Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Conditions Tab

Conditions allow you to define the condition that must be met prior to taking an action. The Conditions tab provides a list of all conditions defined in the system. There are two types of conditions: simple conditions and composite conditions.

The Conditions tab is divided into sections:

  • The pane in the middle of the dialog box is the Conditions list. The Conditions list displays a list of all logical controls defined in the system. The list contains three columns: ID (the application-defined ID, e.g. C01 for simple, CC01 for composite), Type (simple or composite), and description.
  • Located above the Conditions list is a toolbar with the following buttons:
    • New: Create a simple or composite condition.
    • Duplicate: Copy the selected condition.
    • Delete: Remove the selected condition.
    • Refresh: Refreshes the selected condition.
    • Report: Generates a summary of the selected condition.
  • Below the toolbar is a set of filters that allow you to only display controls that meet criteria defined by the filter settings. The following filters are available:
    • Control Set: When a Control Set is specified, only conditions that are a component of that control set are displayed in the Conditions list.
    • Type: When a Type filter other than <All> is specified, only conditions of that type will be displayed in the Conditions list.
    • Condition Element: When a Condition filter other than <All> is specified, only conditions containing the selected Condition element will be displayed in the Conditions list.
  • The controls used to create or edit a condition vary depending on whether the condition is simple or composite.
Note: You can filter the available conditions to include only conditions that are applicable to the element or elements that are currently selected in the drawing pane by selecting the <Current Selection> option.

Simple Conditions

The input fields for a simple condition change depending on the condition type that is selected in the condition Type field. The Simple Condition Types and the corresponding input data are as follows:
  • Element: This will create a condition based on specified attributes at a selected element. The field available when this condition type is specified is as follows:
    • Element: The Element field allows you to specify which element the condition will be based upon, and provides 3 methods of choosing this element: the drop-down list displays elements that have been used in other logical controls; the ellipsis (...) button which opens the Single Element Selection dialog box; and the Select From Drawing button which allows you to select the element using the graphical Drawing View.
  • Attribute: This field displays the available attributes for the element type currently specified in the Element field.
    • Pressure Junctions: The following attributes are available for use when a Junction is chosen in the Element field:
      • Demand: This attribute is used to create a condition based on a specified demand at the corresponding junction (e.g., If J-1 has a demand...).
      • Hydraulic Grade: This attribute is used to create a condition based on a specified hydraulic grade at the corresponding junction (e.g., If J-1 has a hydraulic grade of...).
      • Pressure: This attribute is used to create a condition based on a specified pressure at the corresponding junction (e.g., If J-1 has a pressure of...).
    • Pumps: The following attributes are available for use when a Pump is chosen in the Element field:
      • Discharge: This attribute is used to create a condition based on a specified rate of discharge at the corresponding pump (e.g., If PMP-1 has a discharge of...).
      • Setting: This attribute is used to create a condition based on the Relative Speed Factor of the corresponding pump (e.g., If PMP-1 has a relative speed factor of 1.5...).
      • Status: This attribute is used to create a condition based on the status (On or Off) of the corresponding pump (e.g., If PMP-1 is On...).
        Note: Relative Speed Pump patterns take precedence over any controls (Simple or Logical) that are associated with the pump.
    • Tanks: The following attributes are available for use when a Tank is chosen in the Element field.
      • Demand: This attribute is used to create a condition based on a specified demand at the corresponding tank. For tanks, this demand can represent an inflow or outflow (e.g., If T-1 has a demand...).
      • Hydraulic Grade: This attribute is used to create a condition based on a specified hydraulic grade at the corresponding tank (e.g., If T-1 has a hydraulic grade of...).
      • Pressure: This attribute is used to create a condition based on a specified pressure at the corresponding tank (e.g., If T-1 has a pressure of...). Note that tank pressure is calculated referenced from the tank base elevation and that the generic elevation field for tanks is not considered. This is done to allow the modeling of elevated tanks. For non-elevated tanks elevation is the base elevation.
      • Level: This attribute is used to create a condition based on a specified water level at the corresponding tank (e.g., If the water in T-1 is at a level of...).
      • Percent Full: This attribute is used to create a condition based on a specified percentage of the tank that is full.
      • Time to Drain: This attribute is to create a condition based on the amount of time required for the tank to drain (e.g., If T-1 drains in X hours...).
      • Time to Fill: This attribute is to create a condition based on the amount of time required for the tank to fill (e.g., If T-1 fills in X hours...).
    • Reservoirs: The following attributes are available for use when a Reservoir is chosen in the Element field:
      • Demand: This attribute is used to create a condition based on a specified demand at the corresponding reservoir. For reservoirs, this demand can represent an inflow or outflow (e.g., If R-1 has a demand...).
      • Hydraulic Grade: This attribute is used to create a condition based on a specified hydraulic grade at the corresponding reservoir (e.g., If R-1 has a hydraulic grade of...).
      • Pressure: This attribute is used to create a condition based on a specified pressure at the corresponding reservoir (e.g., If R-1 has a pressure of...).
    • Pipes: The following attributes are available for use when a Pipe is chosen in the Element field.
      • Discharge: This attribute is used to create a condition based on a specified rate of discharge at the corresponding pipe (e.g., If P-1 has a discharge of...).
      • Status: This attribute is used to create a condition based on the status (Open or Closed) of the corresponding pipe (e.g., If P-1 is Open...).
    • Valves: The following attributes are available for use when a valve is chosen in the Element field:
      • Discharge: This attribute is used to create a condition based on a specified rate of discharge at the corresponding valve (e.g., If PRV-1 has a discharge of...).
        Note: The Setting attribute is not available when a GPV is selected in the Element field.
      • Setting: This attribute is used to create a condition based on the setting of the corresponding valve. The type of setting will change depending on the type of valve that is chosen. The valves and their associated setting types are as follows:
        • PRV: Choosing the Setting attribute in conjunction with a PRV will create a condition based on a specified pressure at the PRV (e.g., If PRV-1 has a pressure of...).
        • PSV: Choosing the Setting attribute in conjunction with a PRV will create a condition based on a specified pressure at the PRV (e.g., If PSV-1 has a pressure of...).
        • PBV: Choosing the Setting attribute in conjunction with a PRV will create a condition based on a specified pressure at the PRV (e.g., If PBV-1 has a pressure of...).
        • FCV: Choosing the Setting attribute in conjunction with a PRV will create a condition based on a specified rate of discharge at the PRV (e.g., If FCV-1 has a discharge of...).
        • TCV: Choosing the Setting attribute in conjunction with a PRV will create a condition based on a specified headloss coefficient at the PRV (e.g., If TCV-1 has a headloss of...).
      • Status: This attribute is used to create a condition based on the status (Closed or Inactive) of the corresponding valve (e.g., If PRV-1 is Inactive...).
  • System Demand: This will create a condition based on the demands for the entire system. The fields available when this condition type is selected are:
    • Operator: This field allows you to specify the relationship between the Attribute and the target value for that attribute. The choices include Greater Than (>), Greater Than Or Equal To (>=), Less Than (<), Less Than Or Equal To (<=), Equal To (=), or Not Equal To (<>).
    • System Demand—This field lets you set a system-wide demand.
  • Clock Time: This will create a condition based on the clock time during an extended period simulation. If the extended period simulation is for a period longer than 24 hours, this condition will be triggered every day at the specified time.
    • Operator: This field allows you to specify the relationship between the Attribute and the target value for that attribute. The choices include Greater Than (>), Greater Than Or Equal To (>=), Less Than (<), Less Than Or Equal To (<=), Equal To (=), or Not Equal To (<>).
  • Time From Start: This will create a condition based on the amount of time that has passed since the beginning of an extended period simulation. The following fields are available when this condition type is selected.
    • Operator: This field allows you to specify the relationship between the Attribute and the target value for that attribute. The choices include Greater Than (>), Greater Than Or Equal To (>=), Less Than (<), Less Than Or Equal To (<=), Equal To (=), or Not Equal To (<>).
  • Target Value: This field's label will change depending on the attribute that is chosen. The value entered here is used in conjunction with the operator that is chosen to determine if the condition has been met.
  • Description: This area of the dialog box is preset with a default description. There is an option to change the default description. To do so, click the check box to activate the description field, and enter your description in the text box. Additionally, the description field supports the following expandable masks:
    • %# - ID
    • %e - Element
    • %a - Attribute
    • %o - Operator
    • %v - Value
    • %u - Unit
Note: Click the description list box to select one of the predefined masks.

Aside from reducing the amount of data input, using these masks provides the additional benefit of automatically updating the corresponding information when changes are made to the various condition components.

Summary: This area of the dialog box displays an automatically updated preview of the expanded description.

Composite Conditions

When a Composite Condition is being defined or edited, the lower part of the dialog box is comprised of a two column table and two buttons. The buttons are as follows:
  • Insert: Adds a new row to the Condition list.
  • Delete: Deletes the highlighted row from the Condition list.
  • Refresh: Updates the referenced conditions.
The table contains two columns, as follows:
  • Operator: This column allows you to choose the way in which the related Condition logic will be evaluated. The available choices are If, And, and Or.
    Note: The first condition in the list will use the If operator. Any additional conditions will allow you to choose between AND and OR.
    Note: Any combination of AND and OR clauses can be used in a rule. When mixing AND and OR clauses, the OR operator has higher precedence than AND. Therefore, "IF A or B and C" is equivalent to "IF (A or B) and C". If the interpretation was meant to be IF A or (B and C), this can be expressed using two Logical Controls: Logical Control 1: "IF A THEN..." and Logical Control 2: "IF B AND C THEN..."
  • Condition: The drop-down list allows you to choose a condition that was already created beforehand.
Description: This area of the dialog box is preset with a default description. There is an option to change the default description. To do so, click the check box to activate the description field, and enter your description in the text box. Additionally, the description field supports the following expandable masks:
  • %# - ID
  • %v - Value

Aside from reducing the amount of data input, using these masks provides the additional benefit of automatically updating the corresponding information when changes are made to the various condition components.

Note: Click the description list box to select one of the predefined masks.

Summary: This area of the dialog box displays an automatically updated preview of the expanded description.