D5.C.3 Design Parameters

Design parameters communicate specific design decisions to the program. They are set to default values to begin with and may be altered to suite the particular structure.

Depending on the model being designed, the user may have to change some or all of the parameter default values. Some parameters are unit dependent and when altered, the new setting must be compatible with the active “unit” specification.

Table 1. Timber Design EC 5: Part 1-1 Parameters
Parameter Name Default Value Description
CODE - Must be specified as TIMBER EC5

Design Code to follow.

See section TR.52.1 Timber Design Parameter Specifications .


Angle of inclination of load to the grain alignment. (Ref. Cl.6.1.1, Cl.6.1.2, Cl.6.1.3, Cl.6.1.4)

  • 0.0 = Load parallel to grain
  • 90.0 = Load Perpendicular to grain
DFF None

“Deflection Length” / Max. Allowable Net Final Local Deflection.

In this case, deflection check will be performed, if both the parameters SERV and DFF are present with specific values. For appropriate range of values, please refer Cl.7.2 (Table 7.2)

DJ1 Start node number for a physical member under consideration for Deflection Check.
DJ2 End node number for a physical member under consideration for Deflection Check.
KC90 1.0

Factor taking into account the load configuration, possibility of splitting and degree of compressive deformation. (Ref. Cl.6.1.5-(2))

  • Range: 1.0 ≤ KC90 ≤ 4.0
  • Other than the default value, user may specify any value within the range, depending on load-position, load-dispersion, contact length at support locations etc.


(Member Length)

Effective Length Factor to check Lateral Torsional Buckling (Ref. Table 6.1). Factor multiplied by the span of the beam and depends on the support conditions and load configurations. The user will put the appropriate value from the Table 6.1.

Required only for MTYP value of 1 (Beam).



(Member Length)

Effective Length Factor for Local-y-axis. (Ref. Cl.6.3.2), for the computation of the relative slenderness ratios.


(Member Length)

Effective Length Factor for Local-z-axis. (Ref. Cl.6.3.2), for the computation of the relative slenderness ratios.

Load Duration Class (Ref. Cl., required to get the K-MOD value from Table – 3.1.

  • 1.0 = Permanent action
  • 2.0 = Long term action
  • 3.0 = Medium term action
  • 4.0 = Short term action
  • 5.0 = Instantaneous action

Member Type: Beam/Column. (Ref. Cl.6.3.2, Cl.6.3.3)

  • 0.0 = Not defined; both clauses are checked (Default)
  • 1.0 = Beam Member
  • 2.0 = Column Member

This information is required to find which stability check will be performed as per the Cl 6.3 according to the Member Type.

RATIO 1.0 Permissible ratio of actual to allowable value.

Service Class (Ref. Cl.

  • 1.0 = Class 1, Moisture content ≤ 12%
  • 2.0 = Class 2, Moisture content ≤ 20%
  • 3.0 = Class 3, Moisture content > 20%

Degree/Level of Details of design output results.

  • 1.0 = Print the design output at the minimal detail level
  • 2.0 = Print the design output at the intermediate detail level
  • 3.0 = Print the design output that the maximum detail level
TSC 6 (C24)

Timber Strength Class (Ref. Reference EN338 – 2003)

  • Softwood: 1 = C14, 2 = C16, 3 = C18, 4 = C20, 5 = C22, 6 = C24, 7 = C27, 8 = C30, 9 = C35, 10 = C40, 11 = C45, 12 = C50.
  • Hardwood: 13 = D30, 14 = D35, 15 = D40, 16 = D50, 17 = D60, 18 = D70.

This TSC definition will calculate the corresponding characteristic strength values using the equations as given in BS-EN-338, Annex - A.