OpenRoads SignCAD Help


Last updated: August 28, 2024

Drawing Ribbon

General Group

General Group

Settings Description
Element Selection Allows you to Select and deselect elements on a per-element basis or by defining an area.
Properties Allows you to open the properties dialog
Delete Allows you to delete the selected element.
Cut Allows you to cut the selected elements are deleted from the active file and added to the clipboard..
Copy Allows you to copy the selected element are added to the clipboard.
Paste Allows you to paste contents of the clipboard.

Panels Group

Panels Group

Settings Description
Rectangular Allows you to place a rectangular panel elements.
Standard Sign Allows you to place a standard sign panel elements.
Lane Control Allows you to place a lane control panel elements.
Standard Signs Allows you to place a standard sign panel.
Panel Templates Allows you to define a panel template.
Panel Selection Allows panels to be selected when enabled. When disabled, panels cannot be selected.

Text Group

Text Group

Settings Description
Text Allows you to place text.
Edit Text Allows you to edit existing text.

Route Markers Group

Route Markers Group

Settings Description
Interstate Allows you to place interstate route makers.
  • Interstate
  • State Name
Business Allows you to place business route markers.
  • Business Loop
  • Business Spur
  • US Business
  • US Business Route Ind
State Highway Allows you to place state highway route markers.
US Route Allows you to place US route markers.
  • US Route
  • US Route Ind
  • US Historic
  • US Historic Ind
County Allows you to place county and township route markers.
  • Pentagonal County
  • Square County
  • Township
National Forest Allows you to place national forest route markers
Hazardous Allows you to place the hazardous and No hazardous material markers.
  • Hazardous
  • No Hazardous
Indian Allows you to place an Indian route marker.
Canada Allows you to place a Canada route marker.
  • Trans-Canada
  • Provincial
  • Yellow Head

Arrow Group

Arrows Group

Settings Description
Place Standard Arrow Allows you to place the standard arrow.
Place Up Arrow Allows you to place an up arrow.
Place Down Arrow Allows you to place a down arrow.
Place 45 Advance Turn Arrow Allows you to place the 45-degree advance turn arrow.
Place 90 Advance Turn Arrow Allows you to place a 90-degree advance turn arrow
Place U-Turn Arrow Allows you to place the U-turn arrow.
Place Double Headed Arrow Allows you to place a double-headed arrow.
Place 90 Double Headed Arrow Allows you to place a 90-degree advance-headed arrow
Place Diagrammatic Arrow Allows you to place a diagrammatic arrow.

Lines Group

Lines Group

Settings Description
Place Horizontal Line Allows you to place the horizontal line.
Place Vertical Line Allows you to place a vertical line.
Place Arbitrary line Allows you to place an arbitrary line.

Rectangles Group

Rectangles Group

Settings Description
Place Rectangle Allows you to place a rectangle.
Place Rounded Rectangle Allows you to place a rounded rectangle.

Place Group

Place Group

Settings Description
Templates Allows you to manage templates.
Favorites Allows you to manage favorites.
Symbol Allows you to place symbols.
Arrangement Allows you to create arrangements.
Edit Arrangement Allows you to edit created arrangements.
Registration Mark Allows you to display a registration mark.