D. To design steel connections

Before performing a connection design, you should select the appropriate design code and options in the RAM Connection Settings dialog.
  1. Run an analysis.
  2. Select Connection Design in the Workflows panel.

    The RAM Connection Validation dialog opens.
  3. Click Close.
    The RAM Connection Input dialog opens.
  4. Select the Add Load Envelope tool
    The dialog opens.
  5. Select the loads you wish to use for design and then click OK.
    This can be an existing load envelope or a selection of loads and load combinations.
  6. Select the joint(s) you wish to add connections to.
    Selected joints are highlighted with red dots.
  7. In the Connection Design ribbon tab in the Assign Connections group, select the appropriate tool corresponding to the connection assignment you want to make:
    In the corresponding Connection dialog, you can select which design code and the connection template you wish to use for the selected joint's design brief.
  8. Click OK to assign the templates and design the connections.

    The Connection Design dialog will display a list of all connection assignments.

  9. Click Close to dismiss the dialog.
    A list of connections and basic information is displayed in the table.