AssetWise ALIM Web Implementation Guide

The PlugIns Element

The PlugIns element within the FrameworkSettings element lists the plug-in components that are currently being used by AssetWise ALIM Web. Plug-ins are automatically added or removed from this list when you turn plug-ins on or off through the Functionality tab of the AssetWise ALIM Web Application Manager dialog. For details, see Configuring a New or Existing AssetWise ALIM Web Virtual Directory.

CAUTION: The only time you need to edit this list in web.config is when you need to add a custom plug-in. Otherwise, do not edit this element without consulting Bentley support, as unexpected loss of functionality can result.
Attribute Value Description
class Name of the plug-in class (required) The fully-qualified name of a class in assembly that implements PlugInObject.
assembly Name of the assembly (required) The name of the assembly in the deployed virtual directory's bin folder (for example, C:\inetpub\wwwroot\AssetWise\bin) that contains the code for the plug-in.

For example:

        <add class="eB.PlugIn.DocumentManager.PlugIn" assembly="eB.PlugIn.DocumentManager" />
        <add class="eB.PlugIn.ItemManager.PlugIn" assembly="eB.PlugIn.ItemManager" />
        <add class="eB.PlugIn.Reporting.PlugIn" assembly="eB.PlugIn.Reporting" />
        <add class="eB.PlugIn.CoreObjects.PlugIn" assembly="eB.PlugIn.CoreObjects" />
        <add class="eB.PlugIn.BatchPrint.PlugIn" assembly="eB.PlugIn.BatchPrint" />
        <add class="eB.PlugIn.Email.PlugIn" assembly="eB.PlugIn.Email" />
        <add class="eB.PlugIn.Reports.PlugIn" assembly="eB.PlugIn.Reports" />
        <add class="eB.PlugIn.Core.PlugIn" assembly="eB.PlugIn.Core" />
        <add class="eB.PlugIn.VirtualItemManager.PlugIn" assembly="eB.PlugIn.VirtualItemManager" />
        <add class="eB.PlugIn.Basket.PlugIn" assembly="eB.PlugIn.Basket" />
        <add class="custompluginclassname" assembly="custompluginassemblyname" />