I. Converting Models to STAAD

STAAD.Pro includes tools to convert legacy file formats to STAAD input files.

Microstran Files

The following obects are converted:
  • Nodes
  • Members
  • Member Types
  • Materials
  • Sections Properties
  • Releases and Offsets
  • Supports
  • Control-Dependent
  • Load cases
  • Load combinations
  • Z-Up/X-Up/Y-Up - The Microstran model will be converted according to global axes convention in STAAD.Pro.
The following items are not converted:
  • Analysis options
  • Design
  • Member type: gap and fuse are not supported
  • Loading types not supported:
    • Distributed (DIST)
    • Trapezoidal moment (TRAP Moment)
    • Triangular moment (TRI1 and TRI2 Moment)

Multiframe Files

The following objects are converted as described:

  • Joints - converted to nodes
  • Members including orientation (called beta angle in STAAD.Pro)
  • End offsets - offset 1 are start local offsets and offset 2 are end local offsets
  • Patches - converted to parametric models (including plate elements, nodes, and openings)
  • Linked joints - converted to control-dependant node relationships, including degrees of freedom
  • Restraints - including member releases
  • Sections - those sections not mapped to standard database sections are converted to UPT or prismatic sections
  • Materials - converted to isotropic material definitions
  • Springs
  • Load cases
    • the self weight load case acceleration is converted to a self weight load case with corresponding factor
  • Load items - member loads, joint loads, and patch loads should be categorized separately
    • Self weight
    • Uniform loads
    • Linear loads
    • Concentrated loads
    • Triangular loads and Tri-linear loads - converted to two or three trapezoidal loads, respectively
    • Thermal loads
The following items are not converted:
  • Spring members
  • Load panels
  • Patch edge releases
  • Analysis options
  • Design