AssetWise ALIM Web Implementation Guide

Editing the web.config File

This section discusses the organization of the web.config file, which defines application-specific options and the overall application setup. A web.config file can be found at the root of each deployed AssetWise ALIM Web virtual directory (for example, C:\inetpub\wwroot\ALIMWeb).

Note: The web.config file contains a number of other elements which are defined by Microsoft. The XML schema, and help on the meanings of the elements, can be found in the MSDN Library site.
Note: Default values for many AssetWise customization options can be changed by editing plugin.config files in the PlugIns folder of your virtual directory (for example, C:\inetpub\wwwroot\AssetWise\PlugIns).

web.config Quick Reference

Where are AssetWise ALIM Web settings stored?

  • Settings related to the AssetWise framework are within the FrameworkSettings element.
  • Settings related to how files are viewed are within the FileOpener element.

How do I control logging in to AssetWise?

  • To make all users to the site log into the same user account in a portal manner, use the AutoLoginAs element within the Connection element.
  • To restrict which communities a user can select to log in to, use the CommunityList element within the Connection element.
  • To control Windows authentication, follow the instructions in Authentication Settings in web.config .

How do I change display settings for objects in AssetWise ALIM Web?

  • Hide and show empty (unassigned) properties of an object through the CustomisablePropertiesContainer element within the Controls element.
  • Hide and show empty relationships of an object through the CustomisableRelationshipsContainer element within the Controls element.
  • Control the links generated for directory entries like email addresses and phone numbers through the LayoutProvider element within the Controls element.