M. To draw a solid connecting existing nodes

To draw a solid with 4 to 8 nodes connecting existing nodes, use the following procedure.

You model must have at least four nodes which do not all lie in the same plane.
The basic solid element consists of 8 nodes. However, by collapsing nodes together progressively, different three-dimensional solid shapes can be formed. The minimal number of nodes is a four-noded, pyramidal shape.
  1. On the Geometry ribbon tab, select one of the tools in the Add Solid menu in the Solid group.

    Use this tool…To…
    create eight-noded solid elements (i.e., a cuboid)
    create seven-noded solid elements
    create six-noded solid elements (i.e., a triangular prism)
    create five-noded solid elements (i.e., a rectangular pyramid)
    create four-noded solid elements (i.e., a triangular pyramid, or tetrahedron)
    The mouse pointer changes to either the Add Solid cursor ().
  2. Click on any node that will form the first corner of the solid element.
    A line is rubber banded to the cursor from this node. This represents the first edge of the solid.
  3. Continue clicking on nodes up to the number corresponding to the tool selected in step 1.
    It is important that you click the nodes in an order which does not result in a negative volume.
    1. Click on the node counter-clockwise to the first node on the same face.
    2. Click the subsequent nodes on the same face in a counter-clockwise order.
    3. Click on a node on the opposing face.
    4. Click on the node counter-clockwise to the first opposing face node.
    5. Click the subsequent nodes on the opposing face in a counter-clockwise order.
    Figure 1. Select nodes in a counter-clockwise order from an outside view perspective on one face and then repeat on the opposing face.
The solid element is added to the model.