MicroStation CONNECT Edition Help

Solid Features Toolbox

Tools in the Solid Features toolbox are used to:

  • place fillets, chamfers, or hole on a solid or surface
  • create a cut or protrusion from a profile on a solid or surface
  • make a cut or protrusion along the edge of a solid
  • add shell (wall of same thickness on all faces) to a solid
  • Imprint a 2D element on the faces of a solid
  • taper or spin faces of a solid

All tools in a toolbox are not always visible by default. To see all tools, right-click in the toolbox and select Show All from the menu.

To Select in the Solid Features toolbox
Create a cut, slot, or pocket in a solid.

Cut Solids by Curves
Fillet one or more edges of a solid.

Fillet Feature
Chamfer one or more edges of a solid.

Chamfer Feature
Place a hole on a face of a solid.

Hole Feature
Create a protrusion on a solid.

Create Solid Protrusion
Hollow out a solid to create a solid with walls of constant thickness.

Shell Solid
Make a cut or protrusion along the edge of a solid
Sweep Edge
Create an element on a solid.

Draw/Imprint on Solid
Taper one or more faces of a solid.

Taper Face Feature
Spin a face of a solid.

Spin Face Feature
Trim solids.

Trim Solid