OpenSite Designer Help

Home Tab

Note: Select a link to "jump" to the desired Home tab group.

Home ribbon interface

Note: Visualization workflow is enabled only when 3D window is active.


Attributes group



Element Template Association

Allows you to lock the active element template when placing an element. When on, the icon is displayed with highlighting.

Element Template

Allows you to opens the Element Templates drop-down to set the active element template, and to manage element templates using the Elements Templates dialog.


Allows you to open the Level drop-down to set the Active Level and the Active Level Filter, to manage levels and filters, to set the display of levels and apply filters, and to recall existing level filters.


Allows you to open the Active Color drop-down to set the active color, and change the colors of selected elements.

Line Style

Allows you to open the line style drop-down to set the active line style to the line style that is chosen.

Line Weight

Allows you to open the line weight drop-down to set the active line weight and change the line weights of selected elements.


Allows you to open the transparency drop-down to set the active element transparency.


Allows you to open the priority drop-down to sets the active element priority (2D models only), which determines how an element is displayed relative to other elements.

Element Class

Allows you to open the element class drop-down to set the active class of element on placement.


Primary group




Manage project data using the Explorer dialog.

  • References - Manage reference attachments using the References dialog.
  • Raster Manager - Manage raster reference attachments using the Raster Manager dialog.
  • Point Clouds - Import, control, visualize and manipulate point cloud images using the Point Clouds dialog.
  • Reality Mesh - Attach and manipulate reality meshes using the Reality Mesh Attachments dialog.


Displays the Models dialog, which allows you to create a new model, copy a model, edit model properties, delete and import models, create a sheet boundary, and list any filters.

Level Display

Turn levels on and off using the Level Display dialog.

Level Manager

Turn levels on and off using the Level Display dialog.

Review or modify information about an element(s), such as its type, attributes, and geometry.

  • Key-In - Open the Key-in window.
  • Toggle AccuDraw - Allows you to enable or disable AccuDraw inputs.
  • Auxiliary Coordinates -
  • Saved Views - Manage saved views using the Saved Views dialog.
  • Cells - Create and manage cells in a Cell Library.
  • Markups - Review markups and comments made in the design through the Markups dialog.
  • Details -
  • Windowed List - Display information related to what is selected in any of the tabs of the Explorer dialog


Selection group



Element Selection

Allows you to select and deselect elements on a per element basis, by defining an area, or by drawing a line that intersects them.

Select All

Allows you to select all elements in the design.

Select None

Allows you to deselect all elements in the design.

Fence Tools

  • Place Fence - Used to place a fence.
  • Modify Fence - Used to move a fence or modify one of its vertices.
  • Manipulate Fence Contents - Used to move, copy, rotate, mirror, scale, or stretch fence contents, which are defined by a fence and (except for stretching) the Fence (Selection) Mode.
  • Delete Fence Contents - Used to delete the fence contents.
  • Drop Fence Contents - Used to break up the contents in a fence into their components.
  • Save Fence to File - Used to copy or move the contents of the active fence to a new DGN or DWG file.
  • Named Boundary - Manage named boundaries and boundary groups using the Named Boundary dialog.
Note: For more in-depth information on Fence Tools, please refer to MicroStation help.

Allows you to lock all elements in the design.

Allows you to unlock all elements in the design.

Bring to Front
Allows you to bring front the selected elements in the design.


Camera group

Settings Description

Place Camera

Allows you setup a view camera, in 3 point projection mode, by entering data points to define first the camera location, then the camera target location.


Allows you to set up a view for rendering, or to create saved views

Allows you to set perspective in a view to match an extra wide angle camera lens.


Allows you to known points in 3D space to corresponding points in a photograph, to determine the camera position, lens angle and target location.


Lighting group

Settings Description


Allows you to set the light source type to a Point Light.


Allows you to control light setups and the settings for both global and source lighting.

Solar Path

Allows you to graphically manipulate the position of the sun in the sky within a view.


Allows you to access controls for environmental settings for Luxology rendering, as well as controls the visibility of these environment settings.


Material group

Settings Description


Allows you to attach a material as an attribute to an element in your model.


Allows you to remove a material that has been attached as an attribute to an element, a face of a SmartSolid, or a face of a Feature solid, in a model.


Allows you to create materials or modify a material palette.


Allows you access the material definitions including pattern maps, bump maps, or combinations of both. When expanded, you can select Open Palette to open a different material palette.


Allows you to attach a material mapping mode to an element.


Rendering group

Settings Description

Render Scene
Allows you to open the Luxology Render dialog, which is used to manage a rendering process.

Save Image
Allows you to open Save Image dialog, which lets you save a rendered image to file.

Save Multiple
Allows you to open the Save Multiple Images, which lets you build an image script file to save multiple images to files.

Save Panorama
Allows you to open the Save Panorama dialog,which lets you save an image as a panorama.


Utilities group

Settings Description

Allows to place cells or RPCs on any surface in a 3D design model.

Place RPC
Allows you to place Arch vision RPC cells in models.
Stencil 2D Elements on 3D Geometry
Allows you create renderable mesh geometry and place it on top of the underlying geometry.

Solar Lightning
Allows you to create a movie (or sequence of images) that shows the locations of shadows cast by the sun over a period of time.

Render Boolean Add
Allows you assign an element to cut the volume of any intersecting geometry, when the view is rendered.

Render Boolean Delete
Allows you unassign a render boolean element to render all the intersecting elements.


LumenRT group

Settings Description


Allows you to export current view to LumentRT for real time rendering.

LumenRT Settings
Allows you to control settings to export a model to LumentRT.