OpenRail Designer Help


Select in the Toolbox


Horizontal Geometry Report

A filter to specify groups of horizontal alignments to include in the report data file.

Horizontal Point Report

A filter to create a Geometry Point report for selected points.

Profile Report

A filter to specify groups of vertical alignments to include in the report data file.

Legal Report

A filter to specify information on closed alignments and reference alignments.

Deed Writer
A filter to create legal descriptions of boundaries, takes and remainders.

Map Check Report

A filter to specify information based on plotted data rather than the internal precision stored by the software.

Station Base/Offset Report

A filter to specify information on station offset/base data for selected alignments or features.

Point Feature Station Offset Elevation

creates a report that contains point name, point feature, station, and offset from selected points to a baseline MicroStation or civil horizontal geometry or survey element.

Superelevation Report

A filter to specify information on superelevation and displays data on the selected sections.