G.11 Member and PlateOffsets

Some members or elements in a structure may not be concurrent with the incident joints thereby creating offsets. This offset distance is specified in terms of global or local coordinate system (i.e., X, Y, and Z distances from the incident joint).

Secondary forces induced, due to this offset connection, are taken into account in analyzing the structure and also to calculate the individual member or element forces.

In the case of members, the new offset centroid of the member can be at the start or end incidences and the new working point will also be the new start or end of the member. Therefore, any reference from the start or end of that member will always be from the new offset points.

Example of Member Offsets

Figure 1. Example of working points (WP)

In the figure above, WP refers to the location of the centroid of the starting or ending point of the member.

1 END -6
2 END -6 -9

See TR.25.1 Member Offset Specification for details.

Example of Plate Offsets

Figure 2. Example of working point (WP) represented by element offsets
1 JT1 LOCAL 6 0 -4
1 JT2 LOCAL 6 0 -4