I. Command Line Syntax

The following format is used when running STAAD.Pro from the command line interface.


<path>\SProStaad\SProStaad.exe STAAD <input_file> [Options]


<path> the installation path for STAAD.Pro, which is C:\Program Files\Bentley\Engineering\STAAD.Pro 2024\ STAAD\ by default.
<input_file> the name of the STAAD input file you want to use as input.
Expressions in square brackets (between '[' and ']') are optional, and can take one of the following values if used:
Run silently and auto close at the end of run
Run silently and hidden


The following is a simple example which can be run from a directory containing Example.std.

"C:\Program Files\Bentley\Engineering\STAAD.Pro 2023\STAAD\SProStaad\SProStaad.exe" STAAD Example.std /s

When the analysis and design engine is complete, it will close as a result of using the 'silent' option. Otherwise, this window must be manually closed.

The following examples use shell or scripting languages to run a set of example input files through the STAAD Analysis & Design engine. Each of these will process all of the STAAD input files beginning with the string US- within the

No additional windows will open while the analysis and design engine runs as a result of using the hidden option.

python Example

This python script makes use of the for statement to loops through the files.

The following can be saved as a python script (.py) in any text editor. This script does require the installation of python 3 as well as importing several common python libraries for use with file operations. Visit https://www.python.org/ for additional information about downloading, installing, and using python 3.

import os, subprocess, pathlib
# Create a new variable with the location of the SProStaad.exe file
SProInst="C:\Program Files\Bentley\Engineering\STAAD.Pro 2023\STAAD\SProStaad"
# Add this to the system path variable for this session
os.environ["PATH"] += os.pathsep + SProInst + os.pathsep
# Create a variable to the default location of the STAAD US Example files; note the escaped 'U' in the path
USExamps= os.environ["PUBLIC"] + "\Documents\STAAD.Pro 2023\Samples\Sample Models\\US"

for path in pathlib.Path(USExamps).glob('**/US-*.std',):
    subprocess.run(['SProStaad', 'STAAD', path, '/h'])

Windows PowerShell Example

This PowerShell script makes use of the foreach statement to loop through the input files.

The following can be saved as a PowerShell script (.ps1) in any text editor. PowerShell is installed on most current Windows systems by default, but if you need to install PowerShell or want to learn more about this scripting language, visit https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/.

# Create a new variable with the location of the SProStaad.exe file
$SProInst="C:\Program Files\Bentley\Engineering\STAAD.Pro 2023\STAAD\SProStaad"
# Add this to the system path variable for this session
$Env:PATH += ";$SProInst"
# Create a variable to the default location of the STAAD US Example files
$USExamps="$Env:PUBLIC\Documents\STAAD.Pro 2023\Samples\Sample Models\US"

Set-Location -Path $USExamps
foreach ($file in Get-ChildItem $USExamps -Filter "US-*.std") {
    SProStaad.exe STAAD $file /s
    Start-Sleep 2 # this prevents the loop from runnig all the STAAD files nearly simultaneously
    Write-Output $file.Name

Batch File Example

This batch file makes use of the FOR statement to loop through the input files.

The following can be saved as a batch file (.bat) in any text editor.

::Create a new variable with the location of the SProStaad.exe file
SET SProInst="C:\Program Files\Bentley\Engineering\STAAD.Pro 2023\STAAD\SProStaad"
::Add this to the system path variable for this session
SET PATH="%PATH%";%SProInst%
::Create a variable to the default location of the STAAD US Example files
SET USExamps="%PUBLIC%\Documents\STAAD.Pro 2023\Samples\Sample Models\US"
FOR %%f IN (%USExamps%\US-*.std) DO (
    ECHO %%~nf
    SProStaad.exe STAAD "%%~nf.std" /h