AssetWise ALIM Web Implementation Guide

Connection Modes and the Connection Element

Part of configuring the AssetWise ALIM Web virtual directory involves configuring the connection mode, which determines which AssetWise Information Integrity Server this virtual directory will connect to and which communities users can or will log in to. The connection mode is primarily configured on the Server tab of the Edit Web dialog when you create or edit the AssetWise ALIM Web virtual directory as documented in the procedure, Configuring a New or Existing Virtual Directory.

You can configure one of three connection modes:

  • freeform
  • limited selection
  • automatic (auto login)

Connection mode settings are stored in the virtual directory's web.config file, within the Connection element, as shown below:

<Connection communityServer="">
   <AutoLogInAs enabled="false" community="" userPassword="" userName="" />
   <CommunityList />

Freeform Connection Mode (communityServer Attribute)

In freeform connection mode, all of a particular server's communities are available for users to select from on the AssetWise ALIM Web log in page.

To configure this mode, the administrator simply connects the AssetWise ALIM Web virtual directory to a particular AssetWise Information Integrity Server. This is done on the Server tab of the Edit Web dialog as documented in the procedure, Configuring a New or Existing AssetWise ALIM Web Virtual Directory. This populates the communityServer attribute of the Connection element in web.config. If needed, you can also edit this attribute directly in web.config.

<Connection communityServer="">
   <AutoLogInAs enabled="false" community="" userPassword="" userName="" />
   <CommunityList />
Attribute Value Description
communityServer Fully qualified domain name of the AssetWise Information Integrity Server The fully qualified domain name of the AssetWise Information Integrity Server computer that is hosting the communities you want to make available to users on the AssetWise ALIM Web log in page. This server must be visible to the web server.

Limited Selection Mode (CommunityList Element)

In limited selection connection mode, a predefined subset of a particular server's communities are available for users to select from on the AssetWise ALIM Web log in page.

To configure this mode, the administrator connects the AssetWise ALIM Web virtual directory to a particular AssetWise Information Integrity Server and then specifies which of that server's communities to make available to users. This is done on the Server tab of the Edit Web dialog as documented in the procedure, Configuring a New or Existing AssetWise ALIM Web Virtual Directory . This populates the CommunityList element within the Connection element in web.config. If needed, you can also edit this element directly in the web.config file. Each <add> element (within the CommunityList element) defines a new community in the list that users can select from on the AssetWise ALIM Web log in page.

<Connection communityServer="">
   <AutoLogInAs enabled="false" community="" userPassword="" userName="" />
      <add applicationServer=""
      <add applicationServer=""
Attribute Value Description
applicationServer Fully qualified domain name of the AssetWise Information Integrity Server The fully qualified domain name of the AssetWise Information Integrity Server computer that is hosting the community. This server must be visible to the web server.
dsnName Datasource name The name of the community's datasource.
siteName Name of AssetWise site The name of the AssetWise site to retrieve media data from.
Note: Media files are retrieved through the AssetWise ALIM Web Server, therefore it is best to select the site that is closest to the AssetWise ALIM Web Server that is hosting the AssetWise ALIM Web Applications.
displayName Name of community The name users see when selecting a community. You can make this name the same as the datasource, or you can use a more descriptive name.

Automatic Connection Mode (AutoLogInAs Element)

In automatic connection mode, all users who visit this website bypass the AssetWise ALIM Web log in page and are automatically logged to the specified community using the same user name and password. This lets you set up a portal-style website for casual users who need access to AssetWise data, but who do not need to add or change information. Typically, the AssetWise account you use has view-only access to a portion of the community's data.

Note: The automatic connection mode requires that you also use AssetWise Internal as the authentication mode. It cannot be configured when the virtual directory uses either Windows or Bentley IMS authentication mode.

Configuring automatic connection mode involves two steps: first the administrator connects the AssetWise ALIM Web virtual directory to a particular AssetWise Information Integrity Server, then specifies which community will be logged into and with what AssetWise user name and password. The first step is done on the Server tab of the Edit Web dialog, and the second step is done on the Authentication tab of the Edit Web dialog, all as documented in the procedure, Configuring a New or Existing AssetWise ALIM Web Virtual Directory. This configures the <AutoLogInAs> element by changing the enabled attribute to "true" and then populating the values for the community, userPassword, and userName attributes in the same element.

  <AutoLogInAs enabled="true" community="Site\datasource" userPassword="password" userName="username" />
Attribute Value Description
enabled true or false If set to true, automatic login is enabled for AssetWise authentication mode.
community Site name and datasource name The community name, or the site and datasource name of the community in the format Site\datasource (for example, Main\Accounts).
userName Name The name of the AssetWise user account to use when logging in. This must be a valid user account in the community specified in the community attribute.
userPassword Password The password of the user specified in the userName attribute.

Connection Mode vs Authentication Mode

AssetWise ALIM Web Applications support two authentication modes: AssetWise, and Windows. AssetWise authentication calls the AssetWise Information Integrity Server to identify the user, supplying a user name and a password. Windows authentication uses IIS to identify the user's Windows login account. Authentication modes are different from the connection in that they establish the user's identity, while the connection mode establishes where that identity will be used. For more information, see Authentication Settings in web.config .