8D.D.8 Design Parameters

Table 1. Indian Steel Design IS 802 Parameters
Parameter Name Default Value Description
CNSF 0.0

This parameter indicates whether user has defined the net section factor or the program will calculate it.

  • 0) Use specified NSF value
  • 1) Net section factor will be calculated.

This parameter indicates how the pair of angles are connected to each other. This is required to find whether the angle is in single or double shear and the net section factor.

  • 0) Double angle placed back-to-back and connected to each side of a gusset plate
  • 1) Pair of angle placed back-to-back connected by only one leg of each angle to the same side of a gusset plate
DBL 12 mm Diameter of bolt for calculation of number of bolts and net section factor.
DMAX 100.0 cm. Maximum allowable depth.
DMIN 0.0 cm. Minimum allowable depth.
ELA 1.0 This parameter indicates what type of end conditions is to be used. Refer to 8D.D.3 Stability Requirements.
FVB 218 MPA Allowable shear stress in bolt
FYB 436 MPA Allowable bearing stress in bolt
FYLD 250 MPA Yield Strength of steel

Thickness of gusset plate.

Minimum of the thicknesses of the gusset plate and the leg is used for calculation of the capacity of bolt in bearing

KY 1.0 K value in local y-axis. Usually, this is minor axis.
KZ 1.0 K value in local z-axis. Usually, this is major axis.
LEG 1.0

This parameter is meant for plain angles.

  • 0) The angle is connected by shorter leg
  • 1) The angle is connected by longer leg
LY Member Length Unbraced length in local z-axis to calculate slenderness ratio.
LZ Member Length Unbraced length in local z-axis to calculate slenderness ratio.
MAIN 1.0

Type of member to find allowable Kl/r for slenderness calculations for members.

  • 1) Leg, Ground wire peak and lower members of cross arms in compression (KL/r = 120)
  • 2) Members carrying computed stress  (KL/r =  200)
  • 3) Redundant members and members carrying nominal stresses (KL/r = 250)
  • 4) Tension members (KL/r = 400)
  • 10) Do not perform KL/r check

Any value greater than 10.0 indicates user defined allowable KL/r ratio. For this case KY and KZ values are must to find actual KL/r ratio of the member.

NSF 1.0 Net section factor for tension members
NHL 0.0 mm

Deduction for holes.

Default value is one bolt width plus 1.5 mm.  If the area of holes cut by any straight, diagonal or zigzag line across the member is different from the default value, this parameter is to be defined.


Level of output detail:

  • 0) Suppress critical member stresses
  • 1) Print all critical member stresses
  • 2) Print expanded output.
  • 9) Print design calculations along with expanded output (not available in GUI input).