OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Project Properties

The Properties For: Project dialog opens when the Project Project Tree object’s pop-up menu is activated in the Energy Simulator Project Tree dialog and the Properties menu item is selected.

It contains controls used to set project level data properties that persist throughout the project’s life cycle. These properties include how units displayed and which calculation standard will be used. Also included are Calculation and Simulation settings that define the design data considered during heat gain/loss calculations, shadows calculations, and energy simulations.

Property heading Properties
Project The properties under this heading are used to define overall project data.
  • Name — Used to rename the project. By default, the project name is the folder name used to create a new project.
  • Project Path — Displays the directory path to the project folder. Project Path is a read only property.
  • Units — Used to select between IP-Imperial and SI-Metric units systems for the project. The units system selected here persists throughout the Energy Simulator user interface where units are displayed.
  • Units Format — Used to set the units format for projects using the IP-Imperial units system. The options allow you to display values using either decimal or fraction formats. Units Format is disabled when the project units are set to SI – Metric.
  • Standard — Used to set the default calculation standard used by the project; ASHRAE or CIBSE. Energy Simulator is capable of computing and reporting on energy calculations using both standards.
Calculation settings The properties under this heading are used to set the calculation settings used by the gain/loss calculation methods available on the Ribbon Calculations tab’s Steady State Calculations tool group.
  • Room design temperatures — Defines the room design temperatures for the project as Air or Resultant temperatures.
    • Air – When set the heat losses will be computed to maintain the specified room design temperature as an Air temperature (directly measured by a dry bulb thermometer). 
    • Resultant – When set the heat losses will be computed to maintain the specified room design temperature as a Resultant or comfort temperature (defined as 1/2 Air temperature and 1/2 Mean radiant temperature).
  • Produce only simplified results — When on, only simplified results are displayed in calculation and simulation results. This uses less computing resources making simulation and calculation quicker. When off, full results are displayed in calculation and simulation results. This uses more computing resources making simulation and calculation slower, but offers more information about the design.
  • Allow room temperatures to rise — Used to set whether room temperatures are allowed to rise during calculation. If temperatures are allowed to rise, the peak sensible cooling load for the room will be reduced. For instance, the effect of permitting a swing of 2° Celsius will give a different peak cooling load to that obtained by changing the inside design temperature by 2° Celsius as the mean temperature of the room. You should use Allow room temperatures to rise with care, as the method is probably accurate only for temperature rises up to 2° to 3° Celsius only.
    • Yes – The temperature defined in the Temperature rise option will be used by the heat loss calculation.
    • No – Each room included in the calculation will be subject to the specified fixed inside summer design temperature air supply, which will be assumed to occur throughout the day and night.
    • Dynamic – Typically set for use in conjunction with the graph for a single room heat gain calculation.
  • Temperature rise — Used to enter a temperature rise value if the Allow room temperatures to rise calculation option is activated.
Simulation settings The properties under this heading are used to set the simulation settings used by the simulation methods available on the Ribbon > Calculations tab Simulation tool group.
  • Time Steps Per Hour — Used to set the number of sub hourly simulated time steps. Time steps are provided on the drop-down list and can be set to as high as 60 time steps per hour.
  • Loads Convergence Tolerance — Sets the loads convergence tolerance, which represents the value at which loads must agree before reaching convergence. The loads convergence tolerance value is a fraction of the total load.
  • Temperature Convergence Tolerance — Sets the temperature convergence tolerance, which represents the value at which zone temperatures must agree before reaching convergence.
  • Minimum number of warmup days — Sets the minimum number of warm up days before Energy Simulator checks for convergence. If convergence is achieved, the simulation can start. The default of 6 is typical, and is usually enough to avoid false convergences and thus to produce enough temperature and flux history to start the simulation.
  • Maximum Number Of Warmup Days — Sets the maximum number of warm up days that can be run before reaching convergence. The default of 25 is a typical number used for this task; however, some complex buildings (with complex constructions) may require more warmup days. A notification is issued if the simulation “runs” out of days and has not yet converged. The maximum value can be increased if this occurs.
  • Internal Convection Heat Transfer — Heat transfer from internal surfaces is computed by considering convection and radiation separately. The default modelling methods used for convection heat transfer coefficients can be specified for new Energy Simulator projects.
    • ASHRAE simple – Sets the ASHRAE simple modeling standard, which uses fixed values of internal convection coefficients, as defined in the ASHRAE Guide.
    • ASHRAE detailed – Sets the ASHRAE detailed modeling standard, which computes heat transfer coefficients depending on the temperature difference between the air temperature and the particular surface temperature, as detailed in ASHRAE Guide.
  • External Convection Heat Transfer — Heat transfer from external surfaces is computed by considering convection and radiation separately. The default modeling methods used for convection heat transfer coefficients can be specified for new Energy Simulator projects.
    • ASHRAE simple – Sets the ASHRAE simple modeling standard, which uses fixed values of external convection coefficients, as defined in the ASHRAE Guide.
    • ASHRAE detailed – Sets the ASHRAE detailed modeling standard, which computes external heat transfer coefficients based on wind speed as defined in the ASHRAE Guide.
    • MoWiTT - Uses a correlation from measurements by Klems and Yazdanian for smooth surfaces and, therefore, is most appropriate for windows.
    • DOE-2 - Derived from field measurements, DOE-2 uses a correlation from measurements by Klems and Yazdanian for rough surfaces.
    • Adaptive Connection Algorithm - Is a dynamic algorithm that organizes a large number of different convection models and automatically selects the one that best applies.
  • Infiltration Model — For room infiltration, two models are available, a simple air change rate and a multi-zone air flow model.
    • Simple – Sets the simple model as the default for new Energy Simulator projects, which enables you to simply define an air change rate for each room and this simple air change rate is used in design and energy calculations.
    • Multi zone air flow model – Sets the multi-zone air flow model as the default for new Energy Simulator projects, which computes the air flow into, out of and between rooms by analyzing air movement through cracks, joints, trickle ventilators, open windows and doors, roof ventilators and many other flowpaths between rooms. In order to use the multi-zone air flow model, you must have set up air flow paths for each room.
  • Shadow Calculation Frequency — Sets the default time intervals for shadow calculations to occur per design day.
  • Max Figures In Shadow Overlap Calculations — Sets an upper limit on the number of overlapping shadows on a single surface allowed on shadow calculations.
  • Heat Balance Algorithm — Sets the type of heat and moisture transfer algorithm used across the building construction during load calculations. You can select from one of these algorithms:
    • Conduction transfer function – CTF, also known as the state space method, is a commonly used method for heat transfer calculations because they eliminate the need to know temperatures and fluxes within composite building surface constructions. However, CTF becomes progressively more unstable as the Time Steps Per Hour property decreases, and is most apparent for thermally massive constructions.
    • Moisture depth conduction transfer function – A conduction transfer function that incorporates sensible heat diffusion and an inside surface moisture storage algorithm. This algorithm requires additional moisture material property information.
    • Conduction finite difference – A sensible heat only solution that does not account for moisture storage or diffusion.
    • Combined heat and moisture finite element – A coupled heat and moisture transfer and storage algorithm that uses finite differences in constructions and requires further material properties.
  • Heating Sizing Factor — Sets a global heating sizing ratio that is applied to all of the zone design heating loads and air flow rates.
  • Cooling Sizing Factor — Sets a global cooling sizing ratio that is applied to all of the zone design cooling loads and air flow rates.
  • Timesteps in averaging window — Sets the number of load timesteps in the zone design flow sequence averaging window. The default is 1, in which case the calculated zone design flow rates are averaged over the load timestep.
  • Surface Temperature Upper Limit — Sets the temperature upper limits for surfaces, which is considered by algorithms used for iterative heat balance calculations.
  • Consider Shading From Recesses — When on, recesses around windows that can partially shade the glazing are considered for simulation.
  • Consider Shading From Fins — When on, fins defined for each window are included in the shadow calculations.
  • Consider Shading From External Buildings — When on, buildings adjacent to the project building that are set up as part of the shadows calculation are considered.
  • Consider External Reflections — When on, the reflections from external buildings are considered.
  • Consider Full Internal Sun Distribution — When on, heat energy transmitted into the building that is uniformly distributed to all internal surfaces apart from the ceiling is considered.