RAM Structural System Help

Modeling Tilt-Up Walls

Since the tilt-up wall analysis is performed in RAM Frame, all tilt-up walls to be considered in the analysis must be modeled as lateral walls. To distinguish tilt-up concrete walls from cast-in-place concrete walls (default assumption), a type property is available to the wall layout and change properties dialogs. When the Tilt-up type and Lateral framing are selected, the gap properties become available and can be assigned to either end.

Exposure is assigned to the wall faces and impacts reinforcement cover in RAM Concrete Wall.

When modeling tilt-up walls that have a physical joint between panels, the gap assignment is used to provide analytical separation between the walls rather than physical modeling the separation. Gaps are displayed in plan as orange rectangles with tails that point toward the wall they are modeled on. In elevation, gaps are displayed as bold orange lines with tabs pointing to the interior of the wall they are modeled in. A gap only needs to be assigned to one wall end at a joint but can be assigned to both wall ends to facilitate rapid modeling. However, this can lead to ambiguous conditions for supported members at joints. In RAM Modeler , Integrity > DataCheck will flag these conditions as errors when they occur.

Graphical display of gap assignment in plan

When a wall is modeled on a floor layout, the i-end of the wall is the end that has the lesser X coordinate, or lesser Y coordinate if the X coordinate are the same, regardless of which point is clicked on first when modeling the wall. The primary face of the wall is on the right side as you walk from the i-end to the j-end of the wall. When looking at a wall in elevation, you are always looking at the primary face. In RAM Modeler , Options > Show Wall allows the primary face and exposure properties to be turned on in the graphical display. The primary face arrow points away from the primary face. Labels for Exterior and Interior exposure assignments are displayed on the corresponding face.