OpenRoads SignCAD Help


The Arrangement tool allows you to create arrangement boxes. There are four types of arrangement boxes: Row, Column, Tabular and Stack.

Objects in rows can be aligned top, middle, or bottom; those in columns can be aligned left, center, or right; and those in tabular arrangements can be aligned in both rows and columns. Stack arrangements are used to superimpose objects on one another such as an allowance/prohibition symbol over a symbol or letter.

Arrangement Dialog

An arrangement is a layout of objects bound together in a row, column, tabular or stack box and separated by spacing. A 1x1 Tabular arrangement can be used as a spacer to offset an object's position. In the sign below, a 1x1 Tabular arrangement is added below "" so that the descending characters fit within the panel.. An arrangement can contain many, one, or no objects. 1x1 Tabular spacer example.JPG

Arrangements can be nested, such as rows of objects that are placed into a column or a cell of a tabular arrangement.

Below is an example of a nested arrangement. A row with two State Highway shields is added to column 2, row 2 of a tabular arrangement. Nested arrangement example.JPG