D8.A.4 Design Parameters

The program contains a large number of parameter names which are required to perform design and code checks.  These parameter names, with their default values, are listed in the following table.

Table 1. Indian Steel Design IS 800:2007 Parameters
Parameter Name Default Value Description
CODE - Must be specified as IS800 LSD

Design code to follow. See TR.48.1 Parameter Specifications.

ALPHA 0.8 A factor, based on the end-connection type, controlling the Rupture Strength of the Net Section, as per Section 6.3.3:
  • 0.6) For one or two bolts
  • 0.7) For three bolts
  • 0.8) For four or more bolts
  • 0.9) For threaded rods (per Section 6.3.2)

The location of the angle section through which the axial load passes by. It will only work if the section is single angle. The options are:

  • 0) Centroid.
  • 1) any of the legs.

If the value is zero, it means the member is loaded through centroid. In that case Flexural-torsional buckling will not be checked.

ATG None (Mandatory for Block Shear check)

Minimum Gross Area in Tension from the bolt hole to the toe of the angle, end bolt line, perpendicular to the line of the force.

ATN None (Mandatory for Block Shear check)

Minimum Net Area in Tension from the bolt hole to the toe of the angle, end bolt line, perpendicular to the line of the force.

AVG None (Mandatory for Block Shear check)

Minimum Gross Area in shear along bolt line parallel to external force.

AVN None (Mandatory for Block Shear check)

Minimum Net Area in shear along bolt line parallel to external force.


0) design at ends and those locations specified by the SECTION command.

1) design at ends and at every 1/12th point along member length (default).

CAN 0.0 Beam Type, used for both deflection checks and the limit of bending strength in clause
  • 0) General Member, no limit used in clause, member deflection taken as the distance from the displaced end points of the member (DJ1, DJ2)
  • 1) Cantilever Member, Md limited in clause, member deflection taken as the cantilever deflection as defined D1.B.1.2 Design Parameters .
  • 2) Simply Supported Member, Md limited in clause The member deflection is taken as the same as a general member.
CMX 0.9 Equivalent uniform moment factor for Lateral Torsional Buckling(as per Table 18, section



0.9 Cm value in local Y & Z axes, as per Section
DFF None(Mandatory for deflection check) Deflection Length / Maximum allowable local deflection.

See TR.40 Load Envelope for deflection checks using serviceability load envelopes.

DJ1 Start Joint of member Joint No. denoting starting point for calculation of Deflection Length.
DJ2 End Joint of member Joint No. denoting end point for calculation of Deflection Length.
DMAX 1000 in. Maximum allowable depth.
DMIN 0.0 in. Minimum allowable depth.
FU 420 MPA Ultimate Tensile Strength of Steel in current units.

The fixity of the connection between gusset plate and each end of member. Any value between 0 and 1 is allowed where 1 = Fixed and 0 = Hinged. Default is hinged.

A value between 0 and 1 means the level of fixity that is between hinged and fixed. This value will be used to calculate the coefficients k1, k2 and k3 of table 12 by linear interpolation between their specified values for the two extreme (hinged and fixed) conditions.

FYLD 250 MPA Yield Strength of Steel in current units.

(LSD method only) Member classification for seismic detailing per Section 12 provisions:

  • 0) Beam Member (default)
  • 1) Column Member
  • 2) Bracing (secondary member)

See note b below.

KX 1.0 Effective Length Factor for Lateral Torsional Buckling (as per Table-15, Section 8.3.1)
KY 1.0 K value in local Y-axis. Usually, the Minor Axis.
KZ 1.0 K value in local Z-axis. Usually, the Major Axis.
LAT 0 Specifies lateral support of beam, as per Section 8.2.1 and 8.2.2, respectively:
  • 0) Beam is laterally unsupported
  • 1) Beam is laterally supported
LST 0 Defines the number of longitudinal stiffeners used:
  • 0) No longitudinal stiffener
  • 1) Longitudinal stiffener is provided at 0.2D of web from the compression flange
  • 2) Longitudinal stiffeners are provided at 0.2D and 0.5D of the web from the compression flange
LX Member Length Effective Length for Lateral Torsional Buckling (as per Table-15, Section 8.3.1)
LY Member Length Length to calculate Slenderness Ratio for buckling about local Y axis.
LZ Member Length Same as above except in Z-axis (Major).
MAIN 180 Allowable Slenderness Limit for Compression Member (as per Section 3.8)
  • 0 = the default value will be used
  • -1 = the slenderness check will not be performed (any other negative value will be ignored
MTH0(LSD method only) Determines the method used for considering shear buckling:
  • 1) Consider CL (a) only when the section experiences high shear force. This preserves existing results unless specifically chosen by the user.
  • 2) Consider CL (a) irrespective of high shear force presence (e.g., when d/tw > 67e).
NBL 1 The number of bolts connecting each end of member with the gusset plate. The options are :
  • 0) one bolt.
  • 1) two or more bolts or weld.
NSF 1.0 Net Section Factor for Tension Member.

Used to search for the lightest section for the profile(s) specified for member selection. See TR.48.1 Parameter Specifications for details.

PSI 1.0 Ratio of the Moments at the ends of the laterally unsupported length of the beam, as per Section
  • 0.8) where Factored Applied Moment and Tension can vary independently
  • 1.0) For any other case
RATIO 1.0 Permissible ratio of the actual to allowable stresses.

(LSD method only) Specifies if the detailing per Section 12 provisions is performed:

  • 0) will not perform the detailing for the earthquake load (by default)
  • 1) will perform the detailing for the earthquake load

See Note a below.

STP 1 Specifies the section type per Table 2 and Table 10:
  • 1) Hot rolled section
  • 2) Welded section

(LSD method only) Seismic bracing condition along the local Y axis (see note c below):

  • 0- Unbraced along the local Y axis
  • 1- Ordinary Concentrically Braced Frames (OCBF) in the local Y direction (R=4) applicable for X bracing only
  • 2- Special Concentrically Braced Frame (SCBF) in the local Y direction (R=4.5) applicable for column or X bracing only
  • 3- Ordinary Moment Frame (OMF) in the local Y direction (R=4)
  • 4- Special Moment Frame (SMF) in the local Y direction (R=5)

(LSD method only) Seismic bracing condition along the local Z axis (see note c below):

  • 0- Unbraced along the local Z axis
  • 1- Ordinary Concentrically Braced Frames (OCBF) in the local Z direction (R=4) applicable for X bracing only
  • 2- Special Concentrically Braced Frame (SCBF) in the local Z direction (R=4.5) applicable for column or X bracing only
  • 3- Ordinary Moment Frame (OMF) in the local Z direction (R=4)
  • 4- Special Moment Frame (SMF) in the local Z direction (R=5)
TMAIN 400 Allowable Slenderness Limit for Tension Member (as per Section 3.8)
  • 0 = the default value will be used
  • -1 = the slenderness check will not be performed (any other negative value will be ignored
TRACK 0 Controls the levels of detail to which results are reported.
  • 0) Minimum detail
  • 1) Intermediate detail level
  • 2) Maximum detail
TSP 0 Spacing of transverse stiffeners.
TST 0 Used to control transverse stiffeners in design:
  • 0) No Transverse Stiffener is provided
  • 1) Transverse Stiffener is provided


  1. The program will detail members as per the Section 12 provisions if the design parameter SEISMIC is set to 1. It is also recommended that a seismic load using an IS 1893 load definition is in the model. Seismic definitions using other seismic codes are not supported.
  2. By default, all the members are considered as main members (i.e., IMM = 0). The scope for the seismic detailing depends upon the framing type. The program cannot determine the member or bracing type.

    For example, the detailing guidelines for OCBF framing are applicable for X type of bracing only. Therefore, you must assign the appropriate member type (IMM = 2) for the bracing members.

  3. The response reduction factor, R, will be determined from the parameters SSY and SSZ. If this R differs from the that defined in the seismic load list, the program issues a warning.
  4. The material strength values are first take from the FYLD and FU parameters if specified. If no design parameters have been specified for material strengths, then the values in the material definition are used. If no material definition has been assigned, then the default parameter values of Fy = 250 MPa and Fu = 420 MPa are assumed.