D1.H.3 Design Parameters

The following are the parameters for specifying the values for variables associated with the design.

Table 1. Aluminum Design Parameters
Parameter Name Default Value Description

Must be specified as ALUMINUM

Design code to follow. See TR.48.1 Parameter Specifications.


Defines if material is Alclad.

  • 0  -  Material used in the section is not an Alclad.
  • 1  -  Material used in the section is an Alclad.

This variable can take on a value from 1 through 40. The default value represents the alloy 6061-T6.

See Table 14A.2 below for a list of values for this parameter and the alloy they represent. Table 3.3-1 in Section I-B of the Aluminum specifications provides information on the properties of the various alloys.

BEAM 0.0 If this parameter is set to 1.0, the adequacy of the member is determined by checking a total of 13 equally spaced locations along the length of the member. If the BEAM value is 0.0, the 13 location check is not conducted, and instead, checking is done only at the locations specified by the SECTION command (See STAAD manual for details). If neither the BEAM parameter nor any SECTION command is specified, STAAD will terminate the run and ask the user to provide one of those 2 commands. This rule is not enforced for TRUSS members.
DMAX 1000 in. Maximum depth permissible for the section during member selection. This value must be provided in the current units.
DMIN 0.0 in Minimum depth required for the section during member selection. This value must be provided in the current units.
KT 1.0

Effective length factor for torsional buckling. It is a fraction and is unit-less. Values can range from 0.01 (for a column completely prevented from torsional buckling) to any user specified large value. It is used to compute the KL/R ratio for twisting for determining the allowable stress in axial compression.

See Equation on page I-A-28 of the Aluminum specifications for details.

KY 1.0 Effective length factor for overall column buckling in the local Y-axis. It is a fraction and is unit-less. Values can range from 0.01 (for a column completely prevented from buckling) to any user specified large value. It is used to compute the KL/R ratio for determining the allowable stress in axial compression.
KZ 1.0 Effective length factor for overall column buckling in the local Z-axis. It is a fraction and is unit-less. Values can range from 0.01 (for a column completely prevented from buckling) to any user specified large value. It is used to compute the KL/R ratio for determining the allowable stress in axial compression.
LT Member length Unbraced length for twisting. It is input in the current units of length. Values can range from 0.01 (for a column completely prevented from torsional buckling) to any user specified large value. It is used to compute the KL/R ratio for twisting for determining the allowable stress in axial compression. See Equation on page I-A-28 of the Aluminum specifications for details.
LY Member length Effective length for overall column buckling in the local Y-axis. It is input in the current units of length. Values can range from 0.01 (for a column completely prevented from buckling) to any user specified large value. It is used to compute the KL/R ratio for determining the allowable stress in axial compression.
LZ Member length Effective length for overall column buckling in the local Z-axis. It is input in the current units of length. Values can range from 0.01 (for a column completely prevented from buckling) to any user specified large value. It is used to compute the KL/R ratio for determining the allowable stress in axial compression.

This variable can take on a value from 1 through 4. They represent:

  • 1  -  All
  • 2  -  Extrusions
  • 3  -  Drawn Tube
  • 4  -  Pipe

The default value stands for All. The PRODUCT parameter finds mention in Table 3.3-1 in Section I-B of the Aluminum specifications.

SSY 0.0

Factor that indicates whether or not the structure is subjected to sidesway along the local Y axis of the member. The values are:

  • 0  -  Sidesway is present along the local Y-axis of the member
  • 1  -  There is no sidesway along the local Y-axis of the member.

The sidesway condition is used to determine the value of Cm explained in Section 4.1.1, page I-A-41 of the Aluminum specifications.

SSZ 0.0

Factor that indicates whether or not the structure is subjected to sidesway along the local Z axis of the member. The values are:

  • 0  -  Sidesway is present along the local Z-axis of the member
  • 1  -  There is no sidesway along the local Z-axis of the member.

The sidesway condition is used to determine the value of Cm explained in Section 4.1.1, page I-A-41 of the Aluminum specifications.

STIFF Member length Spacing in the longitudinal direction of shear stiffeners for stiffened flat webs. It is input in the current units of length. See section 3.4.21 on page I-A-40 of the Aluminum specifications for information regarding this parameter.

In Table 3.4-1 in Section I-A of the Aluminum specifications, it is mentioned that the value of coefficients nu, ny and na  are dependent upon whether the structure being designed is a building or a bridge. Users may convey this information to STAAD using the parameter STRUCTURE. The values that can be assigned to this parameter are:

  • 1  -  Buildings and similar type structures
  • 2  -  Bridges and similar type structures

This parameter is used to control the level of detail in which the design output is reported in the output file. The allowable values are:

  • 1  -  Prints only the member number, section name, ratio, and PASS/FAIL status.
  • 2  -  Prints the design summary in addition to that printed by TRACK 1
  • 3  -  Prints the member properties and alloy properties in addition to that printed byTRACK 2.
  • 4  -  Prints the values of variables used in design in addition to that printed by TRACK 3.
UNL Member length Distance between points where the compression flange is braced against buckling or twisting. This value must be provided in the current units. This value is used to compute the allowable stress in bending compression.

In Table 3.4-2 in Section I-A of the Aluminum specifications, it is mentioned that the value of coefficients Kt and Kc are dependent upon whether or not, the location of the section where design is done is within 1.0 inch of a weld. The WELD parameter is used in STAAD for this purpose. The values that can be assigned to this parameter are:

  • 0 - Region is farther than 1.0in from a weld
  • 1 - Region is within 1.0in from a weld

D1.H.3.1 Aluminum Alloys available in STAAD

Table 2. Alloy Parameters
Value Name
1 1100-H12
2 1100-H14
3 2014-T6
4 2014-T6510
5 2014-T6511
6 2014-T651
7 3003-H12
8 3003-H14
9 3003-H16
10 3003-H18
11 3004-H32
12 3004-H34
13 3004-H36
14 3004-H38
15 5005-H12
16 5005-H14
17 5005-H32
18 5005-H34
19 5050-H32
20 5050-H34
21 5052-H32
22 5052-H34
23 5083-H111
24 5086-H111
25 5086-H116
26 5086-H32
27 5086-H34
28 5454-H111
29 5454-H112
30 5456-H111
31 5456-H112
32 6005-T5
33 6105-T5
34 6061-T6
35 6061-T6510
36 6061-T6511
37 6061-T651
38 6063-T5
39 6063-T6
40 6351-T5