D2.B.6 Material Properties

For specification of material properties, the user can use either: built-in material constants or user-defined materials.

Refer TR.26.2 Specifying Constants for Members andElements for further information on the Built-in Material Constants feature.

Refer TR.26.1 Define Material for further information on the Define Material feature.

D2.B.6.1 Young’s Modulus of Elasticity (E)

The default steel material E value in STAAD.Pro is 205,000 MPa. However AS 4100 section 1.4 states that the modulus of elasticity should be taken as 200,000 MPa. There are a number of options to change this value:

  • change the steel material through the input file or graphical user interface for each file created, or
  • define a new steel material for each file created, or
  • change the default STAAD.Pro metric E value in the file C:/Windows/StaadPro20070.ini, going to the “[Material-Metric]” section, and changing E1=205.0e6 to E1=200.0e6. Restart STAAD.Pro for this to take effect.