D5.C.2 Analysis Methodology

Table 1. EC5 Nomenclature
Symbol Description
St0d Design tensile stress parallel (at zero degree) to grain alignment.
St90d Design tensile stress perpendicular (at 90 degrees) to grain alignment.
Sc0d Design compressive stress parallel to grain alignment.
Sc90d Design compressive stress perpendicular to grain alignment.
Smzd Design bending stress about zz axis.
Smyd Design bending stress about yy axis.
Svd Design shear stress.
Stor_d Design torsional stress.
Ft0d Design tensile strength - parallel to the grain alignment.
Ft90d Design tensile strength - perpendicular to the grain alignment.
Fc0d Design compressive strength - parallel to the grain alignment.
Fc90d Design compressive strength - perpendicular to the grain alignment.
Fmzd Design bending strength - about zz-axis.
Fmyd Design bending strength - about yy-axis.
Fvd Design shear strength about yy axis.

Permissible ratio of stresses as input using the RATIO parameter.

 The default value is 1.

lz ,lrel,z Slenderness ratios corresponding to bending about zz axis.
ly,lrel,y Slenderness ratios corresponding to bending about yy axis.
E0,05 Fifth percentile value of modulus of elasticity parallel to grain.
G0,05 Fifth percentile value of shear modulus parallel to grain.
Iz Second moment of area about the strong z-axis.
Iy Second moment of area about the weak y-axis.
Itor Torsional moment of inertia.
fmk Characteristic bending strength.
b, h Width and depth of beam.

Equations for Characteristic Values of Timber Species as per Annex-A of EN 338:2003

The following equations were used to determine the characteristic values:

For a particular Timber Strength Class (TSC), the following characteristic strength values are required to compute the other related characteristic values.

  1. Bending Strength – fm,k

  2. Mean Modulus of Elasticity in bending – E0, mean

  3. Density - ρk

SI No.  Property  Symbol  Wood Type
Softwood (C) Hardwood (D)
1. Tensile Strength parallel to grain ft,0,k 0.6 × fm,k
2. Tensile Strength perpendicular to grain ft,90,k Minimum of {0.6 and (0.0015×rk)}
3. Compressive Strength parallel to grain fc,0,k 5 × (fm,k ) 0.45
4. Compressive Strength perpendicular to grain fc,90,k 0.007×rk 0.0015×rk
5. Shear Strength fv,k Minimum of {3.8 and (0.2×fm,k 0.8)}
6. Modulus of Elasticity parallel to grain E0,05 0.67× E0,mean 0.84× E0,mean
7. Mean Modulus of Elasticity perpendicular to grain E90,mean E0,mean /30 E0,mean /15
8. Mean Shear Modulus Gmean E0,mean /16
9. Shear Modulus G0,05 E0,05 /16

The values of the characteristic strengths computed using the above equations, may differ with the tabulated values in Table-1 of EN 338:2003. However, in all such cases, the values obtained from the provided equations are treated as actual and is used by the program, as the values of Table-1 are based on these equations.

D5.C.2.1 Design Values of CharacteristicStrength

As per clause 2.4.1, Design values of a strength property shall be calculated as:

Xd = K mod×(Xkm)


design value of strength property
characteristic value of strength property
partial factor for material properties

The member resistance in timber structure is calculated in STAAD.Pro according to the procedures outlined in EC5. This depends on several factors such as cross sectional properties, different load and material factors, timber strength class, load duration class, service class and so on. The methodology adopted in STAAD.Pro for calculating the member resistance is explained here.

D5.C.2.2 Check for Tension Stresses

If the direction of applied axial tension is parallel to the direction of timber grain alignment, the following formula should be checked per Equation 6.1 of EC-5 2004:


If the direction of applied axial tension is perpendicular to the direction of timber grain alignment, the following formula should be checked:


D5.C.2.3 Check for Compression Stresses

If the direction of applied axial compression is parallel to the direction of timber grain alignment, the following formula should be checked per Equation 6.2 of EC-5 2004:


If the direction of applied axial compression is perpendicular to the direction of timber grain alignment, the following formula should be checked per Equation 6.3 of EC-5 2004:

St0d/(Ft0d×Kc90) ≤ RATIO

D5.C.2.4 Check for Bending stresses

If members are under bending stresses, the following conditions should be satisfied per Equations 6.11 and 6.12 of EC-5 2004.

(Smzd/Fmzd) + Km×(Smyd/Fmyd) ≤ RATIO Km×(Smzd/Fmzd) + (Smyd/Fmyd) ≤ RATIO

D5.C.2.5 Check for Shear Stresses

Horizontal stresses are calculated and checked against allowable values per Equation 6.13 of EC-5 2004:


D5.C.2.6 Check for Torsional Stresses

Members subjected to torsional stress should satisfy Equation 6.14 of EC-5 2004:

Stor_d/(Kshape×Ftor_d) ≤ RATIO

D5.C.2.7 Check for Combined Bending and AxialTension

Members subjected to combined action of bending and axial tension stress should satisfy Equations 6.17 and 6.18 of EC-5 2004:

(St0d/Ft0d) + (Smzd/Fmzd) + Km×(Smyd/Fmyd) ≤ RATIO (St0d/Ft0d) + Km×(Smzd/Fmzd) + (Smyd/Fmyd) ≤ RATIO

While evaluating the lateral-torsional stability of a member against the strong axis moment as per Cl.6.3.3.(3) [EN 1995-1-1 (2004)], the applicable bending stress is reduced for the case of axial tension combined with bending. Equation 6.33 [EN 1995-1-1 (2004)] is modified as:

σm,d – σt,0,d ≤ kcritfm,d


σm,d , σt,0,d
design bending stress and tensile stress, respectively
a factor which takes into account the reduced bending strength due to lateral buckling
the design bending strength

This approach is adopted from Cl.5.4.2 of Manual for the design of timber building structures to Eurocode 5. The Institution of Structural Engineers / TRADA. 2007. London, UK.

D5.C.2.8 Check for Combined Bending and AxialCompression

If members are subjected to bending and axial compression stress, Equations 6.19 and 6.20 of EC-5 2004 should be satisfied:

(Sc0d/Fc0d)2 + (Smzd/Fmzd) + Km×(Smyd/Fmyd) ≤ RATIO (Sc0d/Fc0d)2 + Km×(Smzd/Fmzd) + (Smyd/Fmyd) ≤ RATIO

D5.C.2.9 Stability check

  1. Column Stability check

    The relative slenderness ratios should be calculated per Equations 6.21 and 6.22 of EC-5 2004.

    λrel,z = λz/π×(Sc0k/E0,05)1/2 λrel,y = λy/π×(Sc0k/E0,05)1/2

    If both λrel,z and λrel,y are less than or equal to 0.3 the following conditions should be satisfied:

    (Sc0d/Fc0d)2 + (Smzd/Fmzd) + Km×(Smyd/Fmyd) ≤ RATIO (Sc0d/Fc0d)2 + Km×(Smzd/Fmzd) + (Smyd/Fmyd) ≤ RATIO

    In other cases, the conditions in Equations 6.23 and 6.24 of EC-5 2004 should be satisfied.

    Sc0d/(Kcz×Fc0d) + (Smzd/Fmzd) + Km×(Smyd/Fmyd) ≤ RATIO Sc0d/(Kcy×Fc0d) + Km×(Smzd/Fmzd) + (Smyd/Fmyd) ≤ RATIO

    Where (Equations 6.25 through 6.28 of EC-5 2004):

    Kcz = 1/{Kz + [(Kz)2 - (λrel,z)2]1/2}Kcy = 1/{Ky + [(Kzy)2 - (λrel,y)2]1/2}Kz = 0.5×[1 + βc×(λrel,z - 0.3) + (λrel,z)2]Ky = 0.5×[1 + βc×(λrel,y - 0.3) + (λrel,y)2]

    The value of βc incorporated in the software is the one for solid timber (i.e., 0.2).

  2. Beam Stability check

    If members are subjected to only a moment about the strong axis z, the stresses should satisfy Equation 6.33 of EC-5 2004:

    Smzd/(Kcrit×Fmzd) ≤ RATIO

    Where a combination of moment about the strong z-axis and compressive force exists, the stresses should satisfy Equation 6.35 of EC-5 2004 (ref. to Equations 6.32 and 6.34 of the same):

    [Smzd/(Kcrit×Fmzd)]2 + Sc0d/(Kcz×Fc0d) ≤ RATIO


    • Kcrit = 1.0 when λrel,m ≤ 0.75
    • Kcrit = 1.56 - 0.75×λrel,m when 0.75 < λrel,m ≤ 1.4
    • Kcrit = 1/( λrel,m)2 when 1.4 < λrel,m
    • λrel,m = (fmk/Sm,crit)1/2

    For hardwood, use Equation 6.30 of EC-5 2004:

    Sm,crit = π×(E0,05×Iy×G0,05×Itor)1/2/(lef×Wz)

    For softwood, use Equation 6.31 of EC-5 2004:

    Sm,crit = 0.78×b2×E0,05/(h×lef)