OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Occupancy Properties

The Properties For: Occupancy dialog opens when the Component: Occupancy Project Tree object’s pop-up menu is activated in the Energy Simulator Project Tree and the Properties menu item is selected.

It contains controls used to view and modify occupancy data for the rooms selected from the project tree. Occupancy data is used to calculate room occupancy gains.

Property heading Properties
Name Used to enter a name for the occupancy component placed in the selected room.
Number of people mode Defines how the number of people are derived for the selected room. The available modes are:
  • Absolute — Used to define the number of people in terms of persons using an integer value. Selecting this mode activates the Number of people setting.
  • People per area — Used to define the number of people in terms of persons per units of area. Selecting this mode activates the People per area setting.
  • Area per person — Used to define the number of people in terms of square units of area per person. Selecting this mode activates the Area per person setting.
Number of people When enabled, used to directly enter the number of people who occupy the selected room.
People per area When enabled, used to define the number of people who occupy the selected room in terms of persons per units of area.
Area per person Used to define the number of people who occupy the selected room in terms of square units of area per person.
Body latent Sets the latent occupancy gain component for the people who occupy the selected room. The Activity type selected sets the default value, but can be changed at any time. The Body latent value is used to calculate the full occupancy gains for the room.
Body sensible Sets the sensible occupancy gain component for the people who occupy the selected room. The Activity type selected sets the default value, but can be changed at any time. The Body sensible value is used to calculate the full occupancy gains for the room.
Body convective Sets the body convection occupancy gain component for the people who occupy the selected room. The Activity type selected sets the default value, but can be changed at any time. The Convection value is used to calculate the full occupancy gains for the room.
Occupancy schedule Sets the occupancy schedule for the selected room.
Activity type Used to select the activity type for the selected room. The activity type the persons who occupy the selected room engage in affects total occupancy gains in the room. When an activity type is selected, Energy Simulator’s energy databases are accessed and the values for Body latent, Body sensible, and Body convective are automatically updated. For instance, activity type Heavy work produces much higher Body latent, Body sensible and Body convective casual heat gain components than activity type Seated at rest does. The available activity types are:
  • Seated at rest
  • Office work
  • Walking
  • Light work
  • Medium work
  • Heavy work
Activity schedule Used to select an activity schedule for the selected room. The drop-down list contains appropriately filtered schedules.