OS.To get the user values

  1. Place your cursor just after the Debug.Print "OK Button pressed" line and then press Enter several times to create additional space between this and the following line beginning with ElseIf.
  2. Type the following commands to populate the variables with the values the user types into the dialog:
            'Get the values
            clmn = Abs( CDbl(dlg.clmn) )
            row = Abs( CDbl(dlg.row) )
            ht = Abs( CDbl(dlg.ht) )
            wdth = Abs( CDbl(dlg.wdth) )
            sprt = CStr(dlg.sprt)
  3. Type the following debug statements to provide back the captured values:
            Debug.Print "No. of Horizontal Bays = ";clmn
            Debug.Print "No. of Vertical Bays = ";row
            Debug.Print "Vertical Distance = ";ht
            Debug.Print "Horizontal Distance = ";wdth
            Debug.Print "Support Type = ";sprt
  4. Type the following command to set the initial values for the coordinate variables:
            crdx = 0
            crdy = 0
            crdz = 0