contribute to greenhouse and ozone-depleting effects.
  • N2O emission schedule — Used to select a N2O emission schedule containing the values that are multiplied by the fuel consumption to determine the total emission values. Specifically, each value in the schedule are multiplied by the emission factor field value and by the fuel consumption to determine the overall emission factor for the fuel.
  • SO2 emission factor — Sets the environmental impact coefficient for the Fuel for calculating the mass of sulfur dioxide(SO2) released into the atmosphere. Sulfur dioxide gas is formed when fuel containing sulfur, such as coal and oil, is burned, and when gasoline is extracted from oil, or metals are extracted from ore. Sulfur dioxide reacts with other chemicals in the air to form tiny sulfate particles, associated with increased respiratory symptoms and disease, difficulty in breathing, and premature death. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides react with other substances in the air to form acids, which fall to earth as rain, fog, snow, or dry particles. Acid rain damages forests and crops, changes the makeup of soil, and makes lakes and streams acidic and unsuitable for fish. Sulfur dioxide accelerates the decay of building materials and paints.
  • SO2 emission schedule — Used to select a SO2 emission schedule containing the values that are multiplied by the fuel consumption to determine the total emission values. Specifically, each value in the schedule are multiplied by the emission factor field value and by the fuel consumption to determine the overall emission factor for the fuel.
  • PM emission factor — Sets the environmental impact coefficient for the Fuel for calculating the mass of particulate matter (PM) released into the atmosphere. PM is the sum of all particular matter emitted, including PM10 and PM2.5. Particulate matter, or PM, are particles found in the air, including dust, dirt, soot, smoke, and liquid droplets, which can be suspended in the air for long periods of time. Some particles are large or dark enough to be seen as soot or smoke. Others are so small that individually they can only be detected with an electron microscope. Breathing particulate matter is linked to significant respiratory health problems.
  • PM emission schedule — Used to select a PM emission schedule containing the values that are multiplied by the fuel consumption to determine the total emission values. Specifically, each value in the schedule are multiplied by the emission factor field value and by the fuel consumption to determine the overall emission factor for the fuel.
  • PM10 emission factor — Sets the environmental impact coefficient for the Fuel for calculating the mass of particulate matter 10 (PM10) released into the atmosphere. PM10, includes particles with an aerodynamic diameter of less than 10 microns. These smaller particles are most likely responsible for the adverse health effects on humans because particles so small can reach the thoracic or lower regions of the respiratory tract.
  • PM10 emission schedule — Used to select a PM10 emission schedule containing the values that are multiplied by the fuel consumption to determine the total emission values. Specifically, each value in the schedule are multiplied by the emission factor field value and by the fuel consumption to determine the overall emission factor for the fuel.
  • PM2.5 emission factor — Sets the environmental impact coefficient for the Fuel for calculating the mass of particulate matter 2.5 (PM2.5) released into the atmosphere. The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) national air quality standards for fine particles, also known as PM2.5 standards, are levels allowed in the outdoor air for particulate matter 2.5 microns in diameter or smaller. EPA issued the PM2.5 standards in 1997 to protect human health and the environment. Studies have linked increased exposure to PM2.5 to increases in premature death as well as a range of serious respiratory and cardiovascular effects.
  • PM2.5 emission schedule — Used to select a PM2.5 emission schedule containing the values that are multiplied by the fuel consumption to determine the total emission values. Specifically, each value in the schedule are multiplied by the emission factor field value and by the fuel consumption to determine the overall emission factor for the fuel.
  • NH3 emission factor — Sets the environmental impact coefficient for the Fuel for calculating the mass of ammonia (NH3) released into the atmosphere. Ammonia reacts with nitrogen and sulfur compounds in the atmosphere, mainly nitric and sulfuric acids, to form particulate matter.
  • NH3 emission schedule — Used to select a NH3 emission schedule containing the values that are multiplied by the fuel consumption to determine the total emission values. Specifically, each value in the schedule are multiplied by the emission factor field value and by the fuel consumption to determine the overall emission factor for the fuel.
  • NMVOC emission factor — Sets the environmental impact coefficient for the Fuel for calculating the mass of non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC) released into the atmosphere. Non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC), which include propane, butane, and ethane, are emitted primarily from transportation, industrial processes, and nonindustrial consumption of organic solvents. Volatile organic compounds react with nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere to form ozone.
  • NMVOC emission schedule — Used to select a NMVOC emission schedule containing the values that are multiplied by the fuel consumption to determine the total emission values. Specifically, each value in the schedule are multiplied by the emission factor field value and by the fuel consumption to determine the overall emission factor for the fuel.
  • Hg emission factor — Sets the environmental impact coefficient for the Fuel for calculating the mass of mercury (Hg) released into the accumulate in the environment and is highly toxic if breathed or swallowed. This heavy metal can primary sources of mercury air emissions are coal-fired power plants.
  • Hg emission schedule — Used to select a Hg emission schedule containing the values that are multiplied by the fuel consumption to determine the total emission values. Specifically, each value in the schedule are multiplied by the emission factor field value and by the fuel consumption to determine the overall emission factor for the fuel.
  • Pb emission factor — Sets the environmental impact coefficient for the Fuel for calculating the mass of lead (Pb) released into the atmosphere. Lead is a heavy metal that is hazardous to health if breathed or swallowed. Its use in gasoline, paints, and plumbing compounds has been sharply restricted or eliminated by federal laws and regulations.
  • Pb emission schedule — Used to select a Pb emission schedule containing the values that are multiplied by the fuel consumption to determine the total emission values. Specifically, each value in the schedule are multiplied by the emission factor field value and by the fuel consumption to determine the overall emission factor for the fuel.
  • Water emission factor — Sets the environmental impact coefficient for the Fuel for calculating the volume of water (H2O) consumed or evaporated in the generation of electricity. This is the water consumed in the production of the energy, for instance, electricity off-site evaporated in cooling towers or scrubbers, or in the production or processing of the fuel itself, for instance, refinery for gasoline or diesel.
  • Water emission schedule — Used to select a Water emission schedule containing the values that are multiplied by the fuel consumption to determine the total emission values. Specifically, each value in the schedule are multiplied by the emission factor field value and by the fuel consumption to determine the overall emission factor for the fuel.
  • Nuclear high level emission factor — Sets the environmental impact coefficient for the Fuel for calculating the mass of high-level nuclear waste, removed as spent nuclear fuel from a nuclear reactor once it no longer is efficient at powering the reactor. Once a year, approximately one-third of nuclear fuel is replaced with new fuel. This used fuel is called spent nuclear fuel and is highly radioactive; containing plutonium and other radionuclides. Although there is little information on quantities of high-level nuclear waste, a few utilities are beginning to publish this information.
  • Nuclear high level emission schedule — Used to select a Nuclear high level emission schedule containing the values that are multiplied by the fuel consumption to determine the total emission values. Specifically, each value in the schedule are multiplied by the emission factor field value and by the fuel consumption to determine the overall emission factor for the fuel.
  • Nuclear low level emission factor — Sets the environmental impact coefficient for the Fuel for calculating the volume of low-level nuclear waste, removed from a nuclear reactor after radiation contamination. Low-level waste can come from nuclear reactors or other users of radioactive material, like hospitals or research institutes. Low-level waste is less hazardous than high-level waste.
Cost tariff Contains controls used to define the name of the tariff, the type of tariff, and other details about the overall tariff. Each other object that is part of the tariff model references the tariff name including the Cost charge simple, Cost charge block, Cost ratchet, Cost qualify, and Cost variable objects.
  • Tariff — Displays the name of the tariffs. The list is amended as new tariff objects are defined using the New button, and as they are named in the Name field.
    • New – Used to add a new Tariff object.
    • Delete – Used to delete current Tariff object.
  • Name — Used to enter/edit the name for the tariff. Tariffs are sometimes called rates. The name is used in identifying the output results and in associating all of the charges and other objects that make up a tariff.
    Note: The Cost tariff object is associated with this the rest of cost objects below. Meaning, it works in tandem, e.g. with the Cost qualify —the UtilityCost:Qualify object.
  • Group name — Displays the group name of the tariff such as distribution, transmission, supplier, etc. If more than one tariff with the same group name is present and qualifies, only the lowest cost tariff is used. Usually the group name field is left blank which results in all tariffs using the same meter variable being compared and the lowest cost one being selected.
  • Output meter name — Displays the name of any meter defined but is usually set to ElectricityNet:Facility.
  • Conversion factor choice — Selects a choice that allows several different predefined conversion factors to be used; otherwise, user defined conversion factors are used as defined in the Energy conversion factor and Demand conversion factor properties. The available choices are: The following table shows the conversion factors when specifying one of the predefined choices:
    • Userdefined
    • KWh
    • Therm
    • MMBtu
    • MJ
    • KBtu
    • MCF
    • CCF
    Choice Energy conversion factor Demand conversion factor
    KWh 0.0000002778 0.001
    Therm 9.4781712E-09 0.00003412
    MMBtu 9.4781712E-10 0.000003412
    MJ 0.000001 0.0036
    KBtu 9.4781712E-07 0.003412
    MCF 9.4781712E-10 0.000003412
    CCF 9.4781712E-09 0.00003412
  • Energy conversion factor — Sets a multiplier used to convert energy into the units specified by the utility in their tariff. If left blank, it defaults to 1 (no conversion). This field will be used only if the Conversion factor choice property is set to Userdefined.
  • Demand conversion factor — Sets a multiplier used to convert demand into the units specified by the utility in their tariff. If left blank, it defaults to 1 (no conversion). This field will be used only if Conversion factor choice property is set to Userdefined.
  • Time of use period schedule — Used to select a schedule that defines the time-of-use periods that occur each day. The Time of use period schedule is used to determine which variables are defined.
  • Season schedule — Used to select a schedule that defines the seasons. The change in the Season schedule must occur at the same time as the change in the Monthly schedule. That is, a season must end at the same time as a billing month.
  • Month schedule — Used to select a schedule that defines the billing periods of the year. Normally this entry is allowed to default and a schedule will be internally used that has the breaks between billing periods occurring at the same time as the breaks between months, for instance, at midnight prior to the first day of the month. If other billing periods are used such as two month cycles or a single bill for an entire season, such as some natural gas companies do in the summer, then the month schedule may be used to redefine it.
  • Demand window length — Defines the length of demand time used by your building’s utility provider. The determination of demand can vary by utility. Some utilities use the peak instantaneous demand measured but most use a fifteen minute average demand or a one hour average demand. Some gas utilities measure demand as the use during the peak day or peak week. The choices for Demand window length are:If no value is entered, Quarter hour is assumed. The choice may be overridden based on the value of the simulation timesteps so that they are consistent. For instance, if the number of timesteps are 6 (10 minute timesteps), then Quarter hour is not used and instead Half hour is used. Similarly, If the number of timesteps is 3 (20 minute timesteps), then Quarter hour and Half hour Demand window length values are not used and instead Full hour is used. Day and Week are primarily used by fuel utilities.
    • Quarter hour
    • Half hour
    • Full hour
    • Day
    • Week
  • Monthly charge — Sets the fixed monthly service charge that many utilities have.
  • Minimum monthly charge — Sets the minimum monthly service charge that a utility may have. In the simulation results, the sum of the subtotal and taxes usually equals the total unless a minimum monthly charge has been specified here.
  • Buy or sell — Sets whether the tariff is used for buying, selling or both to the utility. This should be allowed to default to Buy from utility unless a power generation system is included in the building that may generate more power than the building needs during the year. The choices are:
    • Buy from utility – The values from the metered variable are used and are shown as being purchases from the utility.
    • Sell to utility – The values from the metered variable are used for a sell back rate to the utility. The charges in the rate should be expressed as negative values.
    • Net metering – Negative values are used to reduce any positive values during the specific period on the tariff when negative values occur.
  • Real time pricing charge schedule — Used with real time pricing rates. The Real time pricing charge schedule is a schedule that contains the cost of energy for that particular time period of the year. Real time rates can be modeled using a charge schedule with the actual real time prices entered in the schedule. The charges should be consistent with the conversion factor specified in the tariff.
  • Customer baseline load schedule — Used with real time pricing rates and often described as the CBL or customer baseline load. The Customer baseline load schedule is a schedule that contains the baseline energy use for the customer. Many real time rates apply the charges as a credit or debit only to the difference between the baseline use and the actual use. The baseline use is established between the customer and the utility using a contract. If this field is used the baseline use schedule will be used for establishing the total energy and total demand instead of the metered value and the real time rate charge is added or subtracted to the rate calculation using the real time charge schedule. If the Customer baseline load schedule is not used, the real time charge schedule applies to all energy from the meter and total energy and total demand is based on metered value as usual.
Note: The following sections; Cost qualify, Cost ratchet, Cost variable, Cost charge simple and Cost charge block are subsets of Cost tariff, and are used to calculate the overall Cost tariff.
Cost qualify Contains controls used to define the Cost qualify objects that allow only certain Cost tariffs that are modeled to be used in simulations. If the results of the simulation fall outside of the range of qualifications, that Cost tariff is still calculated but the Qualified entry in the simulation results will say No, and the Cost qualify that caused its exclusion is reported.
  • Toolbar — Contains controls used to navigate, create or delete Cost qualify objects. When multiple tariffs from the same utility are modeled and only one of them should be used, make sure that the qualifiers are consistent especially within the same Cost tariff Group name. Multiple Cost qualify objects can appear for a specific rate and they can be based on any variable.

    • Navigate buttons – Located on the left side of the toolbar, the navigate buttons are used to scroll through the Cost qualify objects you have defined.
    • New – Used to add a new Cost qualify object.
    • Delete – Used to delete Cost qualify objects.
  • Name — Used to enter the name used for Cost qualify and displayed if the tariff does not qualify.
  • Variable name — Used to enter the name of the variable used. For energy and demand, the automatically created variables, TotalEnergy and TotalDemand should be used, respectively.
  • Type — Used to select the type of Cost qualify object to be either Minimum and Maximum.
  • Threshold value — Used to set the minimum or maximum value for the Cost qualify object. If the variable has values that are less than the value entered when the Cost qualify type is Minimum then the tariff may be disqualified. If the variable has values that are greater than the value entered, when the Cost qualify type is Maximum then the tariff may be disqualified. For demand, it is still the minimum of the demands set each month even though the demands are, by definition, the peak value for the month. Depending on the Threshold test property selection this minimum applies to all months, some of the months, or just a single month.
  • Threshold test — Used to select the Threshold test to use. Threshold test uses the value entered for the Number of months property in one of two different ways depending on the Threshold test selected. The available tests are:
    • Count – When selected, the qualification is based on the count of the total number of months per year.
    • Consecutive – When selected, the qualification is based on a consecutive number of months.
  • Season — Used to select a season if the Cost qualify only applies to a season. The options are:
    • Annual
    • Winter
    • Spring
    • Summer
    • Fall
  • Number of months — Used to enter a number from 1 to 12. If no value entered, 12 is assumed when the Cost qualify type is Minimum and 1 when the Cost qualify type is Maximum. The Number of months property is the number that the threshold test applies to determine if the rate qualifies or not. If the season is less than 12 months (if it is not annual) then the value is automatically reduced to the number of months of the season.
Cost ratchet Contains controls used to define Cost ratchet objects. The Cost ratchet object allows for the modeling of tariffs that include some type of seasonal ratcheting. Ratchets are most common when used with electric demand charges. A ratchet is when a utility requires that the demand charge for a month with a low demand may be increased to be more consistent with a month that set a higher demand charge.
  • Toolbar — Contains controls used to navigate, create or delete Cost ratchet objects. If multiple Cost ratchets occur in the same Cost tariff, the multiple Cost ratchet objects should be chained together with the Baseline source variable subsequent ratchets referencing the Cost ratchet Name of the previous Cost ratchet. Since the Cost ratchet object can add together two variables, multiply two variables, or take the maximum value between two variables, it may be used for other difficult to model tariffs.

    • Navigate buttons – Located on the left side of the toolbar, the navigate buttons are used to scroll through the Cost ratchet objects you have defined.
    • New – Used to add a new Cost ratchet object.
    • Delete – Used to delete Cost ratchet objects.
  • Name — Used to enter the name of the Cost ratchet and the name of the result of this single ratchet.
  • Baseline source variable — Used to enter the name of the variable used as the baseline value. When the ratcheted value exceeds the baseline value for a month the ratcheted value is used but when the baseline value is greater then the ratcheted value the baseline value is used. Usually the electric demand charge is used. The Baseline source variable can be the results of another ratchet object. This allows utility tariffs that have multiple ratchets to be modeled.
  • Adjustment source variable — Used to enter the variable that the ratchet is calculated from. The Adjustment source variable is often but not always the same as the Baseline source variable. The ratcheting calculations using Offset value and Multiplier value are using the values from the Adjustment source variable.
  • Season from — Used to select the name of the season that is being examined. The maximum value for all of the months in the named season is what is used with the multiplier and offset. This is most commonly Summer or Annual. When Monthly is used, the adjustment source variable is used directly for all months. The choices are:
    • Annual
    • Winter
    • Spring
    • Summer
    • Fall
  • Season to — Used to select the name of the season when the ratchet would be calculated. This is most commonly Winter. The ratchet only is applied to the months in the named season. The resulting variable for months not in the Season to selection will contain the values as appear in the Baseline source variable. The choices are:
    • Annual
    • Winter
    • Spring
    • Summer
    • Fall
  • Multiplier value — Used to set a Multiplier value for the Cost ratchet. Often the ratchet has a clause specifying “The current month demand or 90% of the summer month demand”. In this case a value of 0.9 would be entered here as the Multiplier value. This value may be left blank if no Multiplier value is needed and a value of one will be used.
  • Offset value — Used to set an Offset value for the Cost ratchet. A less common strategy is to say that the ratchet must be all demand greater than a value, in this case an Offset value that is added to the demand can be entered. If entered, it is common for the Offset value to be negative representing that the demand be reduced. If no value is entered it is assumed to be zero and does not affect the Cost ratchet.
Cost variable Contains controls used for the direct entry of monthly values into a variable.
  • Toolbar — Contains controls used to navigate, create or delete Cost variable objects.

    • Navigate buttons – Located on the left side of the toolbar, the navigate buttons are used to scroll through the Cost variable objects you have defined.
    • New – Used to add a new Cost variable object. When clicked enables the Name and Months fields. The default name "Cost variable #" appears in the Name field.
    • Delete – Used to delete Cost variable objects.
  • Name — Used to enter a name for the Cost variable object.
    Note: Once the "Cost variable" is defined here, that will then be then included into Source Variable list in Cost Charge Block for selection.
  • January – December — Used to create entries of the monthly values of the Cost variable. Normally 12 months are used for most utility rates and so 12 values should be entered. If values are not entered for a month, the value of the previous month is used. This allows a variable that is constant for an entire year to be entered using only the first month value.
Cost charge simple Contains controls used to define Cost charge simple objects. The Cost charge simple object is one of the most often used objects for tariff calculation. It is used to compute energy and demand charges that are very simple. It can also be used for taxes, surcharges and any other charges that occur on a utility bill.
  • Toolbar — Contains controls used to navigate, create or delete Cost charge simple objects. As many Cost charge simple objects as needed may be defined for a single tariff and they will be added together.

    • Navigate buttons – Located on the left side of the toolbar, the navigate buttons are used to scroll through the Cost charge simple objects you have defined.
    • New – Used to add a new Cost charge simple object.
    • Delete – Used to delete Cost charge simple objects.
  • Name — Used to enter a name for the Cost charge simple object. This is the name associated with the Cost charge simple object and will appear in the report. In addition, the results of the Cost charge simple calculation are stored in a variable with the same name. That way, the results may be used for further calculation.
  • Source variable — Used to enter the name of the source used by the Cost charge simple object. This is usually the name of the variable holding the totalEnergy or totalDemand but may also be the name of any Category variable including the Subtotal or Basis variables if other charges are based on those.
  • Season — Used to select the name of a season for which the Cost charge simple object is calculated. If set to Annual, the calculations are performed for the Cost charge simple object for the entire year (all 12 months), otherwise it is calculated only for those months in the Season defined. The season is defined by the Season schedule in the Cost tariff object. The choices for seasons are:
    • Annual
    • Winter
    • Spring
    • Summer
    • Fall
  • Category variable — Used to select a Category variable for the Cost charge simple object. All charges get added somewhere in the cost hierarchy. The selected Category variable defines where the charge should be added. The charge automatically gets added to the variable that is the category. The choices are limited to:
    • Energy charges
    • Demand charges
    • Service charges
    • Basis
    • Adjustment
    • Surcharge
    • Subtotal
    • Taxes
    • Total
    • Not included
  • Cost/unit — Used to specify a cost per unit value or variable name. That is the value entered is either a single number or the name of a variable. If a number is entered, the number is multiplied with all of the energy or demand or other source that is specified in the Fuel factors data panel’s Fuel resource property. If a variable is used, then the monthly values of the variable are multiplied against the variable specified in the source field. This makes it easy to include a simple charge without specifying block sizes. It is added to any of the block calculations but is most often used by itself. If no value or variable is entered, a zero is assumed. This is a good way to include a tax or cost adjustment. For Sell to utility tariffs, the values in this field are usually expressed as negative numbers.
Cost charge block Contains controls used to define Cost charge block objects which are used to compute energy and demand charges that are structured in blocks of charges. Cost charge block objects are also used extensively for Cost tariff calculations. They can also be used for taxes, surcharges and any other charges that occur on a utility bill but those are more commonly simple flat charges. The Cost charge simple object is more appropriate for those functions.
  • Toolbar — Contains controls used to navigate, create or delete Cost charge block objects. As many Cost charge block objects as needed can be defined for a single Cost tariff and they will be added together. Cost charge blocks are a structure used by almost all utilities for calculating energy and demand charges and they allow the utility to charge more or less per unit of energy or demand if more units are used.

    • Navigate buttons – Located on the left side of the toolbar, the navigate buttons are used to scroll through the Cost charge block objects you have defined.
    • New – Used to add a new Cost charge block object.
    • Delete – Used to delete Cost charge block objects.
  • Name — Used to enter a name for the Cost charge block. It will appear in the report. In addition, the results of the Cost charge block are stored in a variable with the same name. That way, the results may be used for further calculation.
  • Source variable — Used to enter the name of the source used by the Cost charge block. This is usually the name of the variable holding the energy or demand but may also be the name of any variable including the Subtotal or Basis if other charges are based on those. The list also contains the "Cost variable" defined above.
  • Season — Used to select the name of a season for which the Cost charge block is calculated. If set to Annual, the calculations are performed for the Cost charge block for the entire year (all months) otherwise it is calculated only for those months in the season defined. The choices for seasons are:
    • Annual
    • Winter
    • Spring
    • Summer
    • Fall
  • Category variable — Used to select a Category variable for the Cost charge block object. All charges get added somewhere in the cost hierarchy. The selected Category variable defines where the charge should be added. The charge automatically gets added to the variable that is the category. The choices are limited to:
    • Energy charges
    • Demand charges
    • Service charges
    • Basis
    • Adjustment
    • Surcharge
    • Subtotal
    • Taxes
    • Total
    • Not included
  • Remaining into variable — Used to define a Remaining into variable for the Cost charge block object. If the Cost charge blocks defined do not use all of the energy or demand from the source, some energy and demand remains, then the remaining amount is assigned to the Remaining into variable.
  • Block size multiplier — Used to specify a Block size multiplier for the Cost charge block object. The sizes of the Cost charge blocks are usually used directly but if a value or a variable is entered, the block sizes entered in the rest of the Cost charge block are first multiplied by the Block size multiplier value prior to being used. If no value is entered, a default value of one is assumed so that the block sizes remain exactly as entered.
  • Block size — Used to specify block sizes 1, 2, etc. for the Cost charge block object. For rates that use multiple blocks, this is the value for the first block size. Additional block sizes are entered by using the pop-up menu.
  • Block cost/unit — Used to specify the cost of the Cost charge block object’s block sizes 1, 2, etc. As many blocks can be entered as are needed. Additional block cost/unit are entered by using the pop-up menu.