Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Options Dialog Box - Drawing Tab

This tab contains drawing layout and display settings. You can set the scale that you want to use as the finished drawing scale for the plan view output. Drawing scale is based upon engineering judgment and the destination sheet sizes to be used in the final presentation. The Drawing tab contains the following controls:

Drawing Scale Settings  
Drawing Mode Drop-down list that lets you select either Scaled or Schematic mode for models in the drawing pane.
Horizontal Scale Factor 1 in. =: Controls the scale of the plan view. This value affects the text height when printing-to-scale and does not affect the scaled length or area results.
Annotation Multipliers Settings  
Symbol Size Mulitplier Increases or decreases the size of your symbols by the factor indicated. For example, a multiplier of 2 would result in the symbol size being doubled. The program selects a default symbol height that corresponds to 4.0 ft. (approximately 1.2 m) in actual-world units, regardless of scale.
Text Height Multiplier Increases or decreases the default size of the text associated with element labeling by the factor indicated. The program automatically selects a default text height that displays at approximately 2.5 mm (0.1 in) high at the user-defined drawing scale. A scale of 1.0 mm = 0.5 m, for example, results in a text height of approximately 1.25 m. Likewise, a 1 in. = 40 ft. scale equates to a text height of around 4.0 ft.
Pipe Text Setting  
Align Text with Pipes Turns text alignment on and off. When this check box is selected, labels are aligned to their associated pipes. When the check box is cleared, labels are displayed horizontally near the center of the associated pipe.
Color Element Annotations When this box is checked, color coding settings are applied to the element annotation.
The other tabs in the Options dialog are as follows: