PlantSight Administrator Help

PlantSight Project Home Page

The PlantSight project home page is where administer projects, teams, roles, and tagging systems

Layout and Settings

The PlantSight home page layout from top-down consists of the tool bar, the menu, and the content panel. The tool bar (top) provides controls to access existing projects or register new projects. The menu (left) provides access to the ps services. The content panel display varies depending upon what service or content is loaded. On the home page, the content panel lists general project information.

Click to return to the PlantSight Portal Home page .
Projects list Located beside the PlantSight icon (and similar in function to), the projects list drop down menu allows you to view All Projects or Add New Projects.
Project information Lists the name and location of your PlantSight project.
Team Members Lists the members of the project. The Link Manage Members opens Project Team Management which is used to manage project users and their roles in projects.
My Open Issues Lists actions associated with you as a member of the project team.
Notifications Lists communications where you are tagged. You have the option to filter the list to show All notifications or Unread notifications.
Home Returns you to the PlantSight project home page.
Acquisition Opens Data Acquisition which is used to import plant data into PlantSight.
Aggregate Opens Data Aggregation which is used to review imported data and merge it with existing data in the Digital Twin.
Visualize Opens Data Visualizer which is used to "see" all the data associated with the new Digital Twin so you can start planning out tasks for the next maintenance event.
Administration Opens the Administration menu where to administer PlantSight projects, teams and tagging systems.
Project Details Opens All Projects which is used to set Project information.
Team Members Opens Project Team Management which is used to manage project users and their roles in projects.
Tag Specifications Opens Tag Administration which is used to create and import tagging systems.