G. Purpose of a Pushover Analysis

It is expected that most buildings rehabilitated in accordance with a standard, would perform within the desired levels when subjected to the design earthquakes. Structures designed according to the existing seismic codes provide minimum safety to preserve life and in a major earthquake, they assure at least gravity-load-bearing elements of non-essential facilities will still function and provide some margin of safety. However, compliance with the standard does not guarantee such performance. They typically do not address performance of non-structural components neither provide differences in performance between different structural systems. This is because it cannot accurately estimate the inelastic strength and deformation of each member due to linear elastic analysis. Although an elastic analysis gives a good indication of elastic capacity of structures and indicates where first yielding will occur, it cannot predict failure mechanisms and account for redistribution of forces during progressive yielding.

To overcome this disadvantages different nonlinear static analysis method is used to estimate the inelastic seismic performance of structures, and as the result, the structural safety can be secured against an earthquake. Inelastic analysis procedures help demonstrate how buildings really work by identifying modes of failure and the potential for progressive collapse. The use of inelastic procedures for design and evaluation is an attempt to help engineers better understand how structures will behave when subjected to major earthquakes, where it is assumed that the elastic capacity of the structure will be exceeded. This resolves some of the uncertainties associated with code and elastic procedures.

The practice of earthquake engineering is rapidly evolving to understand the behavior of buildings subjected to strong earthquakes. In order to be able to predict such behavior pushover analysis is performed. The overall capacity of a structure depends on the strength and deformation capacities of the individual components of the structure. In order to determine capacities beyond the elastic limit some form of nonlinear analysis, like Pushover Analysis, is required. It is a new performance based seismic design to achieve analytically a structural design that will reliably perform in a prescribed manner under one or more seismic environment.