M. To detect and remove zero length members

A zero length member is one of the undesirable consequences of having duplicate nodes in the structure. A member connected between duplicate nodes, which have the same (X,Y,Z) coordinates, will have a length of zero (or nearly zero).
  1. On the Utilities ribbon tab, select the Beam Tools > Check Zero Length Members tool in the Geometry Tools group.
    The Zero length beams dialog opens.
  2. Optional: Type a different tolerance in the Enter Tolerance field.

    Since duplicate nodes can be two or more nodes separated by any user-defined distance, zero length members too can be defined as members of any user defined length. This distance is the tolerance used in the process of detection.

  3. Click OK.

    If no members of zero length are detected, a message is displayed.

    If one or more zero length members are detected, the Detect Zero Length Member dialog opens.

  4. Select a zero length member in the list and then click Delete to remove the beam.
  5. Repeat Step four as necessary until all zero length members are removed.
  6. Click Close.