I. Home tab

Table 1. Clipboardgroup
Tool Name Description Shortcut

Pastes the clipboard contents (text only) at the cursor position. Ctrl+V

Copies the selected contents to the clipboard and deletes the original. Ctrl+X

Copies the selected contents to the clipboard. Ctrl+C
Table 2. Editinggroup
Tool Name Description Shortcut

Undoes the last action in the editor. Ctrl+Z

Reverses the last undo action. Ctrl+Y

Changes the current line (or lines, if a selection spans multiple lines) to a comment (i.e., adds an asterisk (*) at the beginning of the line so it is ignored by STAAD.Pro).

Changes a commented line or lines back to commands to be interpreted by STAAD.Pro.
Table 3. Searchinggroup
Tool Name Description Shortcut

Opens the Find and Replace panel to the Quick Find tab, which is used to find strings that match the input. Ctrl+F

Go to
Opens the Go To Line dialog, which is used to move the cursor to a specified line number.

Opens the Find and Replace panel to the Quick Replace tab, which is used to replace any matched strings with a different string. Ctrl+H
Table 4. Bookmarksgroup
Tool Name Description Shortcut

Adds a bookmark to the line where the cursor is located. Ctrl+F2

Clears all bookmarks from the current input file.

Jumps the cursor to the previous bookmark, if present, in the current input file. Shift+F2

Jumps the cursor to the next bookmark, if present, in the current input file. F2
Table 5. Outlininggroup
Tool Name Description

Collapses all top-level blocks in the text editor for the current input file.

Expands all blocks in the text editor for the current input file.
Table 6. Viewgroup
Tool Name Description

Opens then Contents panel.

Error List
Opens then Error List panel.

Opens then Bookmarks panel.
Table 7. Toolsgroup
Tool Name Description

Check Syntax
Checks for errors in the current input file. Any errors, warnings, or messages are dipslayed in the Error List panel.

Opens then STAAD.Pro Unit Converter program, which can be used to convert a vareity of common units.

Opens then Calculator program, which can be used for basic calculations.
Table 8. Misc controls on the Home ribbon tab
Tool Name Description

Used to change settings in the STAAD.Pro Editor program.

Always On Top
Used to keep the STAAD.Pro Editor in the foreground, in front of all other Windows (regardless of focus). This feature is active when the icon is highlighted. Select again to deactivate.