Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Options Dialog Box - ProjectWise Tab

Note: These settings affect ProjectWise users only.

The ProjectWise tab contains options for using Subsurface Utilities with ProjectWise.

This tab contains the following controls:

  • Default Datasource: Displays the current ProjectWise datasource. If you have not yet logged into a datasource, this field will display <login>. To change the datasource, click the Ellipsis (...) button to open the Change Datasource dialog box. If you click Cancel after you have changed the default datasource, the new default datasource is retained.
  • Update Server on Save: When this is checked, any time you save your Subsurface Utilities model locally using the File > Save menu command, the files on your ProjectWise server will also be updated and all changes to the files will immediately become visible to other ProjectWise users. This option is turned off by default.
Note: This option, when turned on, can significantly affect performance, especially for large, complex models.
The other tabs in the Options dialog are as follows: