To search for text in the help content

  1. In the Enter search terms field, type the word or phrase for which you are searching.
  2. Either:
    • Click Search
    • Press Enter
    Results of the search display on the Search tab.
  3. Click the title of any search result.
  4. Optional: Search for a term within a topic:
    1. Press Ctrl+F
      Your browser's search dialog opens.
    2. Type the word or phrase for which you are searching.
    3. Click Next to find each occurrence of the text in this topic.

Search results vary based on the quality of the search criteria entered in the Search field. The more specific the search criteria, the more narrow the search results. You can improve your search results by improving the search criteria. For example, a word is considered to be a group of contiguous alphanumeric characters. A phrase is a group of words and their punctuation. A search string is a word or phrase on which you search.