OpenSite Designer Help

Home Tabs

Note: Select a link to "jump" to the desired Home tab group.

Home ribbon tab

Attributes group



Element Template Association

Used to lock the active element template when placing an element. When on, the icon is displayed with highlighting.

Element Template

Opens the Element Templates drop-down to set the active element template, and to manage element templates using the Elements Templates dialog.


Opens the Level drop-down to set the Active Level and the Active Level Filter, to manage levels and filters, to set the display of levels and apply filters, and to recall existing level filters.


Opens the Active Color drop-down to set the active color, and change the colors of selected elements.

Line Style

Opens the line style drop-down to set the active line style to the line style that is chosen.

Line Weight

Opens the line weight drop-down to set the active line weight and change the line weights of selected elements.


Opens the transparency drop-down to set the active element transparency.


Opens the priority drop-down to sets the active element priority (2D models only), which determines how an element is displayed relative to other elements.

Element Class

Opens the element class drop-down to set the active class of element on placement.


Primary group




Manage project data using the Explorer dialog.

  • References - Manage reference attachments using the References dialog.
  • Raster Manager - Manage raster reference attachments using the Raster Manager dialog.
  • Point Clouds - Import, control, visualize and manipulate point cloud images using the Point Clouds dialog.
  • Reality Mesh - Attach and manipulate reality meshes using the Reality Mesh Attachments dialog.


Displays the Models dialog, which allows you to create a new model, copy a model, edit model properties, delete and import models, create a sheet boundary, and list any filters.

Level Display

Turn levels on and off using the Level Display dialog.

Level Manager

Turn levels on and off using the Level Display dialog.

Review or modify information about an element(s), such as its type, attributes, and geometry.

  • Key-In - Open the Key-in window.
  • Toggle AccuDraw - Allows you to enable or disable AccuDraw inputs.
  • Auxiliary Coordinates -
  • Saved Views - Manage saved views using the Saved Views dialog.
  • Cells - Create and manage cells in a Cell Library.
  • Markups - Review markups and comments made in the design through the Markups dialog.
  • Details -
  • Windowed List - Display information related to what is selected in any of the tabs of the Explorer dialog


Selection group

The Selection group is used to select and deselect elements for modification or manipulation.



Element Selection

Select and deselect elements on a per element basis, by defining an area, or by drawing a line that intersects them.

Select All

Select all elements in the design.

Select None

Deselect all elements in the design.


Locks selected elements. The attributes and location of a locked element cannot be changed.


Unlocks selected locked elements.

Bring to Front

Brings the selected elements to the front of the view display.

Fence Tools

  • Place Fence - Used to place a fence.
  • Modify Fence - Used to move a fence or modify one of its vertices.
  • Manipulate Fence Contents - Used to move, copy, rotate, mirror, scale, or stretch fence contents, which are defined by a fence and (except for stretching) the Fence (Selection) Mode.
  • Delete Fence Contents - Used to delete the fence contents.
  • Drop Fence Contents - Used to break up the contents in a fence into their components.
  • Save Fence to File - Used to copy or move the contents of the active fence to a new DGN or DWG file.
  • Named Boundary - Manage named boundaries and boundary groups using the Named Boundary dialog.
Note: For more in-depth information on Fence Tools, please refer to MicroStation help.


Used to cut selected elements to the clipboard.


Used to copy selected elements to the clipboard.


Used to paste elements from the clipboard.


Placement group




Used to place an extruded surface with a rectangular cross-section


Used to place a spherical solid - a solid of revolution with a circular cross section.


Place a solid cylinder

Solid By Profile
  • Solid by Extrusion -
  • Extrusion along a curve of a Custom Profile -
  • Solid by Revolution -
  • Thicken Surface -

Place Smartline

Place a line, line string, shape, arc, or circle or a combination thereof as a complex element.

Place Line

Place or construct a line.

Arc Tools

Arc Tools are used to place and modify arcs.
  • Place Arc - Place a circular arc.
  • Place Half Ellipse - Place an elliptical arc with a sweep angle of 180°.
  • Place Quarter Ellipse - Place an elliptical arc with a sweep angle of 90°.
  • Modify Arc Radius - Modify a circular arc's radius, sweep angle, and center.
  • Modify Arc Angle - Extend or shorten an arc's length (sweep angle).
  • Modify Arc Axis - Lengthen or shorten an axis of an arc.

Ellipse Tools

Ellipse Tools are used to place ellipses and circles.
  • Place Circle - Place a circle.
  • Place Ellipse - Place an ellipse, precisely positioning the center and one end of the primary axis.

Polygon Tools

Polygon Tools are used to place planar polygonal shapes.
  • Place Block - Place a rectangular shape.
  • Place Shape - Place a polygonal shape.
  • Place Othogonal Shape - Place a shape with each segment either perpendicular or parallel to all other segments in the shape.
  • Place Regular Polygon - Place a regular polygon (one with all sides and angles the same).

Place Active Cell

Place the active cell.


  • Place Active Point - Place the Active Point.
  • Point(s) Between - Construct equally spaced Active Points between two data points.
  • Point on Element - Place the Active Point on an element at the point closest to the data point.
  • Point at Intersection - Construct a point at an intersection.
  • Point(s) Along Element - Construct a specified number of Active Points along an element between two data points.
  • Point at Distance Along - Construct the Active Point on an element at a keyed in distance.


Manipulate group

Setting Description


Move an element(s).


Copy an element(s).


Rotate an element(s).


Resize an element(s) by the active scale factors.


Mirror an element(s).

Move Parallel

Move or copy an element with the sides of the copy parallel to the original.


Copy an element(s) many times to create a rectangular or a polar (circular) array.


Stretch an element(s).


  • Align Elements By Edge - Align an element(s) to an edge of another element.
  • Move To Contact - Move an element(s) in a defined direction until it contacts an existing element in the model.


Modify group



Modify Solid

Used to manipulate faces, edges or vertices of a solid by pushing or pulling them interactively


Used to select and manage features used in creating a solid.

Boolean Tools

Boolean Features toolbox contains tools to construct parametric solids by uniting, intersecting, or subtracting existing solids.

2D Modify Tools

Used for creating and modifying 2D tools.

Change Attributes

Used to change selected attributes of an element(s). Change Element Attributes tool settings are used to specify the new attribute settings.

Delete Element

Used to delete an element(s) from the design.


Groups group

Setting Description

Create Region

Create a complex shape from the union, intersection, or difference between closed elements or by "flood fill."

Create Complex Chain

Create a complex chain (open complex element).

Create Complex Shape

Create a complex shape (closed complex element) from individual open elements.

Group Hole

Select a solid element and the hole or holes to be associated with the solid.


Consolidates selected elements into a group (orphan cell) for manipulation as a single entity.

Graphic Groups

  • Add to Graphic Group - Create a graphic group, add elements to an existing graphic group, or combine two or more graphic groups into one graphic group.
  • Drop from Graphic Group - Remove (drop) an element(s) from a graphic group, or break up a graphic group into individual elements.


  • Drop Element - Break up a complex element(s) or an element(s) of a special type into simpler components.
  • Drop Complex Status - Break up a complex element into its components.
  • Drop Line String/Shape Status - Convert a line string or shape to a series of individual line elements.
  • Drop Association - Discontinue an association between a shared cell, dimension witness line, or multi-line and another element.
  • Drop Line Style - Convert an element with a custom line style to an identically appearing group of primitive elements with standard line styles.