GS. To validate installation with benchmark results

To run the set of validation examples in your installed environment and compare results with the benchmark set of output files, use the following procedure.

Before you begin, close any open STAAD models.

This tool is used to expedite the validation process for accounts with a Nuclear QA&R subscription and allow the QA&R version to be distributed to account team members.

  1. On the Start page, select the Nuclear QA&R tab.
    The Analysis/Design Engine Tester page opens.
  2. Optional: To set the tolerances for acceptance of numerical values:
    1. Click Options.
      The Verification Test Options dialog opens.
    2. Set the Tolerance value for reporting differences in numbers.
      Numerical differences which exceed this value will reported as failures in the check.
    3. Set the Threshold value for suppressing checks of very small numbers.
      Only numbers which exceed this value in either the reference or test documents will be checked for differences.
    4. Click OK.
  3. Select the Benchmark Folder to use.
    You must select the root folder which contains both the QA&R verification files and the verified output. These files are supplied separately from the installation. Contact your administrator for these files.
  4. Click Run.
    STAAD.Pro will run the analysis for each of the selected files, using multi-core processing when available. Those files in progress are indicated with a yellow dot. A progress bar indicates the overall progress.
When complete, a summary of the files is presented below the progress bar:
  • Number of Failed
  • Number OK
  • Number Missing Reference (these are files which do not have a file with the same name in the compared directory)
The following differences are ignored when comparing the output files:
  • whitespaces
  • letter case
  • any floating point value differences below the threshold setting
Select any file to see the line-by-line comparison of the Benchmark and Test files.

Any detected differences are highlighted. Use the Next and Prev buttons to navigate to each differences within the pair of files compared.