OS. ActiveX Component in Microsoft Excel

Error message:

ActiveX component can't create object

when attempting to run an OpenSTAAD macro in Microsoft Excel.

Are macros enabled?

When you open the Excel file, is it asking you to Enable Macros?

If so, make sure you click Yes. If not, you need to change the security settings in Excel. Select Tools > Macro > Security... from the Excel menu. Make sure the Security Level is set to Medium. Close Excel down (completely, not just the file) and reopen the file again. This time it should ask you if you want your Macros enabled or disabled. Choose Enabled.

OpenSTAAD DLL not registered

When you run your macro, if it still gives you the error (ActiveX component can't create object), it might be because the OpenSTAAD library was not registered properly when the program was installed.

Register the DLL

  1. In Windows Explorer, go to the following location: C:\Program Files\Bentley\Engineering\STAAD.Pro 2024\ STAAD\Plugins\StrucLink\.
  2. Search for the file: OpenStaad.Registration.exe.
  3. Right-click on the file OpenStaad.Registration.exe and select Run as Administrator from the pop-up menu.
  4. Click Register OpenSTAADUI to register the DLL.
    A message dialog opens indicating that the OpenSTAADUI type library is registered. If the registration did not succeed, please contact our technical support staff for further instructions.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Try opening and running the Microsoft Excel beam example file provided with your STAAD.Pro software (C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\STAAD.Pro 2024\Samples Sample Models\OpenSTAAD\Rectangle-Beam.xls).
  7. Close all the STAAD.Pro instances and open only the relevant STAAD.Pro model.
  8. Run the macro.