MicroStation CONNECT Edition Help

Sweep Edge

Used to place a cut or protrusion along a path defined by edges of a parametric solid using a profile.

In addition:

  • This tool makes cuts or protrusions along the edges of straight lines and circular edges such as curves, holes, or rounds.
  • Cutting or protrusion profiles may be open or closed elements.
  • When an open profile does not extend to the edge of the parametric solid, it is extended tangentially to its end point until it intercepts the edge of the solid.
  • Cutting or protrusion profiles need not be coincident with the parametric solid on which the cut or protrusion is made.
You can access this tool from the following:
  • Ribbon: Modeling > Solids > Features
  • Ribbon: Modeling > Home > Modify > Features
  • Toolbox: Solid Features
Select Tangent Edges If on, edges that are tangentially continuous are selected and swept in one operation. If off, only the selected edge is swept.
Mode Sets the type of feature.
  • Cut — Cuts through the solid.
  • Protrude — Extends the profile through and outside the solid.
Profile Sets the behavior of the profile after the feature is created.
  • Hide - The profile is associated with the feature to allow for later modification, but is not visible. To use or modify the profile again, you will need to use Show Input Element command from the reset pop-up menu or the Show Input Element tool.
  • Show - The profile is associated with the feature to allow for later modification and is visible. This allows you to quickly reuse the same profile in another 3D operation. Modifying the profile will affect both operations.
  • Copy and Hide - Similar to Hide; except that a copy of the profile is made first, leaving the original profile unassociated. This allows you to quickly reuse the same profile in another 3D operation that you do not wish to be associated with the previous feature.