D3.C.2 Design Parameters

The program contains a number of parameters which are needed to perform and control the design to BS8007.

These parameters not only act as a method to input required data for code calculations but give the Engineer control over the actual design process. Default values of commonly used values for conventional design practice have been chosen as the basis. The following table contains a complete list of available parameters with their default values.

Table 1. BS8007 Design Parameters
Parameter Name Default Value Description
FC 30 N/mm2 Concrete grade, in current units of length and force.
CLEAR 20 mm Distance from the outer surface to the edge of the bar, in current units of length. This is considered the same on both surfaces.

Set Reinforcement Angle

  • 0 = (Default) the design is based on the Mx and My moments resulting directly from the STAAD analysis
  • -500 = Consider an orthoganal reinforcement layout with Mxy used to calculate Wood & Armer moments for design
  • Other values are taken as angles (in degrees) of the skew angle of the reinforcement for the calculation of Mxy considered in Wood & Armer equations

Parameter which indicates the type of slab ee. ground or suspended as defined in BS8007

  • 1 = Suspended Slab
  • 2 = Ground Slab
TEMP 30°C Temperature range to be considered in thermal crack width calculations
CRACK 0.2 mm Limiting thermal crack width, in current units of length.