ProjectWise Web and Drive Help

Microsoft Teams Integration

You can embed the ProjectWise Web interface in a Microsoft Teams tab, allowing users who have access to both the ProjectWise project and the team to access their ProjectWise documents directly from Microsoft Teams.

Requirements for Adding the ProjectWise App

Note the following:

  1. You must have permission to add apps to the team.
  2. If you are trying to add the ProjectWise app but cannot find it, it could be because the app is restricted by your organization policy. Contact your Microsoft 365 administrator and ask for the ProjectWise app to be included into the Teams application catalog for your organizations.
  3. Make sure your Bentley Web Services Gateway (WSG) deployment has been updated to allow cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) requests coming from this Microsoft Teams URL: (see Adding and Configuring Work Area Connections)

Adding the ProjectWise App and Work Area Connection

  1. In Microsoft Teams, go to the team where you want to add the work area connection and click the Add a tab button.
  2. In the Add a tab window, select the ProjectWise (ProjectWise 365) app.
  3. On the ProjectWise page, select your ProjectWise project from the list and then click the Service button to go to the next page.
    Note: Projects created in ProjectWise 365 will have the PW365 label next to them in the list, to distinguish them from projects created in the CONNECT Center. Make sure you select a project created in the CONNECT Center.
  4. On the Select Service page, select ProjectWise Web Connections and then click the Connection button to go to the next page.
  5. On the Selects Connection page, select your work area connection from the list (make sure Set created tab as default for connection is turned on) and then click the Tab Name button to go to the final page.
  6. On the Enter Tab Name page, keep or change the name of the work area connection as needed and click Save.

The ProjectWise app is embedded in the tab and displays the selected work area connection.