I. Typing Commands

Code Completion

As you type commands, the STAAD.Pro Editor will offer suggestions to complete the command you are typing in the form of a drop-down list. This list is context-sensitive based on the preceding commands.

As you continue typing, the list will respond by narrowing to complete the word you are typing. You can use your mouse or the arrow keys to select a command from the list. Press Enter or Tab to accept the highlighted command keyword.

Table Sizes

Similarly, within a MEMBER PROPERTY country block, the corresponding country section tables are available for selecting sections. After typing TABLE and any additional specification options, the table sections will open as a drop-down list. You can continue typing to narrow the list or use your mouse to select one of the shape tabs for that table.

Context-Sensitive Command Help

Pressing F1 opens the Technical Reference help to the topic corresponding to the current input command.