V. Floor Spectrum Verification 1

Calculate the response spectrum for a ramp acceleration time history.


  1. Biggs, John M., Introduction to Structural Dynamics, McGraw-Hill, 1964, pp. 256-258.
  2. Kelly, R. D. and Richman, G., Principle and Techniques of Shock Data Analysis, The Shock and Vibration Information Center, Washington D.C., 1969.
  3. Smallwood, David O, An Improved Recursive Formula for Calculating Shock Response Spectra, Shock and Vibration Bulletin, No. 51, May 1981.
  4. Tom Irvine (2023). Shock Response Spectrum, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved February 7, 2023.
  5. Wenjuan Sun, Qiaoping Su, Hongli Yuan and Liqin Liu,Calculation and Characteristic Analysis on Different Types of Shock Response Spectrum, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1676 (2020).


The purpose of this example is to compare the theoretical acceleration spectral values for the specified motion with those computed by STAAD.Pro.

Figure 1. Figure 1: Ideal Acceleration Time History


  • td = 0.1 sec
  • ӱso = 1.0 g

The acceleration time history is approximated by the curve shown below using a time interval of 0.001 seconds. The response of the system is computed for a time up to 0.250 seconds to account for the transient response to the impulse.

Figure 2. Figure 2: Input Acceleration Time History
Figure 3. Figure 3: Vertical Cantilever Model: divide into three segments at 10’, 5’, and 5’
  • E = 4.536x108 psf
  • L = 20 ft
  • I = 1/12 ft4
  • A = 1 ft2
  • Material Density = 149.99 lbf/ft3
  • Damping Ratio = 5%
  • g = 32.172 ft/sec2

The above model was subjected to the ground motion described in Fig. 2. above. Note that the absolute time history acceleration response at the ground node will be exactly the same as the input ground motion. Thus, the floor spectrum values calculated by STAAD.Pro at the ground node are the acceleration spectral values corresponding to the input ground motion.



As STAAD.Pro requires non-zero damping to be specified while calculating the floor spectrum, it is not possible to directly compare the STAAD.Pro generated floor spectrum with the theoretical solution with zero damping parameter as described in the next section. In lieu of a direct comparison, first, alternative methods to compute the acceleration spectrum per Kelly-Richman (2) and Smallwood (3) are developed by referring to the MATLAB® code developed by Irvine (4). The algorithm prosed by Smallwood is widely accepted in the industry due to its computational accuracy (5). The result from the Smallwood (3) method is compared against the theoretical solution (1) to establish the validity of the alternative method.

Following that, the floor spectrum or the spectral acceleration for the acceleration time-history per Fig. 2 is computed using STAAD.Pro for a 5% damping ratio. The same problem is also solved using the Smallwood algorithm. The results from STAAD.Pro and this alternative method are compared to establish the validity of the STAAD.Pro results.

Theoretical Solution

A theoretical solution based on the Reference 1 is developed for the system without damping.

The equation of motion for a damped single degree of freedom system subjected to a base acceleration of ӱso fa(t) is:

mü + ců + ku = -m ӱso fa(t)

Where u = u(t) = relative displacement of the mass with respect to the support. This equation can be expressed as:

ü + 2 βů + ω2u = - ӱso fa(t)

The response of the system is given by:



the dynamic load factor,
maximum support acceleration
time function for support acceleration

For this example:

  • ӱso = 1.0 g
  • β = 0.0
  • for t ≤ 2td
  • for t > 2td

Therefore, the equation for the dynamic load factor (DLF) becomes:

When integrated, this equation becomes (Eqn. 6.14(1)):

After time 2td , the equation for the dynamic load factor is from the reference (Eqn. 6 .15(1)):

which is based upon consideration of the DLF and its derivative at t = 2td as an initial displacement and velocity for the motion following the time 2td .

As per the Eqn. 6.13(1), the maximum acceleration response is so (DLF)max.|

The maximum value of the dynamic load factor according to these two equations was evaluated using a time interval of 0.001 seconds. The theoretical values (1) of the peak or spectral acceleration at a few discrete frequencies are listed in Table 1 below. The range of the peak values are plotted in Fig. 4.

Table 1. Absolute (Spectral) Acceleration (g ‘ s)
Frequency (Hz·) Theoretical
5.000 2.000
6.000 1.667
6.098 1.640
7.000 1.429
8.000 1.453
9.000 1.834
10.000 2.000
11.000 1.818
12.000 1.666
13.000 1.644
14.000 1.762
15.000 2.000
20.000 2.001
35.000 2.003
50.000 2.005

Validation of Alternative Method

As the alternate methods, a MATLAB / Octave code was developed based on the reference (4) to compute acceleration spectra using Kelly-Richman (2) and Smallwood (3) algorithms to calculate the acceleration spectra for given acceleration time history. The acceleration spectra are calculated by the alternate method following the Smallwood algorithm and compared with the theoretical solution as presented in Fig. 4.

Figure 4. Figure 4: Frequency versus spectral acceleration (no damping) per three methods

The plots in Fig 4 suggest that the alternative method agrees with the theoretical values, validating the alternative methods.


Using the GENERATE FLOOR SPECTRUM command set in STAAD.Pro, the floor spectrum is generated for a damping ratio of 5%. The frequency vs. spectral acceleration pairs is extracted from the SPRINT output as listed below in the STAAD Output section below. The floor spectrum is also calculated for the same damping ratio using the Smallwood algorithm using the validated alternative method. The spectral curve for the STAAD.Pro floor spectrum results is plotted and compared with the spectrum produced by the Smallwood algorithm. As demonstrated in Fig. 5 below, STAAD.Pro generated floor spectrum is in excellent agreement with the alternative method, thus validating the floor spectrum generation using STAAD.Pro.

Figure 5. Figure 5: Frequency versus spectral acceleration compared with STAAD.Pro results

STAAD.Pro Input

The file C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\STAAD.Pro 2024\Samples \Verification Models\08 Dynamic Analysis\Floor Spectrum Verification 1.STD is typically installed with the program.

1 0 0 0; 2 0 20 0; 3 0 10 0; 4 0 15 0;
1 1 3; 2 3 4; 3 4 2;
E 4.536e+08
DENSITY 149.99
ALPHA 5.5e-06
DAMP 0.05
G 1.93846e+08
1 TO 3 PRIS YD 1
2 3 FX 3.0912 FY 3.0912 FZ 3.0912
4 FX 1.5456 FY 1.5456 FZ 1.5456
0 0 0.001 1 0.199 -1 0.2 0 0.25 0


STAAD.Pro Output

                    MAX VALUE                 9.999364E-01
                    MIN VALUE                -9.999279E-01
                    MEAN VALUE                1.716036E-10
                    RMS VALUE                 5.176672E-01
                    EXPECTED FREQUENCY        1.701907E+01  HZ
                    TITLE: AT GROUND LEVEL                                   
       1  5.000000E-01  2.350797E+00  1.848440E+01  6.409103E-02  1.640000E-01
       2  6.000000E-01  2.284843E+00  1.823932E+01  8.822565E-02  1.650000E-01
       3  7.000000E-01  2.214131E+00  1.797431E+01  1.151403E-01  1.650000E-01
       4  8.000000E-01  2.144662E+00  1.769483E+01  1.443165E-01  1.640000E-01
       5  9.000000E-01  2.130347E+00  1.740297E+01  1.773300E-01  2.480000E-01
       6  1.000000E+00  2.114422E+00  1.710208E+01  2.172897E-01  2.480000E-01
       7  1.100000E+00  2.096922E+00  1.679510E+01  2.607452E-01  2.480000E-01
       8  1.200000E+00  2.077874E+00  1.699101E+01  3.074888E-01  2.480000E-01
       9  1.300000E+00  2.057311E+00  1.822487E+01  3.573007E-01  2.480000E-01
      10  1.400000E+00  2.035274E+00  1.941637E+01  4.099449E-01  2.480000E-01
      11  1.500000E+00  2.011784E+00  2.056326E+01  4.651660E-01  2.480000E-01
      12  1.600000E+00  1.986888E+00  2.166247E+01  5.227106E-01  2.480000E-01
      13  1.700000E+00  1.960622E+00  2.271232E+01  5.822906E-01  2.480000E-01
      14  1.800000E+00  1.933019E+00  2.371009E+01  6.436194E-01  2.480000E-01
      15  1.900000E+00  1.904165E+00  2.465338E+01  7.064200E-01  2.480000E-01
      16  2.000000E+00  1.874070E+00  2.554060E+01  7.703610E-01  2.480000E-01
      17  2.100000E+00  1.842810E+00  2.637056E+01  8.351448E-01  2.480000E-01
      18  2.200000E+00  1.810402E+00  2.714028E+01  9.004525E-01  2.480000E-01
      19  2.300000E+00  1.776918E+00  2.784952E+01  9.659824E-01  2.480000E-01
      20  2.400000E+00  1.742385E+00  2.844258E+01  1.031393E+00  2.480000E-01
      21  2.500000E+00  1.706908E+00  2.886397E+01  1.096345E+00  2.480000E-01
      22  2.600000E+00  1.670557E+00  2.910931E+01  1.160533E+00  2.480000E-01
      23  2.700000E+00  1.633294E+00  2.917632E+01  1.223588E+00  2.480000E-01
      24  2.800000E+00  1.595285E+00  2.906489E+01  1.285273E+00  2.480000E-01
      25  2.900000E+00  1.556508E+00  2.877695E+01  1.345200E+00  2.480000E-01
      26  3.000000E+00  1.517031E+00  2.835353E+01  1.403091E+00  2.480000E-01
      27  3.100000E+00  1.476939E+00  2.776677E+01  1.458614E+00  2.480000E-01
      28  3.200000E+00  1.436366E+00  2.702173E+01  1.511520E+00  2.480000E-01
      29  3.300000E+00  1.395266E+00  2.680904E+01  1.561431E+00  2.430000E-01
      30  3.400000E+00  1.353751E+00  2.679938E+01  1.608178E+00  2.390000E-01
      31  3.500000E+00  1.311854E+00  2.673381E+01  1.651373E+00  2.350000E-01
      32  3.600000E+00  1.269629E+00  2.661257E+01  1.690974E+00  2.320000E-01
      33  3.700000E+00  1.227200E+00  2.643817E+01  1.726433E+00  2.280000E-01
      34  3.800000E+00  1.184546E+00  2.621007E+01  1.757854E+00  2.250000E-01
      35  3.900000E+00  1.141855E+00  2.592859E+01  1.784815E+00  2.220000E-01
      36  4.000000E+00  1.099075E+00  2.559824E+01  1.807149E+00  2.190000E-01
      37  4.100000E+00  1.056263E+00  2.521568E+01  1.824684E+00  2.170000E-01
      STAAD SPACE                                              -- PAGE NO.    7 
      38  4.200000E+00  1.013614E+00  2.478644E+01  1.837501E+00  2.140000E-01
      39  4.300000E+00  9.710523E-01  2.431105E+01  1.844994E+00  2.120000E-01
      40  4.400000E+00  9.286757E-01  2.379230E+01  1.847652E+00  2.090000E-01
      41  4.500000E+00  8.864790E-01  2.322830E+01  1.844942E+00  2.070000E-01
      42  4.600000E+00  8.447104E-01  2.262549E+01  1.836893E+00  2.050000E-01
      43  4.700000E+00  8.032672E-01  2.198240E+01  1.823513E+00  2.030000E-01
      44  4.800000E+00  7.622236E-01  2.130294E+01  1.804784E+00  2.010000E-01
      45  4.900000E+00  7.216295E-01  2.058977E+01  1.780662E+00  1.990000E-01
      46  5.000000E+00  6.815895E-01  1.984447E+01  1.749534E+00  1.980000E-01
      47  5.100000E+00  6.421767E-01  1.906765E+01  1.711741E+00  1.960000E-01
      48  5.200000E+00  6.039931E-01  1.826769E+01  1.673534E+00  1.920000E-01
      49  5.300000E+00  5.686465E-01  1.743965E+01  1.636888E+00  1.890000E-01
      50  5.400000E+00  5.359181E-01  1.659311E+01  1.601536E+00  1.850000E-01
      51  5.500000E+00  5.055899E-01  1.572726E+01  1.567467E+00  1.820000E-01
      52  5.600000E+00  4.774412E-01  1.484502E+01  1.534550E+00  1.780000E-01
      53  5.700000E+00  4.513112E-01  1.394962E+01  1.502920E+00  1.750000E-01
      54  5.800000E+00  4.269893E-01  1.304360E+01  1.472341E+00  1.720000E-01
      55  5.900000E+00  4.043331E-01  1.213342E+01  1.442780E+00  1.690000E-01
      56  6.000000E+00  3.832057E-01  1.139109E+01  1.414176E+00  1.660000E-01
      57  6.100000E+00  3.634756E-01  1.114862E+01  1.386502E+00  1.640000E-01
      58  6.200000E+00  3.450160E-01  1.091559E+01  1.359858E+00  1.610000E-01
      59  6.300000E+00  3.277993E-01  1.069090E+01  1.333940E+00  1.580000E-01
      60  6.400000E+00  3.116397E-01  1.047434E+01  1.308869E+00  1.560000E-01
      61  6.500000E+00  2.965044E-01  1.026805E+01  1.284544E+00  1.530000E-01
      62  6.600000E+00  2.822789E-01  1.006724E+01  1.261679E+00  6.100000E-02
      63  6.700000E+00  2.755062E-01  9.875872E+00  1.269150E+00  6.000000E-02
      64  6.800000E+00  2.690092E-01  9.689357E+00  1.276333E+00  5.900000E-02
      65  6.900000E+00  2.627463E-01  9.511719E+00  1.283411E+00  5.900000E-02
      66  7.000000E+00  2.566738E-01  9.337955E+00  1.290463E+00  5.800000E-02
      67  7.100000E+00  2.507778E-01  9.172164E+00  1.297192E+00  5.700000E-02
      68  7.200000E+00  2.451376E-01  9.011521E+00  1.303714E+00  5.700000E-02
      69  7.300000E+00  2.396638E-01  8.854947E+00  1.310346E+00  5.600000E-02
      70  7.400000E+00  2.343317E-01  8.704484E+00  1.316598E+00  5.500000E-02
      71  7.500000E+00  2.292231E-01  8.559737E+00  1.322772E+00  5.500000E-02
      72  7.600000E+00  2.242619E-01  8.418936E+00  1.328932E+00  5.400000E-02
      73  7.700000E+00  2.194156E-01  8.282108E+00  1.334635E+00  5.300000E-02
      74  7.800000E+00  2.147963E-01  8.149253E+00  1.340654E+00  5.300000E-02
      75  7.900000E+00  2.102680E-01  8.020345E+00  1.346238E+00  5.200000E-02
      76  8.000000E+00  2.058971E-01  7.895589E+00  1.351840E+00  5.200000E-02
      77  8.100000E+00  2.016651E-01  7.775257E+00  1.357304E+00  5.100000E-02
      78  8.200000E+00  1.975278E-01  7.658265E+00  1.362558E+00  5.100000E-02
      79  8.300000E+00  1.935661E-01  7.544496E+00  1.367887E+00  5.000000E-02
      80  8.400000E+00  1.896531E-01  7.433814E+00  1.372861E+00  5.000000E-02
      81  8.500000E+00  1.859370E-01  7.594168E+00  1.378031E+00  4.900000E-02
      82  8.600000E+00  1.822519E-01  7.893734E+00  1.382789E+00  4.900000E-02
      83  8.700000E+00  1.787450E-01  8.165838E+00  1.387764E+00  4.800000E-02
      84  8.800000E+00  1.752672E-01  8.405481E+00  1.392369E+00  4.800000E-02
      85  8.900000E+00  1.719586E-01  8.612009E+00  1.397103E+00  4.700000E-02
      86  9.000000E+00  1.686662E-01  8.785094E+00  1.401612E+00  4.700000E-02
      87  9.100000E+00  1.684909E-01  8.924697E+00  1.433812E+00  2.050000E-01
      88  9.200000E+00  1.686933E-01  9.034207E+00  1.467064E+00  2.040000E-01
      89  9.300000E+00  1.682815E-01  9.112021E+00  1.495218E+00  2.030000E-01
      90  9.400000E+00  1.672761E-01  9.157156E+00  1.518977E+00  2.030000E-01
      91  9.500000E+00  1.657210E-01  9.170222E+00  1.537526E+00  2.020000E-01
      92  9.600000E+00  1.637085E-01  9.151957E+00  1.550652E+00  2.010000E-01
      93  9.700000E+00  1.611790E-01  9.103197E+00  1.558221E+00  2.000000E-01
      STAAD SPACE                                              -- PAGE NO.    8 
      94  9.800000E+00  1.581539E-01  9.024856E+00  1.560416E+00  2.000000E-01
      95  9.900000E+00  1.546542E-01  8.917899E+00  1.558154E+00  1.990000E-01
      96  1.000000E+01  1.508253E-01  8.783329E+00  1.547832E+00  1.990000E-01
      97  1.010000E+01  1.466154E-01  8.622166E+00  1.533483E+00  1.980000E-01
      98  1.020000E+01  1.420680E-01  8.435439E+00  1.513791E+00  1.960000E-01
      99  1.030000E+01  1.375449E-01  8.224170E+00  1.494440E+00  1.940000E-01
     100  1.040000E+01  1.332007E-01  7.989373E+00  1.475620E+00  1.930000E-01
     101  1.050000E+01  1.291799E-01  7.734271E+00  1.460728E+00  4.100000E-02
     102  1.060000E+01  1.270639E-01  7.462954E+00  1.463873E+00  4.000000E-02
     103  1.070000E+01  1.249565E-01  7.172056E+00  1.467584E+00  4.000000E-02
     104  1.080000E+01  1.229530E-01  6.862460E+00  1.470788E+00  4.000000E-02
     105  1.090000E+01  1.209809E-01  6.542472E+00  1.473774E+00  3.900000E-02
     106  1.100000E+01  1.190168E-01  6.210173E+00  1.477334E+00  3.900000E-02
     107  1.110000E+01  1.171590E-01  5.866377E+00  1.480411E+00  3.900000E-02
     108  1.120000E+01  1.153233E-01  5.518781E+00  1.483109E+00  3.800000E-02
     109  1.130000E+01  1.134950E-01  5.203242E+00  1.486592E+00  3.800000E-02
     110  1.140000E+01  1.117591E-01  5.149722E+00  1.489614E+00  3.800000E-02
     111  1.150000E+01  1.100524E-01  5.097403E+00  1.492174E+00  3.800000E-02
     112  1.160000E+01  1.083526E-01  5.045198E+00  1.495348E+00  3.700000E-02
     113  1.170000E+01  1.067164E-01  4.995503E+00  1.498385E+00  3.700000E-02
     114  1.180000E+01  1.051319E-01  4.944934E+00  1.500983E+00  3.700000E-02
     115  1.190000E+01  1.035535E-01  4.897399E+00  1.503560E+00  3.600000E-02
     116  1.200000E+01  1.019962E-01  4.848753E+00  1.506676E+00  3.600000E-02
     117  1.210000E+01  1.005272E-01  4.802887E+00  1.509374E+00  3.600000E-02
     118  1.220000E+01  9.906365E-02  4.756422E+00  1.511655E+00  3.600000E-02
     119  1.230000E+01  9.760580E-02  4.711702E+00  1.514404E+00  3.500000E-02
     120  1.240000E+01  9.620586E-02  4.667649E+00  1.517262E+00  3.500000E-02
     121  1.250000E+01  9.485095E-02  4.623527E+00  1.519723E+00  3.500000E-02
     122  1.260000E+01  9.350108E-02  4.582094E+00  1.521787E+00  3.500000E-02
     123  1.270000E+01  9.215644E-02  4.537997E+00  1.524524E+00  3.400000E-02
     124  1.280000E+01  9.088517E-02  4.499367E+00  1.527218E+00  3.400000E-02
     125  1.290000E+01  8.963736E-02  4.456811E+00  1.529537E+00  3.400000E-02
     126  1.300000E+01  8.839414E-02  4.419036E+00  1.531480E+00  3.400000E-02
     127  1.310000E+01  8.715568E-02  4.379609E+00  1.533979E+00  3.300000E-02
     128  1.320000E+01  8.598651E-02  4.340624E+00  1.536598E+00  3.300000E-02
     129  1.330000E+01  8.483916E-02  4.304462E+00  1.538863E+00  3.300000E-02
     130  1.340000E+01  8.369595E-02  4.264780E+00  1.540773E+00  3.300000E-02
     131  1.350000E+01  8.255702E-02  4.230838E+00  1.542770E+00  3.200000E-02
     132  1.360000E+01  8.146535E-02  4.362512E+00  1.545396E+00  3.200000E-02
     133  1.370000E+01  8.041218E-02  4.531747E+00  1.547689E+00  3.200000E-02
     134  1.380000E+01  7.936270E-02  4.684374E+00  1.549646E+00  3.200000E-02
     135  1.390000E+01  7.831702E-02  4.825470E+00  1.551267E+00  3.200000E-02
     136  1.400000E+01  7.728008E-02  4.949535E+00  1.553545E+00  3.100000E-02
     137  1.410000E+01  7.631516E-02  5.060318E+00  1.555939E+00  3.100000E-02
     138  1.420000E+01  7.535348E-02  5.151950E+00  1.558018E+00  3.100000E-02
     139  1.430000E+01  7.439515E-02  5.231017E+00  1.559781E+00  3.100000E-02
     140  1.440000E+01  7.344027E-02  5.287983E+00  1.561227E+00  3.100000E-02
     141  1.450000E+01  7.250961E-02  5.334596E+00  1.563479E+00  3.000000E-02
     142  1.460000E+01  7.163017E-02  5.356190E+00  1.565746E+00  3.000000E-02
     143  1.470000E+01  7.075364E-02  5.370164E+00  1.567716E+00  3.000000E-02
     144  1.480000E+01  6.988012E-02  5.357053E+00  1.569390E+00  3.000000E-02
     145  1.490000E+01  6.900968E-02  5.338645E+00  1.570766E+00  3.000000E-02
     146  1.500000E+01  6.815722E-02  5.292682E+00  1.572626E+00  2.900000E-02
     147  1.510000E+01  6.735732E-02  5.242482E+00  1.574863E+00  2.900000E-02
     148  1.520000E+01  6.655998E-02  5.166496E+00  1.576821E+00  2.900000E-02
     149  1.530000E+01  6.576529E-02  5.085330E+00  1.578501E+00  2.900000E-02
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     150  1.540000E+01  6.497333E-02  4.982917E+00  1.579902E+00  2.900000E-02
     151  1.550000E+01  6.418419E-02  4.871768E+00  1.581024E+00  2.900000E-02
     152  1.560000E+01  6.344741E-02  4.747072E+00  1.583239E+00  2.800000E-02
     153  1.570000E+01  6.272367E-02  4.607014E+00  1.585273E+00  2.800000E-02
     154  1.580000E+01  6.200225E-02  4.464526E+00  1.587047E+00  2.800000E-02
     155  1.590000E+01  6.128320E-02  4.307627E+00  1.588561E+00  2.800000E-02
     156  1.600000E+01  6.056660E-02  4.141053E+00  1.589813E+00  2.800000E-02
     157  1.610000E+01  5.985494E-02  3.974769E+00  1.590804E+00  2.800000E-02
     158  1.620000E+01  5.919959E-02  3.800802E+00  1.592918E+00  2.700000E-02
     159  1.630000E+01  5.854622E-02  3.622177E+00  1.594864E+00  2.700000E-02
     160  1.640000E+01  5.789490E-02  3.441920E+00  1.596568E+00  2.700000E-02
     161  1.650000E+01  5.724568E-02  3.365042E+00  1.598027E+00  2.700000E-02
     162  1.660000E+01  5.659860E-02  3.342886E+00  1.599243E+00  2.700000E-02
     163  1.670000E+01  5.595374E-02  3.322160E+00  1.600216E+00  2.700000E-02
     164  1.680000E+01  5.535588E-02  3.299595E+00  1.601691E+00  2.600000E-02
     165  1.690000E+01  5.476747E-02  3.275228E+00  1.603652E+00  2.600000E-02
     166  1.700000E+01  5.418083E-02  3.254692E+00  1.605387E+00  2.600000E-02
     167  1.710000E+01  5.359601E-02  3.235043E+00  1.606895E+00  2.600000E-02
     168  1.720000E+01  5.301306E-02  3.213676E+00  1.608177E+00  2.600000E-02
     169  1.730000E+01  5.243202E-02  3.190625E+00  1.609232E+00  2.600000E-02
     170  1.740000E+01  5.186308E-02  3.170465E+00  1.610060E+00  2.600000E-02
     171  1.750000E+01  5.133458E-02  3.152170E+00  1.611513E+00  2.500000E-02
     172  1.760000E+01  5.080760E-02  3.132267E+00  1.613371E+00  2.500000E-02
     173  1.770000E+01  5.028217E-02  3.110787E+00  1.615020E+00  2.500000E-02
     174  1.780000E+01  4.975834E-02  3.089715E+00  1.616458E+00  2.500000E-02
     175  1.790000E+01  4.923614E-02  3.073012E+00  1.617687E+00  2.500000E-02
     176  1.800000E+01  4.871561E-02  3.054801E+00  1.618704E+00  2.500000E-02
     177  1.810000E+01  4.819913E-02  3.035109E+00  1.619511E+00  2.500000E-02
     178  1.820000E+01  4.772716E-02  3.013966E+00  1.620248E+00  2.400000E-02
     179  1.830000E+01  4.725650E-02  2.996890E+00  1.622117E+00  2.400000E-02
     180  1.840000E+01  4.678717E-02  2.980565E+00  1.623791E+00  2.400000E-02
     181  1.850000E+01  4.631921E-02  2.962848E+00  1.625272E+00  2.400000E-02
     182  1.860000E+01  4.585265E-02  3.007060E+00  1.626557E+00  2.400000E-02
     183  1.870000E+01  4.538753E-02  3.104534E+00  1.627648E+00  2.400000E-02
     184  1.880000E+01  4.492387E-02  3.194961E+00  1.628544E+00  2.400000E-02
     185  1.890000E+01  4.447532E-02  3.282295E+00  1.629246E+00  2.400000E-02
     186  1.900000E+01  4.405626E-02  3.365036E+00  1.629752E+00  2.400000E-02
     187  1.910000E+01  4.363832E-02  3.437045E+00  1.631538E+00  2.300000E-02
     188  1.920000E+01  4.322153E-02  3.496894E+00  1.633159E+00  2.300000E-02
     189  1.930000E+01  4.280592E-02  3.553328E+00  1.634600E+00  2.300000E-02
     190  1.940000E+01  4.239152E-02  3.601199E+00  1.635863E+00  2.300000E-02
     191  1.950000E+01  4.197835E-02  3.634928E+00  1.636946E+00  2.300000E-02
     192  1.960000E+01  4.156644E-02  3.657788E+00  1.637849E+00  2.300000E-02
     193  1.970000E+01  4.115582E-02  3.678445E+00  1.638572E+00  2.300000E-02
     194  1.980000E+01  4.078330E-02  3.684211E+00  1.639116E+00  2.300000E-02
     195  1.990000E+01  4.041337E-02  3.675044E+00  1.639753E+00  2.200000E-02
     196  2.000000E+01  4.004442E-02  3.665557E+00  1.641435E+00  2.200000E-02
     197  2.010000E+01  3.967647E-02  3.643973E+00  1.642954E+00  2.200000E-02
     198  2.020000E+01  3.930953E-02  3.608374E+00  1.644307E+00  2.200000E-02
     199  2.030000E+01  3.894363E-02  3.564406E+00  1.645496E+00  2.200000E-02
     200  2.040000E+01  3.857879E-02  3.518175E+00  1.646519E+00  2.200000E-02
     201  2.050000E+01  3.821503E-02  3.459757E+00  1.647378E+00  2.200000E-02
     202  2.060000E+01  3.785238E-02  3.390245E+00  1.648072E+00  2.200000E-02
     203  2.070000E+01  3.752133E-02  3.314480E+00  1.648600E+00  2.200000E-02
     204  2.080000E+01  3.719592E-02  3.238240E+00  1.648964E+00  2.200000E-02
     205  2.090000E+01  3.687133E-02  3.153697E+00  1.650028E+00  2.100000E-02
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     206  2.100000E+01  3.654758E-02  3.062332E+00  1.651572E+00  2.100000E-02
     207  2.110000E+01  3.622469E-02  2.965711E+00  1.652965E+00  2.100000E-02
     208  2.120000E+01  3.590267E-02  2.865448E+00  1.654208E+00  2.100000E-02
     209  2.130000E+01  3.558154E-02  2.764471E+00  1.655300E+00  2.100000E-02
     210  2.140000E+01  3.526131E-02  2.665436E+00  1.656241E+00  2.100000E-02
     211  2.150000E+01  3.494201E-02  2.566009E+00  1.657031E+00  2.100000E-02
     212  2.160000E+01  3.462365E-02  2.494065E+00  1.657670E+00  2.100000E-02
     213  2.170000E+01  3.433677E-02  2.483238E+00  1.658157E+00  2.100000E-02
     214  2.180000E+01  3.405232E-02  2.471548E+00  1.658494E+00  2.100000E-02
     215  2.190000E+01  3.376856E-02  2.459007E+00  1.658769E+00  2.000000E-02
     216  2.200000E+01  3.348551E-02  2.445628E+00  1.660314E+00  2.000000E-02
     217  2.210000E+01  3.320317E-02  2.431426E+00  1.661721E+00  2.000000E-02
     218  2.220000E+01  3.292157E-02  2.418347E+00  1.662992E+00  2.000000E-02
     219  2.230000E+01  3.264070E-02  2.408849E+00  1.664124E+00  2.000000E-02
     220  2.240000E+01  3.236060E-02  2.398552E+00  1.665120E+00  2.000000E-02
     221  2.250000E+01  3.208127E-02  2.387467E+00  1.665978E+00  2.000000E-02
     222  2.260000E+01  3.180272E-02  2.375607E+00  1.666698E+00  2.000000E-02
     223  2.270000E+01  3.152748E-02  2.362982E+00  1.667280E+00  2.000000E-02
     224  2.280000E+01  3.127990E-02  2.349606E+00  1.667725E+00  2.000000E-02
     225  2.290000E+01  3.103288E-02  2.337135E+00  1.668033E+00  2.000000E-02
     226  2.300000E+01  3.078644E-02  2.328412E+00  1.668203E+00  2.000000E-02
     227  2.310000E+01  3.054059E-02  2.318958E+00  1.668979E+00  1.900000E-02
     228  2.320000E+01  3.029533E-02  2.308785E+00  1.670396E+00  1.900000E-02
     229  2.330000E+01  3.005068E-02  2.297901E+00  1.671689E+00  1.900000E-02
     230  2.340000E+01  2.980664E-02  2.286319E+00  1.672857E+00  1.900000E-02
     231  2.350000E+01  2.956323E-02  2.274047E+00  1.673901E+00  1.900000E-02
     232  2.360000E+01  2.932047E-02  2.315262E+00  1.674819E+00  1.900000E-02
     233  2.370000E+01  2.907835E-02  2.372272E+00  1.675614E+00  1.900000E-02
     234  2.380000E+01  2.883689E-02  2.426706E+00  1.676283E+00  1.900000E-02
     235  2.390000E+01  2.859986E-02  2.477414E+00  1.676827E+00  1.900000E-02
     236  2.400000E+01  2.838636E-02  2.529942E+00  1.677247E+00  1.900000E-02
     237  2.410000E+01  2.817332E-02  2.578645E+00  1.677542E+00  1.900000E-02
     238  2.420000E+01  2.796075E-02  2.621805E+00  1.677713E+00  1.900000E-02
     239  2.430000E+01  2.774867E-02  2.658583E+00  1.677758E+00  1.900000E-02
     240  2.440000E+01  2.753707E-02  2.688269E+00  1.678758E+00  1.800000E-02
     241  2.450000E+01  2.732597E-02  2.710288E+00  1.680086E+00  1.800000E-02
     242  2.460000E+01  2.711538E-02  2.730300E+00  1.681302E+00  1.800000E-02
     243  2.470000E+01  2.690531E-02  2.747874E+00  1.682405E+00  1.800000E-02
     244  2.480000E+01  2.669575E-02  2.757220E+00  1.683396E+00  1.800000E-02
     245  2.490000E+01  2.648673E-02  2.758180E+00  1.684274E+00  1.800000E-02
     246  2.500000E+01  2.627825E-02  2.750745E+00  1.685040E+00  1.800000E-02
     247  2.510000E+01  2.607031E-02  2.735096E+00  1.685693E+00  1.800000E-02
     248  2.520000E+01  2.586293E-02  2.723400E+00  1.686234E+00  1.800000E-02
     249  2.530000E+01  2.567873E-02  2.703756E+00  1.686662E+00  1.800000E-02
     250  2.540000E+01  2.549633E-02  2.676529E+00  1.686978E+00  1.800000E-02
     251  2.550000E+01  2.531431E-02  2.642207E+00  1.687181E+00  1.800000E-02
     252  2.560000E+01  2.513268E-02  2.601385E+00  1.687272E+00  1.800000E-02
     253  2.570000E+01  2.495145E-02  2.554754E+00  1.687250E+00  1.800000E-02
     254  2.580000E+01  2.477062E-02  2.509748E+00  1.687894E+00  1.700000E-02
     255  2.590000E+01  2.459020E-02  2.461723E+00  1.689182E+00  1.700000E-02
     256  2.600000E+01  2.441019E-02  2.409361E+00  1.690371E+00  1.700000E-02
     257  2.610000E+01  2.423061E-02  2.353530E+00  1.691458E+00  1.700000E-02
     258  2.620000E+01  2.405145E-02  2.295138E+00  1.692445E+00  1.700000E-02
     259  2.630000E+01  2.387273E-02  2.235118E+00  1.693330E+00  1.700000E-02
     260  2.640000E+01  2.369445E-02  2.174409E+00  1.694115E+00  1.700000E-02
     261  2.650000E+01  2.351661E-02  2.113944E+00  1.694799E+00  1.700000E-02
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     262  2.660000E+01  2.333923E-02  2.054630E+00  1.695382E+00  1.700000E-02
     263  2.670000E+01  2.316830E-02  2.017403E+00  1.695865E+00  1.700000E-02
     264  2.680000E+01  2.301335E-02  2.010678E+00  1.696246E+00  1.700000E-02
     265  2.690000E+01  2.285870E-02  2.003944E+00  1.696526E+00  1.700000E-02
     266  2.700000E+01  2.270437E-02  1.997201E+00  1.696706E+00  1.700000E-02
     267  2.710000E+01  2.255034E-02  1.990449E+00  1.696785E+00  1.700000E-02
     268  2.720000E+01  2.239664E-02  1.983687E+00  1.696763E+00  1.700000E-02
     269  2.730000E+01  2.224326E-02  1.976917E+00  1.696640E+00  1.700000E-02
     270  2.740000E+01  2.209020E-02  1.970137E+00  1.697401E+00  1.600000E-02
     271  2.750000E+01  2.193749E-02  1.963349E+00  1.698619E+00  1.600000E-02
     272  2.760000E+01  2.178511E-02  1.956553E+00  1.699748E+00  1.600000E-02
     273  2.770000E+01  2.163307E-02  1.949748E+00  1.700788E+00  1.600000E-02
     274  2.780000E+01  2.148139E-02  1.942934E+00  1.701737E+00  1.600000E-02
     275  2.790000E+01  2.133005E-02  1.936112E+00  1.702597E+00  1.600000E-02
     276  2.800000E+01  2.117907E-02  1.929282E+00  1.703367E+00  1.600000E-02
     277  2.810000E+01  2.102846E-02  1.922444E+00  1.704047E+00  1.600000E-02
     278  2.820000E+01  2.087821E-02  1.915598E+00  1.704637E+00  1.600000E-02
     279  2.830000E+01  2.072833E-02  1.908745E+00  1.705137E+00  1.600000E-02
     280  2.840000E+01  2.059595E-02  1.901883E+00  1.705547E+00  1.600000E-02
     281  2.850000E+01  2.046592E-02  1.895014E+00  1.705868E+00  1.600000E-02
     282  2.860000E+01  2.033613E-02  1.900092E+00  1.706098E+00  1.600000E-02
     283  2.870000E+01  2.020659E-02  1.934873E+00  1.706239E+00  1.600000E-02
     284  2.880000E+01  2.007730E-02  1.969295E+00  1.706290E+00  1.600000E-02
     285  2.890000E+01  1.994826E-02  2.002640E+00  1.706251E+00  1.600000E-02
     286  2.900000E+01  1.981948E-02  2.034220E+00  1.706123E+00  1.600000E-02
     287  2.910000E+01  1.969096E-02  2.063391E+00  1.705905E+00  1.600000E-02
     288  2.920000E+01  1.956271E-02  2.089562E+00  1.706820E+00  1.500000E-02
     289  2.930000E+01  1.943473E-02  2.112204E+00  1.707973E+00  1.500000E-02
     290  2.940000E+01  1.930702E-02  2.130859E+00  1.709046E+00  1.500000E-02
     291  2.950000E+01  1.917959E-02  2.145145E+00  1.710041E+00  1.500000E-02
     292  2.960000E+01  1.905243E-02  2.160689E+00  1.710956E+00  1.500000E-02
     293  2.970000E+01  1.892556E-02  2.174158E+00  1.711791E+00  1.500000E-02
     294  2.980000E+01  1.879898E-02  2.182887E+00  1.712547E+00  1.500000E-02
     295  2.990000E+01  1.867268E-02  2.186714E+00  1.713224E+00  1.500000E-02
     296  3.000000E+01  1.854668E-02  2.185560E+00  1.713821E+00  1.500000E-02
     297  3.010000E+01  1.842098E-02  2.179430E+00  1.714339E+00  1.500000E-02
     298  3.020000E+01  1.830338E-02  2.168415E+00  1.714777E+00  1.500000E-02
     299  3.030000E+01  1.819523E-02  2.152682E+00  1.715136E+00  1.500000E-02
     300  3.040000E+01  1.808728E-02  2.132508E+00  1.715415E+00  1.500000E-02
     301  3.050000E+01  1.797951E-02  2.116323E+00  1.715615E+00  1.500000E-02
     302  3.060000E+01  1.787193E-02  2.095884E+00  1.715735E+00  1.500000E-02
     303  3.070000E+01  1.776456E-02  2.071534E+00  1.715776E+00  1.500000E-02
     304  3.080000E+01  1.765738E-02  2.043673E+00  1.715738E+00  1.500000E-02
     305  3.090000E+01  1.755041E-02  2.012753E+00  1.715621E+00  1.500000E-02
     306  3.100000E+01  1.744364E-02  1.979264E+00  1.715424E+00  1.500000E-02
     307  3.110000E+01  1.733708E-02  1.943733E+00  1.715148E+00  1.500000E-02
     308  3.120000E+01  1.723072E-02  1.906708E+00  1.715670E+00  1.400000E-02
     309  3.130000E+01  1.712459E-02  1.868754E+00  1.716790E+00  1.400000E-02
     310  3.140000E+01  1.701866E-02  1.830436E+00  1.717840E+00  1.400000E-02
     311  3.150000E+01  1.691296E-02  1.792318E+00  1.718820E+00  1.400000E-02
     312  3.160000E+01  1.680747E-02  1.754947E+00  1.719731E+00  1.400000E-02
     313  3.170000E+01  1.670221E-02  1.718848E+00  1.720573E+00  1.400000E-02
     314  3.180000E+01  1.659717E-02  1.709620E+00  1.721344E+00  1.400000E-02
     315  3.190000E+01  1.649237E-02  1.704276E+00  1.722046E+00  1.400000E-02
     316  3.200000E+01  1.638779E-02  1.698927E+00  1.722678E+00  1.400000E-02
     317  3.210000E+01  1.628344E-02  1.693572E+00  1.723241E+00  1.400000E-02
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     318  3.220000E+01  1.617933E-02  1.688211E+00  1.723734E+00  1.400000E-02
     319  3.230000E+01  1.608399E-02  1.682846E+00  1.724157E+00  1.400000E-02
     320  3.240000E+01  1.599524E-02  1.677475E+00  1.724510E+00  1.400000E-02
     321  3.250000E+01  1.590663E-02  1.672099E+00  1.724794E+00  1.400000E-02
     322  3.260000E+01  1.581817E-02  1.666718E+00  1.725008E+00  1.400000E-02
     323  3.270000E+01  1.572986E-02  1.661333E+00  1.725153E+00  1.400000E-02
     324  3.280000E+01  1.564170E-02  1.655942E+00  1.725228E+00  1.400000E-02
     325  3.290000E+01  1.555369E-02  1.650547E+00  1.725233E+00  1.400000E-02
     326  3.300000E+01  1.546584E-02  1.645146E+00  1.725169E+00  1.400000E-02
     327  3.310000E+01  1.537814E-02  1.639741E+00  1.725035E+00  1.400000E-02
     328  3.320000E+01  1.529061E-02  1.634332E+00  1.724832E+00  1.400000E-02
     329  3.330000E+01  1.520323E-02  1.628918E+00  1.724560E+00  1.400000E-02
     330  3.340000E+01  1.511601E-02  1.623499E+00  1.724218E+00  1.400000E-02
     331  3.350000E+01  1.502896E-02  1.618076E+00  1.724513E+00  1.300000E-02
     332  3.360000E+01  1.494208E-02  1.614139E+00  1.725591E+00  1.300000E-02
     333  3.370000E+01  1.485536E-02  1.634461E+00  1.726609E+00  1.300000E-02
     334  3.380000E+01  1.476881E-02  1.655727E+00  1.727566E+00  1.300000E-02
     335  3.390000E+01  1.468243E-02  1.676950E+00  1.728463E+00  1.300000E-02
     336  3.400000E+01  1.459623E-02  1.697690E+00  1.729299E+00  1.300000E-02
     337  3.410000E+01  1.451020E-02  1.717524E+00  1.730075E+00  1.300000E-02
     338  3.420000E+01  1.442435E-02  1.736054E+00  1.730790E+00  1.300000E-02
     339  3.430000E+01  1.433868E-02  1.752909E+00  1.731445E+00  1.300000E-02
     340  3.440000E+01  1.425318E-02  1.767753E+00  1.732039E+00  1.300000E-02
     341  3.450000E+01  1.416787E-02  1.780290E+00  1.732573E+00  1.300000E-02
     342  3.460000E+01  1.408275E-02  1.790267E+00  1.733046E+00  1.300000E-02
     343  3.470000E+01  1.400692E-02  1.797478E+00  1.733459E+00  1.300000E-02
     344  3.480000E+01  1.393511E-02  1.801768E+00  1.733811E+00  1.300000E-02
     345  3.490000E+01  1.386341E-02  1.803031E+00  1.734103E+00  1.300000E-02
     346  3.500000E+01  1.379181E-02  1.801217E+00  1.734334E+00  1.300000E-02
     347  3.510000E+01  1.372033E-02  1.796324E+00  1.734505E+00  1.300000E-02
     348  3.520000E+01  1.364897E-02  1.788404E+00  1.734615E+00  1.300000E-02
     349  3.530000E+01  1.357771E-02  1.778802E+00  1.734665E+00  1.300000E-02
     350  3.540000E+01  1.350658E-02  1.771668E+00  1.734654E+00  1.300000E-02
     351  3.550000E+01  1.343556E-02  1.761685E+00  1.734583E+00  1.300000E-02
     352  3.560000E+01  1.336465E-02  1.749008E+00  1.734452E+00  1.300000E-02
     353  3.570000E+01  1.329387E-02  1.733835E+00  1.734260E+00  1.300000E-02
     354  3.580000E+01  1.322321E-02  1.716400E+00  1.734009E+00  1.300000E-02
     355  3.590000E+01  1.315268E-02  1.696972E+00  1.733697E+00  1.300000E-02
     356  3.600000E+01  1.308226E-02  1.675846E+00  1.733325E+00  1.300000E-02
     357  3.610000E+01  1.301197E-02  1.653340E+00  1.732893E+00  1.300000E-02
     358  3.620000E+01  1.294181E-02  1.629789E+00  1.733631E+00  1.200000E-02
     359  3.630000E+01  1.287178E-02  1.605537E+00  1.734645E+00  1.200000E-02
     360  3.640000E+01  1.280187E-02  1.580936E+00  1.735608E+00  1.200000E-02
     361  3.650000E+01  1.273209E-02  1.556336E+00  1.736518E+00  1.200000E-02
     362  3.660000E+01  1.266245E-02  1.532080E+00  1.737377E+00  1.200000E-02
     363  3.670000E+01  1.259294E-02  1.508500E+00  1.738184E+00  1.200000E-02
     364  3.680000E+01  1.252356E-02  1.486461E+00  1.738938E+00  1.200000E-02
     365  3.690000E+01  1.245432E-02  1.482430E+00  1.739641E+00  1.200000E-02
     366  3.700000E+01  1.238521E-02  1.478395E+00  1.740292E+00  1.200000E-02
     367  3.710000E+01  1.231624E-02  1.474357E+00  1.740891E+00  1.200000E-02
     368  3.720000E+01  1.224741E-02  1.470315E+00  1.741438E+00  1.200000E-02
     369  3.730000E+01  1.217872E-02  1.466270E+00  1.741932E+00  1.200000E-02
     370  3.740000E+01  1.211198E-02  1.462222E+00  1.742375E+00  1.200000E-02
     371  3.750000E+01  1.205476E-02  1.458170E+00  1.742766E+00  1.200000E-02
     372  3.760000E+01  1.199762E-02  1.454115E+00  1.743105E+00  1.200000E-02
     373  3.770000E+01  1.194056E-02  1.450057E+00  1.743392E+00  1.200000E-02
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     374  3.780000E+01  1.188358E-02  1.445996E+00  1.743627E+00  1.200000E-02
     375  3.790000E+01  1.182668E-02  1.441931E+00  1.743810E+00  1.200000E-02
     376  3.800000E+01  1.176987E-02  1.437864E+00  1.743941E+00  1.200000E-02
     377  3.810000E+01  1.171314E-02  1.433793E+00  1.744020E+00  1.200000E-02
     378  3.820000E+01  1.165649E-02  1.429719E+00  1.744047E+00  1.200000E-02
     379  3.830000E+01  1.159994E-02  1.425643E+00  1.744023E+00  1.200000E-02
     380  3.840000E+01  1.154346E-02  1.421563E+00  1.743946E+00  1.200000E-02
     381  3.850000E+01  1.148708E-02  1.417481E+00  1.743818E+00  1.200000E-02
     382  3.860000E+01  1.143079E-02  1.416653E+00  1.743638E+00  1.200000E-02
     383  3.870000E+01  1.137458E-02  1.428962E+00  1.743406E+00  1.200000E-02
     384  3.880000E+01  1.131847E-02  1.441652E+00  1.743123E+00  1.200000E-02
     385  3.890000E+01  1.126244E-02  1.454443E+00  1.742788E+00  1.200000E-02
     386  3.900000E+01  1.120651E-02  1.467057E+00  1.742402E+00  1.200000E-02
     387  3.910000E+01  1.115067E-02  1.479225E+00  1.741964E+00  1.200000E-02
     388  3.920000E+01  1.109493E-02  1.490690E+00  1.741475E+00  1.200000E-02
     389  3.930000E+01  1.103928E-02  1.501209E+00  1.741999E+00  1.100000E-02
     390  3.940000E+01  1.098373E-02  1.510561E+00  1.742977E+00  1.100000E-02
     391  3.950000E+01  1.092827E-02  1.518548E+00  1.743911E+00  1.100000E-02
     392  3.960000E+01  1.087291E-02  1.524998E+00  1.744801E+00  1.100000E-02
     393  3.970000E+01  1.081765E-02  1.529765E+00  1.745648E+00  1.100000E-02
     394  3.980000E+01  1.076249E-02  1.532736E+00  1.746450E+00  1.100000E-02
     395  3.990000E+01  1.070743E-02  1.533830E+00  1.747208E+00  1.100000E-02
     396  4.000000E+01  1.065247E-02  1.532994E+00  1.747922E+00  1.100000E-02
     397  4.010000E+01  1.059761E-02  1.530213E+00  1.748592E+00  1.100000E-02
     398  4.020000E+01  1.054285E-02  1.525501E+00  1.749218E+00  1.100000E-02
     399  4.030000E+01  1.048820E-02  1.518904E+00  1.749800E+00  1.100000E-02
     400  4.040000E+01  1.043365E-02  1.510499E+00  1.750338E+00  1.100000E-02
     401  4.050000E+01  1.037920E-02  1.500390E+00  1.750831E+00  1.100000E-02
     402  4.060000E+01  1.032517E-02  1.490468E+00  1.751281E+00  1.100000E-02
     403  4.070000E+01  1.028047E-02  1.481758E+00  1.751687E+00  1.100000E-02
     404  4.080000E+01  1.023582E-02  1.471501E+00  1.752048E+00  1.100000E-02
     405  4.090000E+01  1.019122E-02  1.459848E+00  1.752365E+00  1.100000E-02
     406  4.100000E+01  1.014669E-02  1.446971E+00  1.752639E+00  1.100000E-02
     407  4.110000E+01  1.010221E-02  1.433059E+00  1.752868E+00  1.100000E-02
     408  4.120000E+01  1.005780E-02  1.418315E+00  1.753053E+00  1.100000E-02
     409  4.130000E+01  1.001344E-02  1.402949E+00  1.753194E+00  1.100000E-02
     410  4.140000E+01  9.969145E-03  1.387182E+00  1.753291E+00  1.100000E-02
     411  4.150000E+01  9.924909E-03  1.371233E+00  1.753345E+00  1.100000E-02
     412  4.160000E+01  9.880736E-03  1.355324E+00  1.753354E+00  1.100000E-02
     413  4.170000E+01  9.836624E-03  1.339669E+00  1.753319E+00  1.100000E-02
     414  4.180000E+01  9.792575E-03  1.324477E+00  1.753240E+00  1.100000E-02
     415  4.190000E+01  9.748590E-03  1.310833E+00  1.753118E+00  1.100000E-02
     416  4.200000E+01  9.704669E-03  1.307973E+00  1.752951E+00  1.100000E-02
     417  4.210000E+01  9.660812E-03  1.305110E+00  1.752741E+00  1.100000E-02
     418  4.220000E+01  9.617021E-03  1.302245E+00  1.752487E+00  1.100000E-02
     419  4.230000E+01  9.573295E-03  1.299378E+00  1.752189E+00  1.100000E-02
     420  4.240000E+01  9.529635E-03  1.296508E+00  1.751848E+00  1.100000E-02
     421  4.250000E+01  9.486043E-03  1.293636E+00  1.751462E+00  1.100000E-02
     422  4.260000E+01  9.442518E-03  1.290761E+00  1.751034E+00  1.100000E-02
     423  4.270000E+01  9.399061E-03  1.287884E+00  1.750561E+00  1.100000E-02
     424  4.280000E+01  9.355673E-03  1.285005E+00  1.750045E+00  1.100000E-02
     425  4.290000E+01  9.312354E-03  1.282124E+00  1.749486E+00  1.100000E-02
     426  4.300000E+01  9.269104E-03  1.279240E+00  1.750325E+00  1.000000E-02
     427  4.310000E+01  9.225925E-03  1.276354E+00  1.751255E+00  1.000000E-02
     428  4.320000E+01  9.182817E-03  1.273466E+00  1.752149E+00  1.000000E-02
     429  4.330000E+01  9.139781E-03  1.270576E+00  1.753006E+00  1.000000E-02
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     430  4.340000E+01  9.096816E-03  1.267683E+00  1.753826E+00  1.000000E-02
     431  4.350000E+01  9.053924E-03  1.264788E+00  1.754609E+00  1.000000E-02
     432  4.360000E+01  9.011105E-03  1.261892E+00  1.755356E+00  1.000000E-02
     433  4.370000E+01  8.968360E-03  1.264185E+00  1.756065E+00  1.000000E-02
     434  4.380000E+01  8.925688E-03  1.271850E+00  1.756738E+00  1.000000E-02
     435  4.390000E+01  8.883092E-03  1.279745E+00  1.757375E+00  1.000000E-02
     436  4.400000E+01  8.840571E-03  1.287692E+00  1.757974E+00  1.000000E-02
     437  4.410000E+01  8.798125E-03  1.295515E+00  1.758537E+00  1.000000E-02
     438  4.420000E+01  8.755756E-03  1.303042E+00  1.759063E+00  1.000000E-02
     439  4.430000E+01  8.713464E-03  1.310111E+00  1.759552E+00  1.000000E-02
     440  4.440000E+01  8.671753E-03  1.316568E+00  1.760004E+00  1.000000E-02
     441  4.450000E+01  8.637607E-03  1.322273E+00  1.760419E+00  1.000000E-02
     442  4.460000E+01  8.603500E-03  1.327100E+00  1.760798E+00  1.000000E-02
     443  4.470000E+01  8.569432E-03  1.330940E+00  1.761139E+00  1.000000E-02
     444  4.480000E+01  8.535405E-03  1.333701E+00  1.761444E+00  1.000000E-02
     445  4.490000E+01  8.501418E-03  1.335311E+00  1.761712E+00  1.000000E-02
     446  4.500000E+01  8.467472E-03  1.335717E+00  1.761944E+00  1.000000E-02
     447  4.510000E+01  8.433567E-03  1.334888E+00  1.762138E+00  1.000000E-02
     448  4.520000E+01  8.399703E-03  1.332813E+00  1.762296E+00  1.000000E-02
     449  4.530000E+01  8.365882E-03  1.329501E+00  1.762417E+00  1.000000E-02
     450  4.540000E+01  8.332103E-03  1.324980E+00  1.762501E+00  1.000000E-02
     451  4.550000E+01  8.298366E-03  1.319301E+00  1.762549E+00  1.000000E-02
     452  4.560000E+01  8.264673E-03  1.312529E+00  1.762559E+00  1.000000E-02
     453  4.570000E+01  8.231024E-03  1.304748E+00  1.762534E+00  1.000000E-02
     454  4.580000E+01  8.197418E-03  1.296056E+00  1.762471E+00  1.000000E-02
     455  4.590000E+01  8.163856E-03  1.286563E+00  1.762372E+00  1.000000E-02
     456  4.600000E+01  8.130339E-03  1.276394E+00  1.762236E+00  1.000000E-02
     457  4.610000E+01  8.096867E-03  1.265678E+00  1.762064E+00  1.000000E-02
     458  4.620000E+01  8.063441E-03  1.254555E+00  1.761855E+00  1.000000E-02
     459  4.630000E+01  8.030060E-03  1.243166E+00  1.761609E+00  1.000000E-02
     460  4.640000E+01  7.996725E-03  1.231656E+00  1.761327E+00  1.000000E-02
     461  4.650000E+01  7.963437E-03  1.220168E+00  1.761008E+00  1.000000E-02
     462  4.660000E+01  7.930196E-03  1.208843E+00  1.760653E+00  1.000000E-02
     463  4.670000E+01  7.897002E-03  1.197816E+00  1.760262E+00  1.000000E-02
     464  4.680000E+01  7.863855E-03  1.187217E+00  1.759834E+00  1.000000E-02
     465  4.690000E+01  7.830757E-03  1.177164E+00  1.759370E+00  1.000000E-02
     466  4.700000E+01  7.797706E-03  1.167765E+00  1.758870E+00  1.000000E-02
     467  4.710000E+01  7.764705E-03  1.159314E+00  1.758333E+00  1.000000E-02
     468  4.720000E+01  7.731752E-03  1.156354E+00  1.757760E+00  1.000000E-02
     469  4.730000E+01  7.698849E-03  1.153392E+00  1.757151E+00  1.000000E-02
     470  4.740000E+01  7.665995E-03  1.150429E+00  1.757771E+00  9.000000E-03
     471  4.750000E+01  7.633192E-03  1.148248E+00  1.758669E+00  9.000000E-03
     472  4.760000E+01  7.600439E-03  1.146381E+00  1.759537E+00  9.000000E-03
     473  4.770000E+01  7.567737E-03  1.144512E+00  1.760375E+00  9.000000E-03
     474  4.780000E+01  7.535086E-03  1.142642E+00  1.761184E+00  9.000000E-03
     475  4.790000E+01  7.502486E-03  1.140769E+00  1.761962E+00  9.000000E-03
     476  4.800000E+01  7.469938E-03  1.138896E+00  1.762709E+00  9.000000E-03
     477  4.810000E+01  7.437442E-03  1.137020E+00  1.763427E+00  9.000000E-03
     478  4.820000E+01  7.404999E-03  1.135143E+00  1.764115E+00  9.000000E-03
     479  4.830000E+01  7.372609E-03  1.133264E+00  1.764772E+00  9.000000E-03
     480  4.840000E+01  7.340271E-03  1.131384E+00  1.765400E+00  9.000000E-03
     481  4.850000E+01  7.307988E-03  1.133766E+00  1.765997E+00  9.000000E-03
     482  4.860000E+01  7.275758E-03  1.137423E+00  1.766564E+00  9.000000E-03
     483  4.870000E+01  7.243582E-03  1.141351E+00  1.767100E+00  9.000000E-03
     484  4.880000E+01  7.211461E-03  1.145431E+00  1.767607E+00  9.000000E-03
     485  4.890000E+01  7.179394E-03  1.149548E+00  1.768084E+00  9.000000E-03
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     486  4.900000E+01  7.150676E-03  1.153586E+00  1.768530E+00  9.000000E-03
     487  4.910000E+01  7.125299E-03  1.157432E+00  1.768946E+00  9.000000E-03
     488  4.920000E+01  7.099948E-03  1.160979E+00  1.769332E+00  9.000000E-03
     489  4.930000E+01  7.074623E-03  1.164126E+00  1.769687E+00  9.000000E-03
     490  4.940000E+01  7.049325E-03  1.166781E+00  1.770013E+00  9.000000E-03
     491  4.950000E+01  7.024054E-03  1.168862E+00  1.770308E+00  9.000000E-03
     492  4.960000E+01  6.998810E-03  1.170295E+00  1.770573E+00  9.000000E-03
     493  4.970000E+01  6.973594E-03  1.171020E+00  1.770808E+00  9.000000E-03
     494  4.980000E+01  6.948405E-03  1.170990E+00  1.771013E+00  9.000000E-03
     495  4.990000E+01  6.923244E-03  1.170169E+00  1.771188E+00  9.000000E-03
     496  5.000000E+01  6.898111E-03  1.169222E+00  1.771332E+00  9.000000E-03
     497  5.010000E+01  6.873006E-03  1.169868E+00  1.771447E+00  9.000000E-03
     498  5.020000E+01  6.847930E-03  1.169721E+00  1.771531E+00  9.000000E-03
     499  5.030000E+01  6.822883E-03  1.168768E+00  1.771585E+00  9.000000E-03
     500  5.040000E+01  6.797864E-03  1.167008E+00  1.771609E+00  9.000000E-03
     501  5.050000E+01  6.772875E-03  1.164454E+00  1.771603E+00  9.000000E-03
     502  5.060000E+01  6.747916E-03  1.161132E+00  1.771567E+00  9.000000E-03
     503  5.070000E+01  6.722986E-03  1.157079E+00  1.771501E+00  9.000000E-03
     504  5.080000E+01  6.698086E-03  1.152342E+00  1.771405E+00  9.000000E-03
     505  5.090000E+01  6.673216E-03  1.146981E+00  1.771278E+00  9.000000E-03
     506  5.100000E+01  6.648377E-03  1.141063E+00  1.771122E+00  9.000000E-03
     507  5.110000E+01  6.623568E-03  1.134665E+00  1.770936E+00  9.000000E-03
     508  5.120000E+01  6.598790E-03  1.127867E+00  1.770720E+00  9.000000E-03
     509  5.130000E+01  6.574043E-03  1.120757E+00  1.770474E+00  9.000000E-03
     510  5.140000E+01  6.549327E-03  1.113426E+00  1.770198E+00  9.000000E-03
     511  5.150000E+01  6.524643E-03  1.105966E+00  1.769892E+00  9.000000E-03
     512  5.160000E+01  6.499991E-03  1.098471E+00  1.769556E+00  9.000000E-03
     513  5.170000E+01  6.475371E-03  1.091033E+00  1.769191E+00  9.000000E-03
     514  5.180000E+01  6.450782E-03  1.083741E+00  1.768796E+00  9.000000E-03
     515  5.190000E+01  6.426227E-03  1.076682E+00  1.768371E+00  9.000000E-03
     516  5.200000E+01  6.401703E-03  1.069936E+00  1.767916E+00  9.000000E-03
     517  5.210000E+01  6.377213E-03  1.063577E+00  1.767431E+00  9.000000E-03
     518  5.220000E+01  6.352756E-03  1.058839E+00  1.766917E+00  9.000000E-03
     519  5.230000E+01  6.328331E-03  1.056904E+00  1.766373E+00  9.000000E-03
     520  5.240000E+01  6.303941E-03  1.054967E+00  1.765800E+00  9.000000E-03
     521  5.250000E+01  6.279584E-03  1.053029E+00  1.765197E+00  9.000000E-03
     522  5.260000E+01  6.255261E-03  1.051090E+00  1.764564E+00  9.000000E-03
     523  5.270000E+01  6.230972E-03  1.049149E+00  1.763902E+00  9.000000E-03
     524  5.280000E+01  6.206717E-03  1.047207E+00  1.764603E+00  8.000000E-03
     525  5.290000E+01  6.182497E-03  1.045265E+00  1.765465E+00  8.000000E-03
     526  5.300000E+01  6.158312E-03  1.043321E+00  1.766303E+00  8.000000E-03
     527  5.310000E+01  6.134161E-03  1.041375E+00  1.767117E+00  8.000000E-03
     528  5.320000E+01  6.110046E-03  1.039429E+00  1.767907E+00  8.000000E-03
     529  5.330000E+01  6.085966E-03  1.037481E+00  1.768673E+00  8.000000E-03
     530  5.340000E+01  6.061922E-03  1.035533E+00  1.769414E+00  8.000000E-03
     531  5.350000E+01  6.037913E-03  1.034966E+00  1.770132E+00  8.000000E-03
     532  5.360000E+01  6.013941E-03  1.036949E+00  1.770825E+00  8.000000E-03
     533  5.370000E+01  5.990004E-03  1.039227E+00  1.771495E+00  8.000000E-03
     534  5.380000E+01  5.966104E-03  1.041728E+00  1.772140E+00  8.000000E-03
     535  5.390000E+01  5.942240E-03  1.044378E+00  1.772761E+00  8.000000E-03
     536  5.400000E+01  5.918414E-03  1.047099E+00  1.773357E+00  8.000000E-03
     537  5.410000E+01  5.894624E-03  1.049818E+00  1.773930E+00  8.000000E-03
     538  5.420000E+01  5.870871E-03  1.052458E+00  1.774478E+00  8.000000E-03
     539  5.430000E+01  5.847156E-03  1.054949E+00  1.775003E+00  8.000000E-03
     540  5.440000E+01  5.823478E-03  1.057222E+00  1.775503E+00  8.000000E-03
     541  5.450000E+01  5.799838E-03  1.059212E+00  1.775978E+00  8.000000E-03
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     542  5.460000E+01  5.780530E-03  1.060861E+00  1.776430E+00  8.000000E-03
     543  5.470000E+01  5.762276E-03  1.062119E+00  1.776858E+00  8.000000E-03
     544  5.480000E+01  5.744039E-03  1.062939E+00  1.777261E+00  8.000000E-03
     545  5.490000E+01  5.725818E-03  1.063286E+00  1.777640E+00  8.000000E-03
     546  5.500000E+01  5.707615E-03  1.063130E+00  1.777995E+00  8.000000E-03
     547  5.510000E+01  5.689428E-03  1.062451E+00  1.778325E+00  8.000000E-03
     548  5.520000E+01  5.671259E-03  1.061238E+00  1.778632E+00  8.000000E-03
     549  5.530000E+01  5.653107E-03  1.059490E+00  1.778914E+00  8.000000E-03
     550  5.540000E+01  5.634972E-03  1.057210E+00  1.779172E+00  8.000000E-03
     551  5.550000E+01  5.616855E-03  1.054416E+00  1.779406E+00  8.000000E-03
     552  5.560000E+01  5.598755E-03  1.051128E+00  1.779616E+00  8.000000E-03
     553  5.570000E+01  5.580674E-03  1.047378E+00  1.779801E+00  8.000000E-03
     554  5.580000E+01  5.562610E-03  1.043203E+00  1.779963E+00  8.000000E-03
     555  5.590000E+01  5.544565E-03  1.038646E+00  1.780100E+00  8.000000E-03
     556  5.600000E+01  5.526537E-03  1.033756E+00  1.780213E+00  8.000000E-03
     557  5.610000E+01  5.508529E-03  1.028588E+00  1.780302E+00  8.000000E-03
     558  5.620000E+01  5.490538E-03  1.023197E+00  1.780366E+00  8.000000E-03
     559  5.630000E+01  5.472567E-03  1.017644E+00  1.780407E+00  8.000000E-03
     560  5.640000E+01  5.454614E-03  1.011990E+00  1.780424E+00  8.000000E-03
     561  5.650000E+01  5.436680E-03  1.006298E+00  1.780416E+00  8.000000E-03
     562  5.660000E+01  5.418765E-03  1.000629E+00  1.780384E+00  8.000000E-03
     563  5.670000E+01  5.400869E-03  9.950423E-01  1.780329E+00  8.000000E-03
     564  5.680000E+01  5.382993E-03  9.895972E-01  1.780249E+00  8.000000E-03
     565  5.690000E+01  5.365136E-03  9.843478E-01  1.780145E+00  8.000000E-03
     566  5.700000E+01  5.347299E-03  9.793447E-01  1.780017E+00  8.000000E-03
     567  5.710000E+01  5.329481E-03  9.746337E-01  1.779865E+00  8.000000E-03
     568  5.720000E+01  5.311683E-03  9.702550E-01  1.779689E+00  8.000000E-03
     569  5.730000E+01  5.293905E-03  9.662428E-01  1.779489E+00  8.000000E-03
     570  5.740000E+01  5.276148E-03  9.626248E-01  1.779265E+00  8.000000E-03
     571  5.750000E+01  5.258410E-03  9.594218E-01  1.779017E+00  8.000000E-03
     572  5.760000E+01  5.240693E-03  9.566475E-01  1.778745E+00  8.000000E-03
     573  5.770000E+01  5.222996E-03  9.543086E-01  1.778450E+00  8.000000E-03
     574  5.780000E+01  5.205320E-03  9.524044E-01  1.778130E+00  8.000000E-03
     575  5.790000E+01  5.187665E-03  9.509272E-01  1.777786E+00  8.000000E-03
     576  5.800000E+01  5.170030E-03  9.498626E-01  1.777419E+00  8.000000E-03
     577  5.810000E+01  5.152417E-03  9.491896E-01  1.777028E+00  8.000000E-03
     578  5.820000E+01  5.134824E-03  9.488814E-01  1.776613E+00  8.000000E-03
     579  5.830000E+01  5.117253E-03  9.489053E-01  1.776174E+00  8.000000E-03
     580  5.840000E+01  5.099703E-03  9.492241E-01  1.775711E+00  8.000000E-03
     581  5.850000E+01  5.082175E-03  9.497962E-01  1.775225E+00  8.000000E-03
     582  5.860000E+01  5.064668E-03  9.505767E-01  1.774715E+00  8.000000E-03
     583  5.870000E+01  5.047183E-03  9.515180E-01  1.774181E+00  8.000000E-03
     584  5.880000E+01  5.029720E-03  9.525705E-01  1.773623E+00  8.000000E-03
     585  5.890000E+01  5.012278E-03  9.536837E-01  1.773042E+00  8.000000E-03
     586  5.900000E+01  4.994859E-03  9.548068E-01  1.772438E+00  8.000000E-03
     587  5.910000E+01  4.977462E-03  9.558899E-01  1.771809E+00  8.000000E-03
     588  5.920000E+01  4.960087E-03  9.568843E-01  1.771158E+00  8.000000E-03
     589  5.930000E+01  4.942735E-03  9.577435E-01  1.770482E+00  8.000000E-03
     590  5.940000E+01  4.925406E-03  9.584240E-01  1.769783E+00  8.000000E-03
     591  5.950000E+01  4.908099E-03  9.588858E-01  1.769807E+00  7.000000E-03
     592  5.960000E+01  4.890814E-03  9.590932E-01  1.770645E+00  7.000000E-03
     593  5.970000E+01  4.873553E-03  9.590151E-01  1.771463E+00  7.000000E-03
     594  5.980000E+01  4.856315E-03  9.586255E-01  1.772263E+00  7.000000E-03
     595  5.990000E+01  4.839100E-03  9.579038E-01  1.773044E+00  7.000000E-03
     596  6.000000E+01  4.821908E-03  9.568351E-01  1.773807E+00  7.000000E-03