Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Options Dialog Box - Labeling Tab

The Element Labeling tab is used to specify the automatic numbering format of new elements as they are added to the network. You can save your settings to an .xml file for later use. The Element Labeling tab contains the following controls:

Save As Lets you save your element labeling settings to an element label model file, which is an. xml file.
Load Lets you open an existing element label model file.
Reset Fills in the Next column for each element based on the labels already used in the model and the increment value that has been set. So, for example, if the model contains conduits CO-1, CO-2, and CO-3 and the Increment value is 1, clicking Reset will fill in the Next column with CO-4 for the Conduit row.
Labeling Table The labeling table contains the following columns: Element —Shows the type of element to which the label applies. On —Lets you turn automatic element labeling on and off for the associated element type. Next —The integer you want to use as the starting value for the ID number portion of the label. Subsurface Utilities generates labels beginning with this number and chooses the first available unique label. Increment —The integer that is added to the ID number after each element is created to yield the number for the next element. Prefix —The letters or numbers that appear in front of the ID number for the elements in your network. Digits —The minimum number of digits that the ID number has. For instance, 1, 10, and 100 with a digit setting of two would be 01, 10, and 100. Suffix —The letters or numbers that appear after the ID number for the elements in your network. Preview —Lets you see what the label looks like, based on the information you have entered in the previous fields.
The other tabs in the Options dialog are as follows: