T.2 The Node Displacements Table

When the Displacements page is selected, two tables open on the right side of the program window.

The Node Displacements table lists the displacement values for every node for every selected load case.

The Beam Relative Displacement Detail table displays the displacements along beams at intermediate points.

The Node Displacements table

Figure 1.
Setting Description
All This tab presents all nodal displacements in tabular form for all load cases and all degrees of freedom.
Setting Description
Summary This tab, shown in the figure below, presents the maximum and minimum nodal displacements (translational and rotational) for each degree of freedom. All nodes and all Load Cases specified during the Results Setup are considered. Maximum values for all degrees of freedom are presented with the corresponding Node of occurrence and Load Case number (L/C).

The Beam Relative Displacement Detail table

Figure 2.
Setting Description
All The All tab presents the displacements of members at intermediate section points. All specified members and all specified load cases are included. The table shows displacements along the local axes of the members, as well as their resultants.
Max Displacements The Max Displacements tab presents the summary of maximum sectional displacements (see figure below). This table includes the maximum displacement values and location of its occurrence along the member, for all specified members and all specified load cases. The table also provides the ratio of the span length of the member to the resultant maximum section displacement of the member.