D.RAM Connection Input table

Contains tools to generate new connection designs and contains all previously designed connections.

Opens when the Connection | Connection page is selected.


Icon Description Same Effect as Selecting

Load Envelope

Opens the dialog, which is used to select load cases and combinations to include in the load envelope for steel connection design. Connection Design >  Load Envelope For Connection

RAM Connection Settings

Opens the dialog, which is used to set the default design code and grouping toggle. Connection Design >  Assign RAM Connection Settings

Assign Basic Connections

Opens the dialog, which is used to assign basic connection templates to selected joints. Connection Design > Assign Basic Connections

Assign Smart Connections

Opens the dialog, which is used to assign smart connection templates to selected joints. Connection Design > Assign Smart Connections

Assign Gusset Connections

Opens the dialog, which is used to assign gusset connection templates to selected joints. Connection Design > Assign Gusset Connections

Show RAM Database

Opens the dialog, which is used to review additional material data required by RAM Connection for the design of steel connections. Connection Design > Assign RAM Materials

Identify Beam-Girder

Opens the dialog, which is used to switch beam and girder assignments in a Beam-Girder connection.

Connection Design > Identify Beam and Girder

Export Connection Reports

Opens dialog, which is used to manage connections and other report details to include in an report. Connection Design > Export Connections report


Once a Connection is established the following information will be displayed in the Input grid:

  • Connection Name
  • Template used for the Connection
  • Description of the Connector
  • Node (where the Joint is created )
  • Members which participated in the connection