Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help


Controls in the GVF Solver give the user a way to specify an action for virtually any element in a pressure subnetwork based on almost any property of the system. Controls are included in a scenario when the control set they are included in is specified in the Operational Alternative. The controls become part of an Operational Alternative when you specify the name of a Control Set to use in a given Operational Alternative. The default control set is "All control statements".

The Control Manager is the main work center for controls. The Control Manager manages all controls, conditions, actions, and control sets in the system. The Control manager allows the user to define controls using advanced IF, AND, and OR condition logic, which can trigger any number of THEN or optional ELSE actions.

Choose Components > Controls to open the Control Manager.

The Controls manager consists of the following tabs:

  • Controls--Manage all controls defined in the system. See "Controls Tab" .
  • Conditions--Define the condition that must be met prior to taking an action. See "Conditions Tab" .
  • Actions--Define what should be done to an element in the system in response to an associated control condition. See "Actions Tab" .