D8.G.6 Bar Combination

Initially the program selects only one bar to calculate the number of bars required and area of steel provided at each section along the length of the beam. You may use the BAR COMBINATION command to specify two bar diameters to calculate a combination of each bar to be provided at each section. The syntax for bar combination is given below.

MD1 <bar diameter>  MEMB  <member list> 
MD2 <bar diameter>  MEMB  <member list> 

The beam length is divided into three parts, two at its ends and one at span. Ld gives the development length to be provided at the two ends of each section.

The typical output for bar combination is shown below:

                        OUTPUT FOR BAR COMBINATION

           |     M A I N           R E I N F O R C E M E N T                  |
   SECTION |     0.0- 1600.0    |    1600.0- 4800.0    |    4800.0- 6400.0    |
           |        mm          |          mm          |          mm          |
   TOP     |       2-16í        |        2-16í         |        2-16í         |
           |   in 1 layer(s)    |    in  1 layer(s)    |    in  1 layer(s)    |
   Ast Reqd|          0.00      |           0.00       |           0.00       |
       Prov|        402.29      |         402.29       |         402.29       |
   Ld (mm) |        752.2       |        1175.3        |         752.2        |
   BOTTOM  |       4-16í        |    2-16í   +  2-25í  |        4-16í         |
           |   in 1 layer(s)    |    in  1 layer(s)    |    in  1 layer(s)    |
   Ast Reqd|        632.82      |         894.99       |         632.82       |
       Prov|        804.57      |        1384.43       |         804.57       |
   Ld (mm) |        752.2       |        1175.3        |         752.2        |