Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Controls Tab

The Controls tab allows you to manage all controls defined in the system. Controls can be one of two types: simple or logical. Simple controls are made up of an IF condition and a THEN action statement. Logical controls are made up of an IF condition, a THEN action, and an optional ELSE action, and can be assigned a priority for resolving potential conflicts between logical controls.

Controls, Conditions, and Actions are assigned a non-editable application-provided ID (e.g., LC01).

The Controls tab is divided into sections:

  • The pane in the center of the dialog box is the Controls List. This list displays a list of all Logical Controls defined in the system.
  • Located above the Controls List is a toolbar with the following buttons:
  • New—Creates a new control.
  • Delete—Deletes the highlighted control.
  • Duplicate—Opens a submenu with the following options:
    • Duplicate (Full - create new conditions and actions)
    • Duplicate (Partial - use existing conditions and actions)
  • Control Sets—Edits Control Sets. Click the dropdown for additional options:
    • Control Sets: Opens the Control Sets Editor dialog box.
    • Edit Control Sets...: Opens the Control Sets Editor dialog box with the table populated by sets that include the currently selected control.
    • Add/Remove Control Sets: Opens the Add/Remove Control Sets dialog box, allowing you to add, remove, and manage your control sets.
    “Edit Control Sets for <selected-controls>”, and “Add/Remove Control Sets.
  • Control Wizard—Opens the Control Wizard dialog.
  • Import Controls—Allows you to select a control file (.ctl) to import.
  • Export Controls—Allows you to export the current controls to a control file (.ctl).
  • Report—Generates a summary of the selected control, listing the ID, conditions, actions, and elements incorporated into the control.
  • Help—Opens the online help.
  • Below the toolbar is a set of filters that allow you to only display controls that meet criteria defined by the filter settings. The following filters are available:
  • Type—When a Type filter other than <All> is specified, only controls of that type will be displayed in the Controls list.
  • Priority—When a Priority filter other than <All> is specified, only controls of that priority will be displayed in the Controls list.
  • Condition Element—When a Condition filter other than <All> is specified, only controls containing the selected Condition element will be displayed in the Controls list. You can filter the available conditions to include only conditions that are applicable to the element or elements that are currently selected in the drawing pane by selecting the <Current Selection> option.
  • Action Element—When an Action filter other than <All> is specified, only controls containing the selected Action element will be displayed in the Controls list. You can filter the available actions to include only actions that are applicable to the element or elements that are currently selected in the drawing pane by selecting the <Current Selection> option.
Note: You can selected one or more controls in the list, and then right-click to “Edit Control Sets for Selected Controls”.

You can edit or create controls consisting of an IF condition, a THEN action, and an optional ELSE action. The lower pane is split into sections:

  • Evaluate as Simple Control—Turn on in order to evaluate the condition as a simple control.
  • IF Condition—The drop-down list allows you to choose from a list of conditions that have already been created in the Conditions tab.
  • THEN Action—The drop-down list allows you to choose from a list of actions that have already been created in the Actions tab.
  • ELSE Action (optional)—The ELSE action is used when the conditions for the control are not met. To specify an ELSE action, click the check box to activate the drop-down list. The drop-down list allows you to choose from a list of actions that have already been created in the Actions tab.
  • Priority—This area of the dialog box is optional. To set a priority for the control being created, turn on to activate the priority drop-down list. You can set a priority of 1-5, 5 being the highest priority. If multiple controls meet a certain condition and they have conflicting actions, the control with the highest priority will be used.
Note: At calculation time, the priority is used to determine the logical control to apply when multiple controls require that conflicting actions be taken. Logical controls with identical priorities will be prioritized based on the order they appear in the Logical Control Set alternative. A rule without a priority value always has a lower priority than one with a value. For two rules with the same priority value, the rule that appears first is given the higher priority.

Relative speed pump patterns take precedence over any controls (simple or logical) that are associated with the pump.Hovering the mouse cursor over a control in the list will open a tooltip which displays the conditions and actions that make up that control.When creating a new condition or action for a new control, the condition and action input fields will be initialized with the data used in the last condition or action that was created. Once created, the Logical Control will be assigned an application generated ID (e.g., LC04).

  • Description—This area is preset with a default description. There is an option to change the default description. To do so, turn on to activate the description field, and enter your description in the text box.
  • Summary—This area of the dialog box displays a description of the control.
  • Status Pane—When one or more filters are active, the lower left corner of the dialog will show the number of controls currently displayed out of the number of total controls. Additionally, a FILTERED flag is displayed in the lower right corner.
Note: Logical Controls are not executed during Steady State analyses.

Logical controls consist of any combination of simple conditions and simple actions. Controls are defined as:

IFCondition 1 AND condition 2 OR condition 3 AND condition 4, etc., where condition X is a a condition clause.THENAction 1 AND action 2, etc. where action X is an action clause.ELSE (Optional)Action 3 AND action 4, etc. where action X is an action clause.Priority (Optional)Priority where priority is a priority value (1 to 5, 5 being the highest priority).

In addition to the high level of flexibility provided by allowing multiple conditions and actions, the functionality of Logical controls is also enhanced by the range of Condition types that are available. You can activate the stated actions based on element loads, element hydraulic grade or pressure, system load, clock time, time from start, tank level, or time to fill or drain a tank.

The user can also create composite conditions and actions that can cause actions to be performed when multiple conditions are met simultaneously, or when one or the other conditions are met. The user can also activate multiple actions when a single condition is met.

To create a logical control in which a pump (PMP-1) is turned on when the level in a Wet Well (WW-1) falls below a specified value (5 ft.) or when the system loads exceed a certain level (5000 gpm):

Conditions—Because this control needs to be triggered by multiple conditions, a Composite Condition is chosen. In this instance, the operator OR is chosen to link the conditions, because the pump should be turned on if either condition is true.IF condition—{WW-1 Level < 5 ft.}OR condition—{System Load > 5000 gpm}Actions—Because this control has a single desired outcome if one of the conditions is met, a simple action is chosen. The first action in a logical control is always linked to the conditions by a logical THEN statement. In this instance, an ELSE action will also be used, to keep the pump off if neither of the conditions is true.THEN action—{PMP-1 Status = On}ELSE action—{PMP-1 Status = Off}The finished logical control looks like this:IF {WW-1 Level < 5 ft.} OR {System Load > 5000 gpm} THEN {PMP-1 Status = On} ELSE {PMP-1 Status = Off}Use the optional ELSE field to cause actions to be performed when the conditions in the control are not being met. For example, if you are creating a control that states, "If the level in WW 1 is less than 5 ft., Then turn Pump 1 On," use an ELSE action to turn the pump off if the tank level is above 5 ft.

Note: Logical Controls are not executed during Steady State analyses.

When defining a logical control, you have the option to share conditions and/or actions. In other words, more than one control can reference the same condition or action. Keep in mind that when you change an underlying condition or action, it will affect all controls that reference that condition or action.