OS. To create the text fields and labels

  1. Select the Add Text tool.
  2. Click somewhere near the top, left corner of the form.
  3. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to add four additional text labels along the left side of the dialog.
    This does not have to be precise. The labels and fields will be aligned by coordinates in a later step.
  4. Select the Add TextBox tool.
  5. Click a point to the right of the first label to add a data field in the form.
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to add three additional text boxes.
  7. Edit the location and caption for the first label:
    1. Right-click on the first label.
      The Edit Text Properties dialog opens.
    2. Type the following values to define the label layout:
      • Left = 20
      • Top = 20
      • Width = 190
      • Height = 15 (default if you placed with a click)
    3. Type No. of Horizontal Bays: in the Caption field.
      Leave the remaining fields as their defaults.
    4. Click >>.
      The properties for the next control added are displayed. This allows you to quickly make changes to the controls without the need to close and reopen this dialog.
  8. Repeat step 7 to update the layout and caption for the remaining text labels as indicated below.
    Label Name Rectangle (Left, Top, Width, Height) Label Text
    Text2 20,45,190,15 No. of Vertical Bays:
    Text3 20,70,190,15 Vertical Distance:
    Text4 20,95,190,15 Horizontal Distance:
    Text5 20,130,190,15 Support Type:
    When you click >> on Text5, the Edit TextBox Properties dialog opens for the first text box control.
  9. Edit the location and name for the text box:
    1. Type the following values to define the text box:
      • Left = 220
      • Top = 20
      • Width = 130
      • Height = 15
    2. Type clmn in the Field field.
      This is the object name which the macro will use for this text box.
    3. Click >>.
      The properties for the next control added are displayed.
  10. Repeat step 9 to update the layout and field name for the remaining text boxes as indicated below.
    Text Box Name Rectangle (Left, Top, Width, Height) Field Name
    TextBox2 220,40,130,15 row
    TextBox3 220,70,130,15 ht
    TextBox4 220,95,130,15 wdth
  11. Click Close.